The sum total of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation, on which rises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness. Political Science Quarterly - Page 2041908Full view - About this book
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...appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production. The totality of these relations of production constitutes the economic...structure of society, the real foundation, on which arises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness.... | |
| Nico Stehr, Reiner Grundmann - 2005 - 424 pages
...appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production. The totality of these relations of production constitutes the economic...structure of society, the real foundation, on which arises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness.... | |
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...Economy (1964). First, his discussion of the relationship that exists between society and consciousness: of production constitutes the economic structure of society — the real foundation, on which legal and political superstructures arise and to which definite forms of social consciousness correspond.... | |
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...of the dominant classes in society.7 As Marx points out, In the social production of their life, men enter into definite relations that are indispensable and independent of their will, relations of production which correspond to a definite stage of development of their material productive... | |
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...creation of a bountiful, egalitarian and democratic world. In the social production of their life, men enter into definite relations that are indispensable and independent of their will, relations of production which correspond to a definite stage of development of their material productive... | |
| Shaun Best - 2005 - 344 pages
...'A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy': In the social production of their life, men enter into definite relations that are indispensable and independent of their will, relations of production which correspond to a definite stage of development of their material productive... | |
| Brian Belton - 2005 - 216 pages
...of will or a general attitude. Marx's analysis suggests, In the social production of their life, men enter into definite relations that are indispensable and independent of their will, relations of production which correspond to a definite stage of development of their material productive... | |
| Brian Belton - 2005 - 216 pages
...of will or a general attitude. Marx's analysis suggests, In the social production of their life, men enter into definite relations that are indispensable and independent of their will, relations of production which correspond to a definite stage of development of their material productive... | |
| Alessandro De Giorgi - 2006 - 190 pages
...punishment can be situated is historical materialism as Marx presented it in the famous 'Preface' of 1859: In the social production which men carry on they enter...development of their material powers of production. The totality of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society - the real... | |
| VD Mahajan - 2006 - 936 pages" Elaborating the relation between the real foundation and the super-structure, Marx observed.^ln the social production which men carry on, they enter...will; these relations of production correspond to adefinite state of development of their material powers of production. The sum total of these relations... | |
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