| Virginia, William Waller Hening - 1819 - 620 pages
...to hear and determine the cause in a summary way, upon such evidence as shall h.- given, and s'lall give judgment according as the very right of the cause and matter in law shall appi-ar unto them, without regard to iorm, or want of form, in the process, petition, or course of... | |
| Edward Lawes, Joseph Story - 1811 - 668 pages
...judgment, or on general demurrer, the statute declaring that in all cases, the judges shall proceed to give judgment, according as the very right of the cause and matter in law should appear to them, without regarding any imperfection omission or defect, in any declaration, &c.... | |
| Sir Edward Coke - 1812 - 642 pages
...to try the issue first, if they wilL After demurrer joyncd in any court of record, the judges shall give judgment according as the very right of the cause and matter in law shall appeare, without regarding any want of forme in any writ, returne, plaint, declaration, or other pleading,... | |
| William Tidd - 1817 - 718 pages
...that after demurrer joined and entered in any ac" tion or suit, in any court of record, the judges shall proceed '' and give judgment, according as the...right of the cause " and matter in law shall appear to them, without regarding " any imperfection, defect or want of form, in any writ, re" turn, plaint,... | |
| Joseph Chitty - 1819 - 544 pages
...be joined and entered in any " action or suit in any court of record within this realm, the judges " shall proceed and give judgment according as the very right of the " cause and matter in law shall аррсмг unto them, without regarding " any imperfection, omivsion, or defect, in any writ, return,... | |
| Edward Ingersoll - 1821 - 882 pages
...or want of form, but the said courts, respectively, shall proceed and give judgment according as the right of the cause, and matter in law, shall appear unto them, without regarding any imperfections, defects, or want of form in such writ, declaration, or other pleading, return, process,... | |
| Rhode Island - 1822 - 592 pages
...after, &c. in the supreme judicial court. Surviving plaintiff may proceed against surviving defendant. the cause and matter in law shall appear unto them, without regarding any imperfections, defects or want of form, in such writ, declaration, or other pleadings, return, process,... | |
| Nathan Dane - 1824 - 768 pages
...shall be joined and entered in any action or suit, in any court of record within this realm, the judges shall proceed and give judgment according as the very...them, without regarding any imperfection, omission, or defect in any writ, return, plaint, declaration, or other pleadings, process, or course of proceeding... | |
| Nathan Dane - 1824 - 764 pages
...material, as it was proved the execution was in fact against the town. and give judgment according as the right of the cause and matter in law shall appear unto them, without regarding any imperfections, defects, or want of form in such writ," &c. except those specially pointed oul by demurrer;... | |
| Henry John Stephen - 1824 - 598 pages
...164. (*) Co. Litt. 72. a. Reg. Plac. 125, 126. Bac. Ab. Pleas., &c. N.5. (y) Vide supm, pp. 61, 62. " cause and matter in law shall appear unto them, " without regarding any imperfection, omission, de" feet, or want of form, except those only which the " party demurring shall specially and particularly... | |
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