THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE, CONTAINING SKETCHES OF THE DEBATES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWENTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. BLAIR AND RIVES, EDITORS. FIRST SESSION----VOLUME VIII. CITY OF WASHINGTON: PRINTED AT THE GLOBE OFFICE, FOR THE EDITORS. INDEX TO THE EIGHTH VOLUME OF THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOВЕ. SENATE. Arkansas- bill authorizing the inhabitants of fractional township 503, 510 bill to revive the act entitled, An act to enable claim- Armstrong, armed brig General, bill making appropriation Army, bill to equalize the pay and allowances of the officers 250 B. 363 tions, 184, 187, 193.201, 212, 218, 219, 226, 228, 229, 233 120 162 212 341, 471 375, 376 376 Mr. Norvell 274, 275, 297, 496 Mr. Davis 375 461, 473, 476, 477, 482, 464 Mr. Sevier. Remarks by Mr. Allen 445, 44 Mr. Smith of Indiana 485 Mr. Anderson Mr. Tallmadge 297 Mr. Norvell 237 445, 446 Mr. Wel ster 345, 445 Mr. Williams 274 nel at the mouth of Mississippi river 393 Mr. Clayton - 345 for the Patent Office Agriculture, the Committee on - 482 Alabama, biil to relinquish to the State of, the 2 per cent. Remarks by Mr. Benton 522 Mr. Henderson 4-6 fund, reserved by the act for her admission into the Mr. Buchanan 445, 479, 482 452 255 Mr. Clay of Alabama -444 bill to establish an additional land district in, 12, 79, 255 Mr. Lumpkin for the relief of Capt. Snodgrass's company of volunteers to relinquish the reversionary interest of the to confirm the title to a certain tract of land in 12 Mr. Cuthbert Mr. Grundy 521,522 Mr. Nouvell Mr. Henderson 415,484 -445 12, 86, 98, 299, 302, 533 -481 445, 473, 452 for the relief of the corporate authorities of the 56,81, 92, 143 Mr. Walker 521 Mr. Wall 345, 445, 478, 479, 42, 456 444, 145, 478 478 to perfect titles south of the Alabama river, &c. - 184 for improvement of harbor of Mobile for the army, 523 Remarks by Mr. Buchanan the relief of the Alabama, Florida, and Georgia Railroad Company, bill for Mr. Davis 12 86, 514 Allen, William, of Ohio, 1, 32, 34, 50, 78, 86, 92, 98, 105, 107 110, 120, 122, 124, 126, 127, 129, 172, 178, 184, 198, 2 7 his remarks on printing message of President of his remarks on bill to cede the public lands to the Mr. Tallmadge Mr. Walker Mr. Wright 444, 478,482 Banks, Deposite, joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to extend further indulgence to the, 400 Beal. Robert, elected assistant doorkeeper 72, 82, 83, 86, 87, 88 92 93, 96, 99, 103, 105, 108, 112 his remarks on bill to aut onze the purchase by the his remarks on resolutions in relation to foreign com- 470 331 his remarks on printing the report from Secretary of - 530 Anderson, Alexander, of Tennessee, 224, 262, 294, 299, 318, 321 his remarks on bill to continue and alter the charter 534 his remarks on announcing death of Hon. Hugh 327, 339, 348, 455, 473, 485, 490, 527 his remarks on navy appropriation bill 464, 465, 506 L. White 339 Betts, Thaddeus, of Connecticut 1, 92, 116, 130, 133, 136, 201 duties, drawbacks, &c. 343 general bankrupt-law 485 bill to quiet the titles of certain land claimants in Mis- bill to authorize the State of to sell the lands hereto. 126.129, 130 bill to perfect titles to land south of river 162, 176,419,421 bill in relation to donations of land to certain persons 262, 341 bill for the establishment of ports of entry in Missou- 402, 514 announcement of death of, by Mr. Smith of Con- 309 : 309 |