Acts or this Act, as to One or more of such Joint Contractors, or Executors or Administrators, shall nevertheless be entitled to recover against any other or others of the Defendants, by virtue of a new Acknowledgment or Promise, or otherwise, Judgment... A Compendium of the Law of Prescription in Ceylon - Page xviiby Elange Sinivasaka Senadhiraja - 1901Full view - About this book
 | Joseph Chitty - 1896 - 906 pages
...such joint contractors, or executors, or administrators, if it shall appear at the trial or othrn\>e that the plaintiff, though barred by either of the...Act, as to one or more of such joint contractors, or executors, or administrators, shall nevertheless be entitled to recover against any other or others... | |
 | Frederick Pollock, Robert Campbell, Oliver Augustus Saunders, Arthur Beresford Cane, Edward Potton, Joseph Gerald Pease, William Bowstead - 1898 - 858 pages
...proceeds to enact, " that in actions to be commenced against two or more such joint contractors, or executors or administrators, if it shall appear at...the said recited Acts or this Act as to one or more WYATT of such joint contractors, or executors or administrators, shall HODSON. nevertheless be entitled... | |
 | Ceylon - 1900 - 856 pages
...that 679 Prescription. in actions to be commenced against two or more such joint contractors or heirs, executors, or administrators, if it shall appear at...or otherwise that the plaintiff, though barred by any of the provisions contained in the said sections as to one or more of such joint contractors, heirs,... | |
 | Thomas Henry Carson, Harold B. Bompas - 1902 - 1046 pages
...ACKNOWLEDG MENTS IN WEITINO. Acknowledgments by и gent. By one of several executors. tractors, or executors or administrators, if it shall appear at...this act as to one or more of such joint contractors, or executors or administrators, shall nevertheless be entitled to recover against any other or others... | |
 | District of Columbia - 1902 - 402 pages
...whatsoever: Provided, al#o, hat in actions to be commenced against two or more joint contractors, or executors, or administrators, if it shall appear at...or otherwise, that the plaintiff, though barred by the statute of limitations as to one or more of such joint contractors, or executors, or administrators,... | |
 | Joseph Chitty - 1904 - 946 pages
...Act. v. Williamt. What » sufficient acknowledgment. against two or more such joint contractors, or executors, or administrators, if it shall appear at...Act, as to one or more of such joint contractors, or executors, or administrators, shall nevertheless be entitled to recover against any other or others... | |
 | John Pitt Taylor - 1906 - 944 pages
...irhatnoever .provided also, that in actions to be commenced against two or more such joint-contractors, or executors, or administrators, if it shall appear at...or otherwise, that the plaintiff, though barred by (the Act of Jac. I.1) or this Act, as to one or more of such jointcontractors, or executors, or administrators,... | |
 | District of Columbia - 1906 - 442 pages
...whatsoever: Provided, also, That in actions to be commenced against two or more joint contractors, or executors, or administrators, if it shall appear at...or otherwise, that the plaintiff, though barred by the statute of limitations as to one or more of such joint contractors, or executors, or administrators,... | |
 | William Blackstone, George Sharswood - 1908 - 772 pages
...any person whatsoever. And in actions to be commenced against two or more such joint contractors, or executors or administrators, if it shall appear at...the trial, or otherwise, that the plaintiff, though barrod by either of the said recited acts, or this act, as to one or more of such joint contractors,... | |
 | William Blake Odgers - 1911 - 1120 pages
...whatsoever : provided also that in actions to be commenced against two or more such joint contractors, or executors or administrators, if it shall appear at...or otherwise that the plaintiff, though barred by ... the said Act or this Act, as to one or more of such joint contractors or executor?, or administrators,... | |
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