| North Carolina - 1869 - 1272 pages
...be made by such of the stockholders as shall attend for that purpose either in person or by proxy. All elections shall be by ballot, and each stockholder shall be entitled to as many votes as he has shares of stock in the said company, and the persons receiving the highest number of votes shall... | |
| New York (State) - 1869 - 1006 pages
...be made by such of the stockholders as shall attend for that purpose either in person or by proxy. All elections shall be by ballot, and each stockholder shall be entitled teas many votes as he owns shares of stock in the said company. and the persons receiving the greatest... | |
| California, Theodore Henry Hittell - 1871 - 528 pages
...or by proxy; but no election shall be valid unless a majority of the stock is represented. All such elections shall be by ballot, and each stockholder...be entitled to as many votes as he owns shares of stock in the said company, and the persons receiving the greatest number of votes shall be directors.... | |
| Montana (Ter.) - 1872 - 802 pages
...attend for that purpose, either in person or by proxy, provided one half of the stock is represented. All elections shall be by ballot, and each stockholder...be entitled to as many votes as he owns shares of stock in said company, and the persons receiving the greatest number of votes shall be trustees ; and... | |
| Michigan - 1872 - 1628 pages
...that pur- s° pose, either in person or by proxy. All elections shall be by ballot, Elections to be and each stockholder shall be entitled to as many votes as he shall y own shares of stock, and the persons having the greatest number ol votes shall be directors.... | |
| Kentucky - 1874 - 736 pages
...transferring storks, and transfers of stock ,.. -ii c -i ii shall prescribe the mode ol voting bv proxy ; and each stockholder shall be entitled to as many votes as he owns stock ; and said stocks shall be considered as personal property. § 7. The Legislature reserves the... | |
| New York (State) - 1874 - 1120 pages
...pur- {|i°B1y1*™te po*, either in person or by proxy. All elections shall be by ballot, in person and each stockholder shall be entitled to as many votes as he owns proxy. shares of stock in the said company, and the persons receiving the greatest number of votes... | |
| Kentucky, Kentucky. General Assembly - 1874 - 738 pages
...transferring stocks, and transfers of stock .,, MI if <i JL shall prescribe the mode of voting by proxy ; and each stockholder shall be entitled to as many votes as he owns stock; and. said stocks shall be considered as personal property. § 7. The Legislature reserves the... | |
| Iowa - 1874 - 148 pages
...company, and shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified. All such elections shall be by ballot, and each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for every share of stock held by him, and the persons so receiving the greater number of votes,... | |
| New York (State). Legislature. Assembly - 1875 - 1090 pages
...be made by such of the stockholders as shall attend for that purpose, either in person or by proxy. All elections shall be by ballot, and each stockholder...be entitled to as many votes as he owns shares of stock in the said corporation, and the persons receiving the greatest number of votes shall be declared... | |
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