Interstate Commerce Commission Practitioners 1112 I. C. C. Building, Washington 25, D. C. NAME CHANGED SEPTEMBER 7, 1939 "To promote the proper administration of the Interstate OFFICERS 1958-1959 President and Chairman, Executive Committee W. LENNIG TRavis........... 260 South Broad Street, Philadelphia 2, Pa. First Vice President SAM H. FLINT (District No. 8) ..................345 Merchandise Mart, Chicago 53, Illinois Munsey Building, Washington 4, D. C. FRITZ R. KAHN Motor Transportation Editor Water Transportation Editor C. C. H. Legal Periodical Digest Index to Legal Periodicals Prentice-Hall, Inc. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE TO NONMEMBERS Per Year $15.00 Per Copy $1.50 Published at Federalsburg, Maryland Editorial and Executive Office 1112 I. C. Č. Building, Washington 25, D. C. -- The publication of signed articles, notes or reviews Copyright 1958-Association of Interstate Commerce Commission Practitioners |