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No. 5-Continued.

1 25

J. D. Brown....

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ROBERT J. ATKINSON, Third Auditor.

TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Third Auditor's Office, October 2, 1854.

No. 6.

Genèral statement of the condition of the fund appropriated for the contingent expenses of the office of the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, prepared in obedience to the provisions of the 20th section of the act of Congress of August 26, 1842.

State of appropriation.

The balance of the appropriation for the year 1853, not drawn
from the treasury on June 30, 1853...
Balance unexpended in the hands of the former agent, and depo-
sited in the treasury.

And there was appropriated by act of Congress of March 3, 1853..

Between July 1, 1853, and June 30, 1854, there was expended for the necessary objects required for the accommodation of the office, as will appear by the analytical statement subjoined, the sum of

Leaving a balance unexpended of...
On July 1, 1854, the account stood as follows, viz:
Undrawn in the treasury

This sum drawn from the treasury on a requisition dated June 30,
1854, for the purpose of making payments of accounts due
previous to that date.

Unexpended in the agent's hands

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TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Fourth Auditor's Office, November 15, 1854.


No. 6-Continued.

Analytical statement of the contingent expenses of the Fourth Auditor's Office, from July 1, 1853, to June 30, 1854.

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Collins, Bowne & Co. Contin'd. 54 dozen pieces red tape, at 20 cents..

1 dozen ink erasers, rubber

1 dozen Green's rubber...

6 glass inkstands

7 glass inkstands

6 glass inkstands

1 dozen balls of twine...

1 dozen balls of twine..

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3 dozen pieces taste, at $1 25

3 75

1 dozen taste needles...


1 dozen red pencils....


6 memorandum books, at 12 cents.


12 French erasers, at 50 cents....

6 00

6 Rogers' erasers

2 25

7 dozen pen handles, at 50 cents

3 50

3 Mann's patent binders, at $2.


8 dozen black lead pencils, at 50 cents.


6 flat rulers.

1 25

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1 wetting brush...

6 ivory folders...

1 pair scissors

1 pen washer..

6 paper weights

2 match boxes...

2 50





2 50


4 50



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