That in Actions of Debt or upon the Case grounded upon any Simple Contract no Acknowledgment or Promise by Words only shall be deemed sufficient Evidence of a new or continuing Contract, whereby to take any Case out of the Operation of the said Enactments... A Compendium of the Law of Prescription in Ceylon - Page xviiby Elange Sinivasaka Senadhiraja - 1901Full view - About this book
 | Canada - 1845 - 730 pages
...understood according to law, no acknowledgment or promise by words only shall be deemed sufiicient evidence of a new or continuing contract, signed by the party chargeable thereby; and that where there shall be two or more joint contractors, or executors or administrators of any contractor,... | |
 | Great Britain. Court of King's Bench, Sir Edmund Saunders - 1845 - 602 pages
...out of the operation of the statute, unless such acknowledgment or promise shall be made orcontained by or in some writing, to be signed by the party chargeable thereby. And where there shall be two or more joint contractors, or executors, or administrators, no such joint... | |
 | 1846 - 536 pages
...nature, between merchant and merchant, trader and trader, so reputed and understood according to law, no acknowledgment or promise, by words only, shall...writing, to be signed by the party chargeable thereby." As to the cases in which a new or continuing contract is necessary, an English writer, commenting upon... | |
 | Matthew Bacon, Sir Henry Gwilliam, Charles Edward Dodd - 1846 - 710 pages
...the case out of the operation of the said enactments, (the Statute of Limitations, 21 Jac. 1 c. 16,) or to deprive any party of the benefit thereof, unless...writing to be signed by the party chargeable thereby." The plaintiff, in Hilary term, 1829, brought an action for a debt more than six years old, and in order... | |
 | Edmund Robert Daniell - 1846 - 724 pages
...evidence of a new or continuing contract, whereby to take any case out of the operation of the statute, or to deprive any party of the benefit thereof, unless...writing to be signed by the party chargeable thereby, (y) The above act does not, however, alter or take away or lessen the effect of any payment of any... | |
 | Edmund Robert Daniell - 1846 - 858 pages ^^-N^"^^ or continuing contract, whereby to take any case out of the operation of the statute, or to deprive any party of the benefit thereof, unless...writing to be signed by the party chargeable thereby (q) (I). The above Act does not, however, alter or take away or lessen the effect of any payment of... | |
 | Matthew Bacon, Sir Henry Gwilliam, Charles Edward Dodd - 1846 - 890 pages of the benefit thereof, unless such acknowledgment or promise shall be made or contain• ed by or in some writing to be signed by the party chargeable thereby ; and that where there shall be two or more joint contractors, or executors, or administrators of any contractor,... | |
 | Great Britain. Court of Common Pleas - 1847 - 612 pages
...more than six years before the commencement of the action. By the 9 G. 4, c. 14, s. 1, "in actions of debt or upon the case, grounded upon any simple...writing to be signed by the party chargeable thereby :" " provided always, that nothing herein contained shall alter, or take away, or lessen the effect... | |
 | John William Smith - 1847 - 438 pages
...given an acknowledgment by writing signed, (a) signed. (a) The statute 9 Geo. 4. c. 1. enacts " that no acknowledgment or promise by words only shall be...signed by the party chargeable thereby ; and that where there shall be two or more joint contractors, or executors, or administrators of any contractor,... | |
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