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Table of Contents.

N. B.-The Acts which are referred to the last volume are marked thus *; those of
which the titles alone are now to be found, are left unpaged.

[blocks in formation]

*819. An Act for incorporating the Charlestown Library Society....

*820. An Act for repealing such parts of an Act entitled "An Act to cut and sink

drains and passages into the north and west branches of Stono river,"

as relate to the west branch of Stono river, and to impower the com-

missioners therein named to cut and sink drains and water passages into

the said west branch of Stono river, and to cut or sink a drain or water

passage in the swamp called Basford's swamp, in the parish of St. Bar-


*821. An Act for building a draw bridge across Ashley river, in the Parish of St. An-

drew, from some place at or near Stoney Point, on the east side of the

marsh opposite to the said Point on the west side of the said river, and

for making a causey upon the said marsh, leading to the said bridge, and

for making a road to the said bridge and causey, and for vesting the

said bridge, when built, in such person and persons, his and their heirs

and assigns, forever, as shall be at the expence of building the said

bridge and making the said causey, and keeping the same at all times

hereafter in repair. . . .. . .

*822. An Act to prevent the inveigling, stealing, and carrying away Negroes and oth-

er Slaves in this Province, and to prevent the carrying away of Schoon-

ers and Pettiaugers, and also for repealing so much of an Act entitled

"An Act for the better ordering and governing Negroes and other

Slaves in this Province," as relates to the time within which offenders

that are apprehended shall be tried, and giving the Justices and Free-

holders a power to postpone the trial of such offenders..... ..........7

*823. An Act for ascertaining the district for cutting, cleansing and keeping in repair

the Creek or Cut commonly called the Hawl-over.....

824. An Act to divide the Parish of St James Santee, in Craven County, and for

establishing another Parish in the said County, by the name of the Pa-

*832. An Act for laying out, making and keeping in repair a road from Purrysburgh

to Bee's Creek, in Granville County, and for discontinuing such part of

the present high road as leads from Day's Creek to Purrysburgh.......16

833. An Act for reviving and continuing several Acts of the General Assembly of

this Province therein mentioned; and for amending one of the said Acts

entitled "An Act for the better regulating of the militia of this Pro-

vince, and for repealing the former Acts for regulating the militia, and

for repealing an Act entitled an Act for the further security and better

defence of this Province".......

An Act to restrain the exportation of Provisions and Warlike Stores from this

Province, for the time therein mentioned.....

835. An Act for raising and granting to his Majesty the sum of sixty-two thousand

one hundred and thirty-four pounds sixteen shillings and ten pence half

penny, and for applying the sum of three thousand and twenty-one

pounds three shillings and eight pence, (being the balance in the gene-

ral duty fund) making together the sum of sixty-five thousand one hun-

dred and fifty-six pounds and six pence half penny, for defraying the

charges of this Government for one year, ending the twenty-fourth day

of March last, and toward repairing the old and building new fortifica-

tions in this Province, and for other services mentioned in the schedule

to this Act annexed; and also to enable the Public Treasurer for the

time being to issue certificates, payable out of the Fortification Fund,

for the more immediate repairing and building the said fortifications:

And also for raising and granting to his Majesty the further sum of

thirty three thousand and six hundred pounds current money, (which

with the sum of eight thousand and four hundred pounds, provided for

this service in the schedule aforesaid, is equal to six thousand pounds

sterling,) as the contribution of this Province to a common fund to be

employed provisionally for the general service in defending his Majes-

ty's just rights and dominions in North America; and appointing com-

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