CONTENT S. Dr. Andrews's two Additional Letters to Count Welderen, ibid. Ibbetson's Differtation on National Affemblies under the Saxon Twentyman's Sermon as Whittingham, Northumberland, Dr. Forter's Sermon at All Saints, Colchester, 'Greene's Whispers for the Ear of the Author of Thelyphthora, Henry's Account of a Method of preferving Water at Sea from ibid. Dr. Freeman's Addrefs to the Nobility and Gentry of both Sexes, ibid. Obfervations on the Diseases which appeared in the Army on St. A Month's Tour in North Wales, Dublin, &c. ibid. ibid. Noble's Genealogical Hiftory of the prefent Royal Families of ibid. Dr. Priestley's Two Letters to Dr. Newcome, Bifhop of Water- Shaw's Enquiry into the Authenticity of the Poems afcribed to Offian, ibid. Hiftory of the Hon. Mrs. Rofemont and Sir Henry Cardigan, Diftreffed Virtue, or the History of Mifs Harriet Nelson, ibid. ibid. Story's Introduction to English Grammar, Confiderations on the Propriety and Expediency of the Clergy Holloway's Letter to the Jury who convicted Mr. Shelly, ibid. Macaulay's Tranflation of Noodt's Two Difcourfes, on Sovereign Power, and Liberty of Confcience, Dr. Bandinel's Eight Sermons before the Univerfity of Oxford, A Review of the Conduct of the Earl of Buckinghamshire, dur- ing his Administration in Ireland, ibid. Bishop of Waterford's Reply to Dr. Prieftley's Second Letter on ibid. Milner's Gibbon's Account of Chriftianity confidered, 240 Theory of the Syphon explained and methodically illuftrated, Biblio- |