ABADDON'S STEAM ENGINE, CALUMNY, DELINEATED: BEING AN ATTEMPT TO STOP ITS DELETERIOUS RESULTS ON SOCIETY, THE CHURCH, AND STATE, Called Bitterness, Eph. iv. 31. Compared by Adam Clarke, L. L. D. to A Medicine of the last century, compounded of a variety of Drastic, TO WHICH IS SUBJOINED, THE INFERNAL TRIUMVIRATE: OPPRESSION, DEPRESSION, AND EXTORTION. "Troy soon shall wake, with one avenging blow O thou man of God, there is death in the pot. 2d Kings, iv. 40. BY A LOVER OF MERCY REJOICING OVER JUDGMENT. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PURCHASER. J. H. Cunningham, Printer. 1817. 1 TO THE READER. THE merciless breakers of bruised reeds, who outknave the Priest and the Levite, in the Gospel, by not only passing the unfortunates, but also by giving them a louring glance, a bad name, or a kick, are humbly requested to apply at his Satanic Majesty's Council Chamber for a license to inform against Swindlers, Drunkards, and other criminals, contrary to Law and Gospel, as we are determined to stretch the string of charity, rather than act upon presumptive, circumstancial evidence, or exparte testimony. "The voice of the country has decided, irrevocably, in the condemnation of CAUCUSES-that scheme of concealed intrigue and corruption has been unfolded, and called forth the execration of all men who feel a reverence for the principles of the revolution." We contend against the Hydra-headed monster, Slander, in this book, by law and testimony, reason and revelation, beseeching the people and the elders, to enact simple and distinct statutes, defined and limited, under the purview of which, the court and jury may find the słandering felon guilty. To restrain slander, and prevent our civil and religious rights from being prejudiced, and taken away by tyranny, " Experience had taught the founders of our government, that freedom had |