VOLUME 333 CASES ADJUDGED IN THE SUPREME COURT AT OCTOBER TERM, 1947 FROM FEBRUARY 2 TO AND INCLUDING APRIL 26, 1948 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 - ERRATA. 1. 299 U. S. 16, line 6, "4 Fed." should be "46 Fed." 2. 326 U. S. 546, line 17, "Ch. IX" should be "Ch. X". 3. 329 U. S. 289, line 24, "§ 8 (6)" should be "§ 8a (6)". REPRINTED IN TAIWAN OF THE SUPREME COURT DURING THE TIME OF THESE REPORTS. FRED M. VINSON, CHIEF JUSTICE. RETIRED CHARLES EVANS HUGHES, CHIEF JUSTICE. TOM C. CLARK, ATTORNEY GENERAL. WALTER WYATT, REPORTER. THOMAS ENNALLS WAGGAMAN, MARSHAL. HELEN NEWMAN, LIBRARIAN. SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. ALLOTMENT OF JUSTICES. It is ordered that the following allotment be made of the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of this Court among the circuits, agreeably to the Acts of Congress in such case made and provided, and that such allotment be entered of record, viz: For the First Circuit, FELIX FRANKFURTER, Associate Justice. For the Second Circuit, ROBERT H. JACKSON, Associate Justice. For the Third Circuit, HAROLD H. BURTON, Associate Justice. For the Fourth Circuit, FRED M. VINSON, Chief Justice. For the Fifth Circuit, HUGO L. BLACK, Associate Justice. For the Sixth Circuit, STANLEY REED, Associate Justice. For the Seventh Circuit, FRANK MURPHY, Associate Justico. For the Eighth Circuit, WILEY RUTLEDGE, Associate Justice. For the Ninth Circuit, WILLIAM O. DOUGLAS, Associate Justice. For the Tenth Circuit, WILEY RUTLEDGE, Associate Justice. For the District of Columbia, FRED M. VINSON, Chief Justice. October 14, 1946. (For next previous allotment, see 328 U. S. p. Iv.) SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES In Memory of Mr. Chief Justice Stone' WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 19482 Present: MR. CHIEF JUSTICE VINSON, MR. JUSTICE BLACK, MR. JUSTICE REED, MR. JUSTICE FRANKFURTER, MR. JUSTICE DOUGLAS, MR. JUSTICE JACKSON, MR. JusTICE RUTLEDGE, and MR. JUSTICE BURTON MR. SOLICITOR GENERAL PERLMAN addressed the Court as follows: May it please this Honorable Court: At a meeting of members of the Bar of the Supreme Court, held on November 12, 1947,a resolutions expressing their profound sorrow at the death of Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone were offered by a committee, of which the Honorable Dean Acheson was chairman. Addresses on the resolu 1 MR. CHIEF JUSTICE STONE was stricken on the bench on April 22, 1946, and died during the evening of the same day. See 327 U. S. III, V. 2 Proceedings in memory of MR. JUSTICE MCREYNOLDS were held on the same day; but limitations of space prevent their publication in this volume. They will be published in 334 U. S. • The Committee on Arrangements for the meeting of the Bar consisted of Solicitor General Philip B. Perlman, Chairman, Mr. John Lord O'Brian, Mr. Pierce Butler, Mr. John Spalding Flannery, and Mr. Roger Robb. * The Committee on Resolutions consisted of Mr. Dean G. Acheson, Chairman, Mr. Sidney S. Alderman, Judge Florence E. Allen, Mr. James Crawford Biggs, Mr. Bennett Boskey, Mr. William Marshall |