About this book
Table of Contents.
N. B.-The Acts which are referred to the last volume are marked thus *; those of which the titles alone are now to be found, are left unpaged.
A. D. 1753.
No. 810. An Ordinance for enabling and impowering the persons therein named, to
import into this Province, from the Northern or other Colonies, a quan-
tity of Indian Corn, not exceeding fifty thousand bushels, for the use
and consumption of the inhabitants, by borrowing the sum of two thou-
sand five hundred and thirteen pounds and fourteen shillings, now lying
in the hands of the Powder Receiver, and the monies in the Public
Treasury appropriated to the use of the fortifications, and for replacing
the same in the manner therein appointed.......
An Act to impower the Commissioners who were appointed for building a
Church in the Parish of Prince William, in Granville County, and the
Commissioners who were appointed for building a Church in George-
town, and the Commissioners who were appointed for building a Chapel
of Ease in the parish of St. James Santee, in Craven County, to erect
and set up pews in the same, and to dispose of the said pews, to enable
them to raise money for the finishing of the said Churches and Chapel
An Act for making Black river navigable, from the Western boundary of the
Township of Williamburgh, down to the tide way, as far as the place
commonly called the Narrows.......
*813 An Act for appointing and impowering Commissioners to make the Wateree
river navigable, and for laying out and making a road from the upper
Settlements near the Catawba nation, on the north east side of the said
Wateree river, to the place on Santee river commonly called Beard's
Ferry, and from thence to the road leading from the Congree's to
*814. An Act to exempt the inhabitants of the lower district of the Parish of St.
James Santee, in Craven County, from working on or contributing to-
wards any repairs to be made to the road or causey leading over Lynch's
An Act for appointing Commissioners to build a Bridge over the pond in the
Four Holes Swamp, commonly called Gibbes's Pond, and to lay out,
make and keep in repair, a road to and from the said bridge, as conveni-
ent as may be, into the Orangeburgh old road, from the head of the
path leading from Dorchester to Izard's Cow-pen..
*816. An Act to continue an Act entitled "An Act for the better regulating the Mi-
litia of this Province, and for repealing the former Acts for regulating
the Militia, and for repealing an Act for the further security and better
defence of this Province".
817. An Act for securing the payment of the sum of two thousand and five hundred
pounds to the Honorable Hector Beringer De Beaufain, Esq, and the
sum of three thousand and five hundred pounds to Gabriel Manigault,
Esq., their respective executors, administrators or assigns, with interest
at the rate of six per centum per annum, out of the fund appropriated to
the use of poor Protestants coming from Europe to settle in this Pro-
vince, the said sums having been lent by them to supply the deficiency
in the said fund.......
818. An Act for raising and granting to his Majesty the sum of forty-three thousand
one hundred and two pounds two shillings and six pence three far-
things, for defraying the charges of this Government for one year, com-
mencing the twenty-fifth day of March, in the year of our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and fifty-two, Old Style, inclusive, and ending
the twenty-fifth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-
three, New Style, exclusive.
*819. An Act for incorporating the Charlestown Library Society....
*820. An Act for repealing such parts of an Act entitled "An Act to cut and sink
drains and passages into the north and west branches of Stono river,"
as relate to the west branch of Stono river, and to impower the com-
missioners therein named to cut and sink drains and water passages into
the said west branch of Stono river, and to cut or sink a drain or water
passage in the swamp called Basford's swamp, in the parish of St. Bar-
tholomew.... ........7
*821. An Act for building a draw bridge across Ashley river, in the Parish of St. An-
drew, from some place at or near Stoney Point, on the east side of the
marsh opposite to the said Point on the west side of the said river, and
for making a causey upon the said marsh, leading to the said bridge, and
for making a road to the said bridge and causey, and for vesting the
said bridge, when built, in such person and persons, his and their heirs
and assigns, forever, as shall be at the expence of building the said
bridge and making the said causey, and keeping the same at all times
hereafter in repair. . . .. . .
*822. An Act to prevent the inveigling, stealing, and carrying away Negroes and oth-
er Slaves in this Province, and to prevent the carrying away of Schoon-
ers and Pettiaugers, and also for repealing so much of an Act entitled
"An Act for the better ordering and governing Negroes and other
Slaves in this Province," as relates to the time within which offenders
that are apprehended shall be tried, and giving the Justices and Free-
holders a power to postpone the trial of such offenders..... ..........7
*823. An Act for ascertaining the district for cutting, cleansing and keeping in repair
the Creek or Cut commonly called the Hawl-over.....
