| William Howitt - 1847 - 524 pages
...sufficiently ? What says John Milton, another glorious son of the Muse ? " What needs my Shakspeare for his honour'd bones, The labour of an age in piled stones ] Or that his hallowed reliques should be hid Under a star-ypointing pyramid? Dear son of memory, great heir of fame... | |
| Robert Aspland - 1847 - 792 pages
...the errors will be corrected. — JEAN PAUL. 3N 2 SHAKESPEARE AND MILTON. " What needs my Shakespeare for his honour'd bones, The labour of an age in piled stones ? Or that his hallow d reliques should be hid Under a star-y pointing pyramid ? Dear eon of memory, great heir of... | |
| Julius Charles Hare, Augustus William Hare - 1848 - 426 pages
...wind up these remarks by quoting Milton's noble epitaph. What needs my Shakspeare for his honoured bones The labour of an age in piled stones ! Or that his hallowed relics should be hid Under a star-ypointing pyramid 1 Dear son of memory, great heir of fame,... | |
| 1913 - 610 pages
...]»ietical compositions, the Epitaph on Shakespeare, we find the lines : — What needs my Shakespeare, for his honour'd bones, The labour of an age in piled stones ? Or that his hullow'd reliques should be hid Under a stai-y pointing pyramid ? Here the syllabic augment y- is prefixed... | |
| 1914 - 650 pages
...are as follows, are those that reveal the secret : — What neede my Shakespeare for hie honour' d bones, The labour of an Age, in piled stones Or that his hallow'd Reliques should be hid Under a starre-ypointed Pyramid? Deare Sonne of Memory, great Heirfi of Fame, What needst... | |
| Charles Knight - 1849 - 582 pages
...published : — '• AN EPITAPH ON THE ADMIRABLE DRAMATIc POET, W. SHAKESPEARE. " What need my Shakespeare for his honour'd bones The labour of an age in piled stones, * Life of Shakspere, in ' Lardncr's Cyclopedia' t See Hook Ix. chap. iv. Or that his hallow'd relies... | |
| 1913 - 686 pages
...poetical compositions, the Epitaph on Shakespeare, we find the lines : — What needs my Shakespeare, for his honour'd bones, The labour of an age in piled stones ? Or that his hallow'd reliques should be hid X'nder a star-¡/ pointing pyramid f Here the syllabic augment y- is prefixed to present... | |
| John Milton - 1850 - 704 pages
...prose.] AN EPITAPH ON THE ADMIRABLE DRAMATIC POET WILLIAM 3HAKSPEARE. WHAT needs my Shakspeare,for his honour'd bones, The labour of an age in piled stones? Or that his hallow'd reliques should be hid Under a starry-pointing pyramid? Dear son of Memory, great heir of Fame, What need'st... | |
| John Milton - 1851 - 508 pages
...our early Song, And welcom thee, and wifh thee long. 10 On Shakefpear. 1630. [HAT needs my Shakefpear for his honour'd Bones, The labour of an age in piled...hallow'd reliques mould be hid Under a Star-ypointing Pyramid1? Dear fon of memory, great heir of Fame, What need'ft thou fuch weak witnefs of thy name ?... | |
| Alfred Bate Richards - 1851 - 288 pages
...Epitaph on the admirable Dramatic Poet, Win. Shakespeare. BY JOHN MILTON. " What needs my Shakespeare for his honour'd bones ? The labour of an age in piled stones ? Or that his hallow'd reliques should lie hid Under a star-ypointing pyramid ? — Dear son of memory, great heir of fame, What need'st... | |
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