| Joseph Story - 1840 - 384 pages
...Congress assembled, with any king, prince, or state, in pursuance of any treaties, already pro posed by Congress to the courts of France and Spain. No...necessary, by the United States in Congress assembled, for the defence of such State, or its trade ; not shall any body of forces be kept up by any State, ii... | |
| 1841 - 604 pages
...then already proposed by congress to the courts of France and Spain. That no vessels of war should be kept up in time of peace by any state, except such number as congress should deem necessary for the defence of such state, or its trade. That no body of forces... | |
| 1842 - 668 pages
...into by the United States in Congress assembled, with any king, prince or State, in pursuance of any treaties already proposed by Congress, to the courts of France and Spain. No vessels of war shall be kept'up in time of peace by any State, except such number only, as shall be deemed necessary by the... | |
| 1842 - 670 pages
...already proposed by Congress, to the courts of France and Spain. No vessels of war shall be kept'up in time of peace by any State, except such number only, as shall bo deemed necessary by the United States in Congress assembled, for the defence of such State, or its... | |
| 1843 - 434 pages
...in pursuant* of any treaties already proposed by Congress to the courts of France and Spain. § 4. No vessels of war shall be kept up in time of peace,...necessary by the United States, in Congress assembled, for the defence of such State, or its trade : nor shall any bodv of forces be kept up, by any State, ic... | |
| Henry Sherman - 1843 - 302 pages
...into by the United States, in Congress assembled, with any king, prince, or state, in pursuance of any treaties already proposed by Congress to the courts of France and Spain. § 4. No vessels of war shall be kept up in time of peace by any State, except such number only as... | |
| William Alexander Duer - 1843 - 436 pages
...into by the United States in Congress assembled, with any king, prince, or state, in pursuance of any treaties already proposed by Congress to the courts of France and Spain. § 4. No vessels of war shall be kept up in time of peace by any state, except such number only as... | |
| Samuel Griswold Goodrich - 1844 - 370 pages
...into, by the United States in congress assembled, with any king, prince, or state, in pursuance of any treaties, already proposed by congress to the courts...necessary, by the United States in congress assembled, for the defence of such state, or its trade ; nor shall any body of forces be kept up by any state, in... | |
| Rhode Island - 1844 - 612 pages
...into by the United States in Congress assembled, with any king, prince, or state, in pursuance of any treaties already proposed by Congress to the courts...necessary by the United States in Congress assembled, for the defence of such State or its trade ; nor shall any body of forces be kept up by any State in time... | |
| William Alexander Duer - 1843 - 442 pages
...state, in pursuance of any treaties already proposed by Congress to the courts of France and Spain. $ 4. No vessels of war shall be kept up in time of peace hy any state, except such number only as shall be deemed necessary by the United States in Congress... | |
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