824. An Act to divide the Parish of St James Santee, in Craven County, and for
establishing another Parish in the said County, by the name of the Pa-
rish of St. Stephen, and appointing the Chapel of Ease in the said Pa-
rish of St. Stephen to be the Parish Church, and declaring the Chapel
of Ease at Echaw, in the Parish of St. James Santee, to be the Parish
Church, and for appointing Commissioners to erect a Chapel of Ease
near Wambaw Bridge, in the said parish of St. James Santee, and for ascertaining the number of members to represent the inhabitants of the
said parishes respectively in the General Assembly of this Province,
and for appointing Commissioners for the High Roads in the said Pa-
rishes respectively. . . .. . .
An Act appointing Commissioners for repairing and keeping in repair the bridge
over Combee river, from the causey to the town of Radnor, and Com-
missioners for rebuilding and keeping in repair the bridge over Wappoo
Creek in the Parish of St. Andrew, and declaring the said bridge and
Hooper's bridge, in the said Parish of St. Andrew, to be Parish bridges,
and for appointing Commissioners for the said bridge..
826. An Act for applying that fifth part of the tax imposed by the general duty law
on the first purchasers of Negroes and other slaves imported, which was
applied as a bounty to be given for the building of ships, and as an en-
couragement to Ship-wrights and Chaulkers to become settlers in this
Province, to the uses therein mentioned; and for building a Pest House
and erecting a Beacon; and for appointing and impowering Commis-
A. D. 1754. No.
A. D. 1755.
sioners to execute the same; and to purchase a piece of Land con-
venient for those purposes; and for purchasing a piece of Land in
Charlestown, and for building another Powder Magazine thereon......10
*827. An Act for vesting the Ferry over Savanna river, at the Garrison of Fort
Moore, in New Windsor, in John Stewart of New Windsor, his execu-
tors, administrators and assigns, for the term therein mentioned; and
for establishing a Ferry over Santee river, in the township of Saxe-
Gotha, from the land of Martin Fridig, on the South side, to the oppo-
site landing on the North side of the said river, and for vesting the same
in the said Martin Fridig, his executors, administrators and assigns, for
the term therein mentioned...
An Act to revive and continue the several Acts of the General Assembly of
this Province therein mentioned.....
829. An Act for raising and granting to his Majesty the sum of thirty-seven thousand
eight hundred and ninety-eight pounds one shilling and six pence three
farthings, and for applying the sum of four thousand two hundred and
fifty-six pounds and eleven shillings, being the balances of several funds
in the public treasury of this Province, making together forty-two
thousand one hundred and fifty-four pounds twelve shillings and six
pence three farthings, for defraying the charges of this Government for
one year, commencing the twenty-fifth day of March, in the year of
our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty-three, inclusive, and
ending the twenty-fifth day of March, one thousand seven hundred
and fifty-four, exclusive.
An Ordinance appointing a Comptroller of the Country Dutys and a Country
Waiter of the Port of Charlestown, and a Comptroller and Receiver of
the Country Dutys for the Port of Beaufort, Port Royal
831. An Act for impowering the Church Wardens and Vestry of the Parish of St.
Bartholomew to dispose of the Pews in the Chapel lately erected in the
said Parish.....
*832. An Act for laying out, making and keeping in repair a road from Purrysburgh
to Bee's Creek, in Granville County, and for discontinuing such part of
the present high road as leads from Day's Creek to Purrysburgh.......16
833. An Act for reviving and continuing several Acts of the General Assembly of
this Province therein mentioned; and for amending one of the said Acts
entitled "An Act for the better regulating of the militia of this Pro-
vince, and for repealing the former Acts for regulating the militia, and
for repealing an Act entitled an Act for the further security and better
defence of this Province"....... ........16
An Act to restrain the exportation of Provisions and Warlike Stores from this
Province, for the time therein mentioned..... ........17
835. An Act for raising and granting to his Majesty the sum of sixty-two thousand
one hundred and thirty-four pounds sixteen shillings and ten pence half
penny, and for applying the sum of three thousand and twenty-one
pounds three shillings and eight pence, (being the balance in the gene-
ral duty fund) making together the sum of sixty-five thousand one hun-
dred and fifty-six pounds and six pence half penny, for defraying the
charges of this Government for one year, ending the twenty-fourth day
of March last, and toward repairing the old and building new fortifica-
tions in this Province, and for other services mentioned in the schedule
to this Act annexed; and also to enable the Public Treasurer for the
time being to issue certificates, payable out of the Fortification Fund,
for the more immediate repairing and building the said fortifications:
And also for raising and granting to his Majesty the further sum of
thirty three thousand and six hundred pounds current money, (which
with the sum of eight thousand and four hundred pounds, provided for
this service in the schedule aforesaid, is equal to six thousand pounds
sterling,) as the contribution of this Province to a common fund to be
employed provisionally for the general service in defending his Majes-
ty's just rights and dominions in North America; and appointing com-