| John Simcoe Saunders - 1831 - 598 pages
...assignees, for any thing done in pursuance of the 6 G. 4, c. 16, by the 44th section of that act, the defts. may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence. The action must be commenced against them within three calendar months after the fact complained of... | |
| Joseph Chitty - 1831 - 780 pages
...9Wentw. Index, ciii. A peace officer acting by virtue of his office, need not join in the plea, but may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence, 7 Jac. 1. c. 5, and 21 Jac. 1. c. 12.— See Burn, J. 26th ed. "Constable." — 1 Stra. 440. — 9... | |
| 1841 - 436 pages
...anything done or executed in pursuance of this Act, or of any clause, matter, or thing herein contained, such person may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence, for his defence. xv. That in construing this Act the word " county" shall he taken to include hundred,... | |
| Matthew Bacon - 1832 - 844 pages
...commissioners must be commenced within three months after the fact committed ; and the commissioners may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence ; and are entitled to double costs on nonsuit, or verdict for defendant, or discontinuance after appearance,... | |
| David Steel - 1832 - 1188 pages
...tried in the county where the facts were committed, and not in. any other county, and the defendant may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence ; and if the plaintiff1 shall become nonsuited, or discontinue, or if, upon a verdict or demurrer, judgment... | |
| Joseph Blunt - 1832 - 720 pages
...bo sued or prosecuted, for any matter, act. or thing done under or by virtue of this act, be or they may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence. SSJCT. 11. .lad lie if further enacted, That, if any person <>r persons, from and after the passing... | |
| Beamish Murdoch - 1832 - 260 pages
...86.—Limits actions against any person for what he may do in pursuance of this act to 3 months—and he may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence. Sec. 87.—Governor may order militia act to be read. Sec. 88.—Governor may appoint inspecting field... | |
| 1832 - 344 pages
...sued or prosecuted, for any matter, act, or thing done under or by virtue, of this act, he or they may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence. SEC. II. And be it further enacted, That, if any person or persons, from and after the passing of this... | |
| Thomas Coventry, Samuel Hughes - 1832 - 672 pages
...general issue. Netcton v. Creswick, 3 Mod. 166. 2. It is not true as a rule, that where the defendant may plead the general issue and give the special matter in evidence, he shall not plead specially. Paramour v. Johnston, 12 Mod. 376, 377. 2 Vent. 295. 3. In many cases... | |
| Henry Roscoe - 1832 - 660 pages
...action must be commenced within three lunar months. Croker v. MTavish, 1 Bingh. 307." The defendant may plead the general issue, and give the special matter in evidence. 23 Geo. III. c. 70, s. 33, 24 Geo. III. sess. 2, c. 47, s. 35. ACTIONS BY EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS.... | |
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