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" Newark," and that by that name, they and their successors forever shall and may have perpetual succession, and shall be persons in law capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being... "
Laws of the State of New York - Page 192
by New York (State) - 1858
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An Historical Sketch of the Baptist Missionary Convention of the State of ...

John Peck, John Lawton - 1837 - 276 pages
...Missionary Society." And by that name they, and their successors, shall and may have succea< sion, and shall be persons, in law, capable of suing, and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, in all courts and places whatsoever, in all manner of action and actions, suits,...
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A Directory of the Cities of Cleveland & Ohio, for the Years 1837-38 ...

Julius P. Bolivar MacCabe - 1837 - 204 pages
...of Cleveland ; and by that name shall be capable of contracting and being contracted with, of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, answering and being answered unto, in all courts and places, and in all matters whatsoever ; with power of purchasing, receiving, holding,...
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Acts of the State of Ohio, Volume 35

Ohio - 1837 - 762 pages
..."City of Toledo;" and by that name shall be capable of contracting and being contracted with, of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, answering and being answered unto, in all courts snd places, and in all matters whatsoever; with power of purchasing, receiving, holding,...
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Private and Special Laws of the State of Connecticut, Volume 1

Connecticut - 1837 - 804 pages
...corporate and politic in fact and in name, by the name of " The Hartford Library Company," and by that name they and their successors, shall and may have perpetual succession, and shall and may by the same name, be persons capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer...
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Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia: Passed at the Session of 1836-37 ...

Virginia - 1837 - 360 pages
...and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and that they and their successors Corporate powen, shall be persons in law. capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, in all courts and places whatsoever, and that they and their successors shall...
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Public and Local Acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan

Michigan - 1838 - 414 pages
...politic, in fact and in name, to be styled " The Trustees of the Tecumseh Academy ;" that by that name they and their successors shall and may have perpetual...and being impleaded, answering and being answered, defending and being defended in all courts of record whatever, and in all manner of suits, actions,...
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Session Laws

Texas - 1838 - 1142 pages
...NAVIGATION, AND BANKING COMPANY;" and by that name, they and their successors, shall and may have continual succession, and shall be persons in law, capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being implcaded, answering and being answered unto, defending and being defended, in all courts...
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Annual Report, Volumes 1-18

American and Foreign Bible Society - 1838 - 1180 pages
...the name stated in such certificate, and by that name they and their successors shall and may have succession, and shall be persons in law capable of suing and being sued ; and they and their successors may have and use a common seal, and the same may alter and change at...
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Acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan

Michigan - 1839 - 430 pages
...fact and name, to be styled ''The trustees of Grand River theological seminary ;" that by that name, they and their successors, shall and may have persons in law capable of suing and being sued, of pleading and being impleaded, of answering and being answered, of defending and being defended in...
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Acts of the Legislature of the State of Michigan

Michigan - 1839 - 396 pages
...fact and name, to be styled "The trustees of Grand River theological seminary;" that by that name, they and their successors, shall and may have persons in law capable of suing and being sued, of pleading and being impleaded, of answering and being answered, of defending and being defended in...
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