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the time for which they were limited, be and the same are hereby severally renewed and re-enacted, and together with the provisions therein contained are respectively declared to be in full force for the period mentioned in the original acts,

and all acts and transactions done and performed under the Acts done provisions of said acts respectively shall have the same force acts made and effect, and be as valid to all intents and purposes as if the said acts had been severally recorded according to law. Provided, that this enactment shall not take effect in the case of any act that has become void as aforesaid until a certified copy thereof, procured of the Secretary of State, shall be duly recorded in the Recorder's office of

When certified copy of void act is recorded.

ties of this State; and provided further, that no such copy one of the counof a voided act shall be received for record after the expiration of one year from the passage of this act.

SECTION 2. That this act shall be deemed and taken to be a public act and be published as such.

Passed at Dover, April 2, 1895.


Of the Public Revenue; and the Assessment, Collection and Appropriation of Taxes.



A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT to an act entitled "An act authorizing the Levy Court of New Castle County to make a loan for the benefit of the Trustees of the Poor of New Castle County," passed March 30th, 1883.

loan for

Poor of

WHEREAS, The trustees appointed and acting under and Trustees of pursuant to the act to which this is a supplement and prior the benefit supplements thereto which have been heretofore passed have of Trustees nearly concluded their labors and performed their duties as New Castle prescribed in and by said act and supplements and will County. shortly desire to render a final accounting of their trust; and

WHEREAS, The details of their duties may require more time to conclude than is at present allowed them and there is no person or body expressly provided to whom their accounts shall be rendered and by whom their vouchers shall be audited and such accounts passed; and

WHEREAS, There will likely remain in the hands of said trustees a sum of money which they will be unable to apply to the purchase or redemption of the bonds of New Castle county by reason of the non-maturity of said bonds (all bonds which have matured to this time having been paid and a considerable number of bonds not yet due having been paid before maturity); now therefore

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

SECTION I. That the time limited by the acts above Time recited shall be and the same is hereby further extended for extended.




the further period of two years, making fourteen years altogether from the passage of the original act to which this is a further supplement, with the same powers and authority heretofore, in the said trustees now acting, and, in case of the death of any of them, in the survivor or survivors of the said trustees which they now have and exercise with respect to their said trust created pursuant to said acts. And the said trustees or

be passed

their survivors, or survivor, are hereby authorized and Accounts to directed to pass their accounts before the Chancellor, as other before trustees are now authorized and required, and the Chancellor Chancellor. is hereby authorized to examine, approve, audit and allow

tion to

their accounts in accordance with the usual practice in such Compensa- cases, and allow each of said trustees who shall have served trustees. for the full period embraced in the said trust, the sum of six hundred dollars and a proportionate part of the sum of six hundred dollars to each trustee who shall have served but a portion of the said period, and the allowances made shall be in full payment of any and all services rendered under the aforesaid trust. time to turn directed, when their final account shall so have been passed, The said trustees are hereby authorized and

At end of

over trust fund to

to turn over, transfer and pay to the Receiver of Taxes and Receiver of County Treasurer of New Castle county such securities and cash as shall by said account appear to remain in their hands applicable to the said trust, * by the said Receiver of Taxes as special and County Treasurer by him to be held in special trust to Receiver of pay or redeem so many of the bonds to which such funds in

Fund held

trust by


To be deposited at interest. Where.

the hands of said trustees would be applicable as the said funds, balance and securities will suffice to redeem and pay, and until bonds can be secured and fall due to which said funds can be applied, the said Receiver of Taxes and County Treasurer shall deposit the sums coming into his hands in some bank or trust company at interest for the benefit of said fund and whenever said fund shall by redemption and payment of bonds as aforesaid be reduced below the sum of one thousand dollars, such fractional sum, less than one thousand dollars, shall be transferred by the said treasurer to the general fund of said county.

SECTION 2. That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.

SECTION 3. This act shall be deemed and taken to be a public act.

Passed at Dover, March 30, 1895

* So enrolled.

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AN ACT to amend Chapter 30, Volume 17, Laws of Delaware, entitled
"An act to provide for the Election of Three Assessors for Wilmington

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met:

Volume 17,

SECTION 1. That Section 1 of Chapter 30, Volume 17 Section 1,
of the Laws of Delaware, entitled "An act providing for the Counter
election of three assessors for Wilmington hundred," passed amended.
at Dover, April 6, 1883, be and the same is hereby amended
by striking out all of said Section I of said act after the
word 'follows" in fourth line thereof and inserting in lieu
thereof the following, to wit: "The first assessment district Assessment
of said hundred shall consist of so much of said hundred as witricts of
is contained or comprised within the limits of the First, the ton hun-
Second, the Fourth and the Eighth wards of the city of Limits of
Wilmington, as the said wards are now laid out, or as the
said wards, or either of them, may be hereafter extended or
enlarged by act of the General Assembly.



"The second assessment district of the said hundred shall Limits of
consist of so much of said hundred as is contained or com-second.
prised within the limits of the Third, the Fifth, the Tenth,
the Eleventh and the Twelfth wards of the city of Wil-
mington, as the said wards are now laid out, or as the said
wards, or either of them, may be hereafter extended or en-
larged by act of the General Assembly.

"The third assessment district of the said hundred shall Limits of
consist of so much of said hundred as is contained or com-third.





prised within the limits of the Sixth, the Seventh and the Ninth wards of the city of Wilmington, as the said wards are now laid out or as the said wards, or either of them, may be hereafter extended or enlarged by act of the General Assembly."


That all assessments now or heretofore made, collections and all collections of taxes, in any or all of the said assess

heretofore made.

ment districts, are hereby made valid and legal.
Passed at Dover, April 22, 1895.

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