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" State during the six months immediately preceding such election, and shall have declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States, conformably to the laws of the United States on the subject of naturalization, shall be entitled to vote in... "
A Pamphlet Containing a Copy of All Measures "referred to the People by the ... - Page 3
by Oregon. Office of the Secretary of State - 1910 - 208 pages
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A Pamphlet Containing a Copy of All Measures "referred to the People by the ...

Oregon. Office of the Secretary of State - 1910 - 248 pages
...citizen of the United State one year preceding such election, conformably to the laws of the Unite States on the subject of naturalization, shall be entitled to vote at a elections authorized by law; it is expressly provided hereby that n citizen who is a taxpayer shall...
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The Oregon Blue Book

Oregon. Office of the Secretary of State - 1911 - 718 pages
...during the six months Immediately preceding such election, and shall have declared his Intention to become a citizen of the United States one year preceding...subject of naturalization, shall be entitled to vote at ail elections authorized by law. i 3. Idiots, Insane, and CcnvlcU. No Idiot or Insane person shall...
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The Proposed Constitution of Indiana

Jacob Piatt Dunn - 1911 - 64 pages
...preceding such election, and shall have declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States, conformably to the laws of the United States on the subject of naturalization, shall be entitled Section 21. No man's particular services shall be demanded without just compensation. No man's property...
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Laws of Wisconsin Relating to Common Schools ...: Pub. Under the Direction ...

Wisconsin - 1911 - 422 pages
...United States. 2. Persons of foreign birth who shall have declared their intention to become citizens, conformably to the laws of the United States on the subject of naturalization. (After December, 1912, all persons must be citizens of the United States as well as of the state in...
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The Blue Book of the State of Wisconsin for ...

1911 - 930 pages
...first day of December, AD 1908, shall hnvc declared their Intentions to become citizens conformable to the laws of the United States on the subject of naturalization; provided that the rights hereby granted to such persons shall cease on the first day of December, AD...
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A Pamphlet Containing a Copy of All Measures "referred to the People by the ...

Oregon. Office of the Secretary of State - 1912 - 270 pages
...the six months immediately preceding such election, and shall have declared his or her intention to become a citizen of the United States one year preceding...entitled to vote at all elections authorized by law. 3,~. (On Official Ballot Nos. 300 and 301.) ARGUMENT (affirmative) SUBMITTED BY THE OREGON STATE EQUAL...
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Government in State and Nation

James Alton James, Albert Hart Sanford - 1912 - 456 pages
...preceding such election, and shall have declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States, conformably to the laws of the United States on the...subject of naturalization, shall be entitled to vote in the township or precinct where he may reside, if he shall have been duly registered according to...
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General Constitutional and Statutory Provisions Relative to Suffrage

1912 - 124 pages
...prior to the first day of December, AD 1908, shall have declared their intentions to become citizens conformably to the laws of the United States on the subject of naturalization: Provided, that the rights hereby granted to such persons shall cease on the first day of December,...
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Election Law of the State Enacted by the Assembly

1912 - 290 pages
...native, or naturalized citizen? And if neither; have you declared your intention to become a citizen, conformably to the laws of the United States on the subject of naturalization, at least four months previous to today? Third — Have you become a citizen of the United States, by...
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Political Science Quarterly, Volume 27

1912 - 800 pages
...the suffrage to " persons of foreign birth who shall have declared their intention to become citizens conformably to the laws of the United States on the subject of naturalization." While the federal law regards the declaration as void after seven years, there is apparently nothing...
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