Acts or this Act, as to One or more of such Joint Contractors, or Executors or Administrators, shall nevertheless be entitled to recover against any other or others of the Defendants, by virtue of a new Acknowledgment or Promise, or otherwise, Judgment... A Compendium of the Law of Prescription in Ceylon - Page xviiby Elange Sinivasaka Senadhiraja - 1901Full view - About this book
 | District of Columbia - 1911 - 552 pages
...• D. c. App., 226; i two or more joint contractors, or executors, or admimsDcApp.,i23. fo-atorg^ jf it shall appear at the trial, or otherwise, that the plaintiff, though barred by the statute of limitations as to one or more of such joint contractors, or executors, or administrators,... | |
 | 1828 - 980 pages
...whatsoever ; provided also that, in actions to be commenced against two or more such joint contractors, or executors or administrators, if it shall appear at...act, as to one or more of such joint contractors, or executors or administrators, shall, nevertheless, be entitled to recover against any other or others... | |
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