| New York (State). Legislature. Senate - 1862 - 1000 pages
...obtained leave [SENATE JOURNAL.] 24 to introduce a bill entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to authorize the formation of railroad companies and to regulate the same,' passed April 2, 1860," which was read the first time, and hy unanimous consent was also read the second time, and... | |
| Murray Hoffman - 1862 - 484 pages
...derive authority under the act entitled ' An act to authorize the formation of Railroad Corporations, and to regulate the same,' passed April second, eighteen hundred and fifty, or act amendatory thereof, or in addition thereto, to construct any railroad in or upon any or either... | |
| New York (State). State Engineer and Surveyor - 1866 - 598 pages
...4. Section sixteen of the act entitled " An act to authorize the formation of railroad corporations, and to regulate the same," passed April second, eighteen hundred and fifty, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 16. The commissioners shall take and subscribe the... | |
| New York (State) - 1870 - 860 pages
...fourteenth section of the act entitled " An act to authorize the formation of railroad corporations, and to regulate the same," passed April second, eighteen hundred and fifty, and also the several acts amending the same. 5 5. On presenting such petition, and no efficient cause be... | |
| 1872 - 438 pages
...entitled " An act to amend au act entitled ' An act to authorize the formation of railroad corporations and to regulate the same,' " passed April second, eighteen hundred and fifty, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : §5. Corporations may be formed under the act entitled... | |
| 1870 - 546 pages
...entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to authorize the formation of railroad corporations, and to regulate the same,' passed April second, eighteen hundred and fifty, so as to permit municipal corporations to aid in the construction of railroads," passed May eighteen,... | |
| New York (State) - 1871 - 116 pages
...recorded as of the date of the original filing or record. § 4. Section forty-one of an act entitled "An act to authorize the formation of railroad companies...same," passed April second, eighteen hundred and fifty, is hereby amended so as to read as follows : § 41. If any person employed or who shall be employed... | |
| New York (State). State Engineer and Surveyor - 1871 - 1082 pages
...To tlie State Engineer and Surveyor, Albany, If. Y.: Pursuant to section 31 of the act entitled "An act to authorize the formation of railroad companies, and to regulate the same," passed April 2, 1850, respectfully report: That this company was organized under the general railroad act above... | |
| New York (State). Legislature. Assembly - 1872 - 1158 pages
...entitled "An act to repeal chapter 907 of the Laws of 1869, entitled 'An act to amend an act entitled An act to authorize the formation of railroad companies, and to regulate the same, passed April 2, 1850, so as to permit municipal corporations to aid in the construction of railroads,' passed May... | |
| New York (State). Legislature. Senate - 1872 - 1312 pages
..."An act to amend chapter 140 of the Laws of 1 850, and chapter 775 of the Laws of 1867, entitled 'An act to authorize the formation of railroad companies, and to regulate the same,' " which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred... | |
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