| Virginia - 1875 - 518 pages
...directors may appoint, ten days' previous notice of such meeting having been given by advertisement in one or more of the newspapers published in the city of Petersburg. 2. This act shall be in force from its passage. commencement CHAP. 58. — An ACT to authorize... | |
| Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, and Chicago Railway Company - 1875 - 316 pages
...provided. And preparatory to such purchase of bouds the trustees shall give ten days notice thereof in one or more of the newspapers published in the City of New York, and shall make the said purchase at the lowest price or prices at which the bonds may be... | |
| Connecticut - 1875 - 220 pages
...are posted, at least five days before the day of said meeting. And said committee shall give notice in one or more of the newspapers published in the city of Norwich, to all persons having claims against said association to present the same to said committee... | |
| New Brunswick - 1876 - 854 pages
...such other place in l>ew Brunswick as may be deemed expedient by the Company; due notice thereof shall be given in one or more of the newspapers published in the City of Saint John ; the Board of Directors shall consist of not less than five or more than seven, as may... | |
| Wisconsin - 1877 - 742 pages
...as the board of directors for the time being shall designate, of which election public notice shall be given in one or more of the newspapers published in the city of Madison, at least thirty days pieceding such election, and such e!e3tion shall be holden under the... | |
| Wisconsin. Insurance Department - 1877 - 204 pages
...as the board of directors for the time being shall designate, of which election public notice shall be given in one or more of the newspapers published in the city of Madison at least thirty days preceding such election, and such election shall be holden under the inspection... | |
| New Brunswick, Charles Nelson Skinner, Frederic E. Barker, Edward L. Wetmore - 1877 - 1210 pages
...lands on said Great Marsh at any time, on giving six days notice of the time and place of such meeting in one or more of the newspapers published in the City of Saint John, such meeting to be held in all instances at some place on said Marsh adjacent to the site... | |
| Maryland - 1879 - 1116 pages
...w'th. the quantities, qualities, and number of times. He shall be required to advertise once a month in one or more of the newspapers published in the city of Baltimore, and once during the .year (three insertions) in one paper of each county. He shall, for... | |
| Saint John Relief and Aid Society - 1879 - 218 pages
...signed by at least three persons named in the first Section, shall be given by advertising the same in one or more of the newspapers published in the City of Saint John. .''. There shall be at least one meeting of the said Corporation held in each year. 6.... | |
| 1912 - 894 pages
...with the quantities, qualities, and number of times; he shall be required to advertise once a month in one or more of the newspapers published in the city of Baltimore, and once during the year (three insertions) In one paper of each county; he shall, for his... | |
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