| George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1870 - 770 pages
...and of ib« Castle of Otranto, he is the Ultimas Komanorum, the author of the .Mysterious Mother, i rge Gordon Byron Byron rorro and of the last tragedy in our language, and surely worthy of a higher place than any livirj... | |
 | William Clark Russell - 1871 - 548 pages
...composition of his incomparable " Letters," and of the " Castle of Otranto," he is the Ultimus Romanorum, the author of the " Mysterious Mother," a tragedy...and surely worthy of a higher place than any living author, be he who he may. — Byron. In speaking of the " Castle of Otranto," it may be remarked as... | |
 | Samuel Austin Allibone - 1871 - 836 pages
...Otranto, he ia-the ' Ultinnis Ronuuiorum,' — the author of the МуМегюп* Mother, a trngedy of the highest order, and not a puling love-play. He is the father of the first romance and of the la*t tragedy in our lm;j H:>; •• : and surety worthy of a higher place than nny living writer,... | |
 | Samuel Austin Allibone - 1871 - 832 pages
...author of the MysteriouN Mother, a tragedy of tlie highest order, and not a puling love-play. Ho in the father of the first romance and of the last tragedy in our language; and surely worthy of я higher place than any living writer, be he who he may." — LORD BTKOM: I^-ffact to Mar inn " What,... | |
 | Samuel Austin Allibone - 1871 - 832 pages
...author of the Mysterious Mother, tragedy of the highest order, and not м puling love-play. Ни s the- father of the first romance and of the last tragedy in our «lignage; and surely worthy of я higher ¡dace than any living writer, be he who IIB mny."— LORD... | |
 | 1873 - 740 pages
...Horace Walpole ? Here it is, in the preface to " Marino Faliero : " "He is the ul/tmus J'ontanorum, the author of the 'Mysterious Mother,' a tragedy of...and surely worthy of a higher place than any living author, be he who he may." Frank. A comical judgment, truly, if sincere ! Uenii'in. I believe Byron... | |
 | 1873 - 822 pages
...of Horace Waipole ? Here it is, in the preface to Marino Faliero — ' He is the vltimtti Romanorum, the author of the Mysterious Mother, a tragedy of...and surely worthy of a higher place than any living author, be he who he may.' Frank. A comical judgment, truly, if sincere ! Benison,. I believe Byron... | |
 | 1873 - 808 pages
...of Horace Waipole ? Here it is, in the preface to ilaïiuo Fallero — ' He is the MMV# Komaiwrum, the author of the Mysterious Mother, a tragedy of...and surely worthy of a higher place than any living author, be he who he may.' Frank. A comical judgment, truly, if sincere ! Beniton. I believe Byron... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1873 - 898 pages
...composition of hU incomparable letters, and of the Castle of Otranto, he U the " Ultlmus Romanorum," ncely ears, till the o'erstnng Nations have arm'd...Which tumbles mightiest sovereigns, and hath flung ялу living writer, be he who he may. In speaking of the drama of Marino Faliero, I torpot to mention,... | |
 | 1873 - 854 pages
...Horace Waipole? Here it is, in the preface to Marino Faliero — ' Ho is the vttimta li'jinanorum, the author of the Mysterious Mother, a tragedy of...father of the first romance and of the last tragedy in onr language ; and surely worthy of a higher place than any living author, be he who he may.' Frank.... | |
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