Ashburn, Maj. Gen. Thomas Q., president, Inland Waterways Corp-
Baker, Newton D., general counsel, Lake Carriers Association
Bailey, Clyde S., assistant general solicitor, National Association of
Railroad and Utilities Commissioners..
Barrett, O. Slack, vice president, Mississippi River System Carriers
Bayless, Herman A., counsel, Mississippi River System Carriers
Bowlus, J. L., Milwaukee, Wis., Board of Harbor Commissioners_
Brent, Theodore, Mississippi Valley Association.
Brenckman, Fred., Washington representative, the National Grange_
Capron, William, Oneonta, N. Y., Chamber of Commerce..
Childe, C. E., chairman, traffic committee, Mississippi Valley Asso-
Cook, T. L., the Ocean Steamship Co. of Savannah, Ga.
Dann, Alex W., the Union Barge Line Corporation, et al.
Donley, Charles, representing the city of Pittsburgh, Pa
Eastman, Joseph B., Federal Coordinator of Transportation_-
Farrier, G. Coe, assistant city solicitor of Philadelphia, Pa..
Fitzgerald, John F., member of Boston, Mass., Port Authority.
Fulbright, R. C., representing the American Ports Cotton Compress
and Warehouse Association, the River Terminals Corporation, and
the National Industrial Traffic League--
Gamble, John B., district counsel Seaboard Air Line Railway_Co___
Gray, James H., Washington representative American Farm Bureau
Haight, Charles S., American Association of Tramp Operators_-
Ingersoll, A. C., the Ohio River Co., et al..
Kerr, Joseph G., Association of American Railroads_
Maginnis, S. Abbott, American Short Line Railroad Association.
McClintock, J. O., manager, Chicago branch, Farmers' National Grain
McManamy, Frank, Chairman Legislative Committee, Interstate
Commerce Commission..
Miller, George J., executive secretary, Missouri River Navigation
Roeder, Charles B., secretary the Bourse, Philadelphia, Pa.--
Ross, H. J., president Inland Water Petroleum Carriers Association.
Sorrell, Dr. Lewis C., secretary Transportation Conference of 1934-35.
Stebbins, A. D., president Merchants & Miners Transportation Co..
Van Arnum, J. R., National League of Wholesale Fresh Fruit and
Vegetable Distributors____