DOROTHY S. BRADY, Chief, Division of Prices and Cost of Living PAUL R. KERSCHBAUM, Chief, Office of Program Planning LAWRENCE R. KLEIN, Chief, Office of Publications D'ALTON B. MYERS, Chief, Division of Productivity and Technological Developments H. E. RILEY, Chief, Division of Construction Statistics DAVID J. SAPOss, Special Assistant to the Commissioner OSCAR WEIGERT, Chief, Division of Foreign Labor Conditions FAITH M. WILLIAMS, Chief, Office of Labor Economics SEYMOUR L. WOLFREIN, Chief, Division of Manpower and Employment Statistics For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS 1049 Electronics Employment and Labor Force 1055 The Third ICFTU World Congress, July 1953 1063 Workmen's Compensation in the United States: VI-Accident 1071 Occupational Mobility of Chemists, Physicists, and Biologists 1072 Views of Business and Labor on Maintaining National 1075 A Steel Company's View of the Local Union 1077 Earnings in the Southern Lumber Industry 1082 Wages in Candy and Other Confectionery Products, April 1953 1084 Wage Chronology No. 3: United States Steel Corp.-Supple- 1085 Wage Chronology No. 12: Western Union Telegraph-Supple- 1089 Wage Chronology No. 23: Lockheed Aircraft Corp.-Supple- Departments III The Labor Month in Review Recent Decisions of Interest to Labor 1096 Chronology of Recent Labor Events 1098 Developments in Industrial Relations October 1953 Vol. 76. No. 10 Two New BLS Bulletins No. 1097 Family Income, Expenditures, and Savings in 1950 Separate averages for 91 cities, ranging in size from 2,500 to New Price: 35 cents 66 pages No. 1140 Consumer Price Index A nontechnical illustrated description of the CPI, prepared for the layman-what it is, how it is compiled and kept up to date, and what are its uses and limitations. Price: 20 cents 40 pages Orders Should Be Placed Direct With the Identify by BLS Bulletin Number |