| John Dryden - 1926 - 344 pages
...Queene, iv. 2, 34 : ' Then pardon O most sacred happie spirit I That I thy labours lost may thus revive, And steale from thee the meede of thy due merit, That none durst ever whilest thou wast alive. And being dead in vaine yet many strive : Ne dare I like ; but through... | |
| Edmund Spenser - 1929 - 824 pages
...heauenly wits Are quite deuourd, and brought to nought by 222 FAERIE QVEENE. 223 34 Then pardon, 0 most sacred happie spirit, That I thy labours lost...reuiue, And steale from thee the meede of thy due That none durst euer whilest thou wast aliue, And being dead in vaine yet many striue : Ne dare I like,... | |
| David Lawton - 1985 - 186 pages
...threasure endlesse deare' in the shape of Chaucer's complete Tale; he therefore apologises to Chaucer's "most sacred happie spirit / That I thy labours lost may thus reuiue'. 13 The common and almost certainly correct feeling is Milton's, that the Tale was left incomplete by... | |
| Northrop Frye - 2004 - 588 pages
...ed. AC Hamilton, 2nd ed. (London: Longman, 2001), 714.] 12 The Faerie Queene, bk. 4, canto 2, st. 34 ["Then pardon, O most sacred happie spirit, / That...due merit, / That none durst euer whilest thou wast Notes to pages 312-20 465 aliue, / And being dead in vaine yet many striue: / Ne dare I like, but through... | |
| Caroline Frances Eleanor Spurgeon - 1925 - 692 pages
...nii.li workes of heauenly wits Are quite deuourd, and brought to nought by little bits t Then pardon, 0 most sacred happie spirit, That I thy labours lost...thee the meede of thy due merit, That none durst euer whitest thou wast aliue, And being dead in vaine yet many striue : Ne dare I like, but through infusion... | |
| Henry Allon - 1855 - 728 pages
...addresses : — ' Then pardon, 0 m^st sacred, happie spirit, That I, thy labors lost may thus revive And steale from thee the meede of thy due merit, That none durst ever, whilst thou wast alive. And being dead, in vaine yet many strive : Ne dare I like : but thro'... | |
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