FROM AND INCLUDING DECISIONS OF DECEMBER 10, WITH NOTES, REFERENCES AND INDEX. J. NEWTON FIERO, STATE REPORTER. VOLUME 225. ALBANY J. B. LYON COMPANY. 1919. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year nineteen hundred and nineteen, BY FRANCIS M. HUGO, SECRETARY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, In trust for the benefit of the People of the State, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. AUG 4 1919 JUDGES OF THE COURT OF APPEALS. FRANK H. HISCOCK, CHIEF JUDGE. EMORY A. CHASE, * FREDERICK COLLIN, WILLIAM H. CUDDEBACK,, JOHN W. HOGAN, BENJAMIN N. CARDOZO, CUTHBERT W. POUND, CHESTER B. MCLAUGHLIN, FREDERICK E. CRANE,* WILLIAM S. ANDREWS. * * Justices of the Supreme Court serving as Associate Judges by designation of the Governor, under section 7 of article VI of the Constitution, as amended in 1899. iii |