| New Jersey - 1858 - 1328 pages
...Hudson, by such stockholders as shall attend for that purpose, either in person or by proxy, and said elections shall be by ballot, and each stockholder shall be entitled to as many votes as he shall have shares of the capital stock of the said company, and the person having the greatest number... | |
| New York (State) - 1847 - 472 pages
...be made by such of the stockholders as shall attend for that purpose, either in person or by proxy; all elections shall be by ballot, and each stockholder shall be entitled to as many votes as he shall own shares of stock, and the persons having the greatest number of votes, shall be directors;... | |
| New York (State) - 1811 - 498 pages
...stockholders, either in person or by proxy, and that all elections shall be by ballot; and that every stockholder shall be entitled to as many votes as he owns shares of the said stock ; and the persons having the greatest number of votes shall be the trustees ; and whenever... | |
| New York (State) - 1815 - 316 pages
...the newspapers printed" nearest the place where such election shall be held ; and the election Khali be made by such -of the stockholders as shall attend...stockholder shall be entitled to as many votes as he holds shares of the stork of said company ; and the persons having the greatest number of votes (being... | |
| New York (State) - 1815 - 838 pages
...made by such of the stockholders as shall attend for that purpose, either in person or by proxy, and shall be by ballot ; and each stockholder shall be entitled to as many votts as he owns shares of the stock of the said company, and that none but stockholder* shall be eligible... | |
| Ohio - 1816 - 428 pages
...election shall be made by such of the stockholders as shall attend for The stock & trustees i " . j&at purpose, either in person or by proxy ; and all elections...ballot, and each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for eacty share he may own below ten ; for all above ten and not exceeding twenty, one vote... | |
| New Jersey - 1823 - 502 pages
...previous, in one or more of the newspapers printed nearest the place where such election sball be held ; and the election shall be made by such of the stockholders...stockholder shall be entitled to as many votes as he shall hold shares of the capital stock of the said company, and the persons having the greatest number... | |
| New York (State) - 1829 - 876 pages
...printed nearest to the place where the manufacturing operations of the said company shall or are to be carried on, and the election shall be made by such...stockholder shall be entitled to as many votes as he Each .hare owns shares of the stock of the said company, and the persons having i° £,**" "'" the... | |
| New York (State) - 1831 - 502 pages
...September in each year, by plurality of votes, in such «manner as the by-laws shall provide, and eacli stockholder shall be entitled to as many votes as he owns shares of stock. § 4. The first trustees shall be Sheldon Thompson, Ebene- F'™' tru.te« zer Johnson, James... | |
| New Jersey - 1833 - 1060 pages
...held, by such stockholders as shall attend for that purpose, either in person or by proxy; and their elections shall be by ballot; and each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for every share of stock he may hold ; and the persons having the greatest number of votes,... | |
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