ACTS AMENDED. INDEX. Title of act to amend the act en- Section 1, chapter 353, vol. 14, amend- 389 Section 7, chapter 4, current volume, Section 4, chapter 3, Revised Code Chapter 7, of Amended Code, amend- 392 Chapter 357, current volume, amend- 416 430 Certain sections of chapter 484, vol. Chapter 53, vol. 12, amended (Idiot- Section 1, chapter 59, current vol- Chapter 145, vol. 13, amended (Pro- Chapter 418, vol. 14, variously amend- Chapter 55, Revised Code, amended 436 441 442 444 446 448 Chapter 72, vol. 14, amended, (Fish- 450 Section 2, chapter 83, current vol- Chapter 444, vol. 13, amended (Ditch- ... INDEX. ACTS EXCLUDED FROM PUBLICATION. ACTS EXTENDED, RENEWED AND Chapter 173, vol. 14, revived, re- Act to revive and extend the time Act to revive, re-enact, and continue Act to revive and extend the time 667 Chapters 186 and 263, vol. 11, con- 13 17 205 226 229 Act for renewal of the charter of the Title of act to renew and re-enact ware. 663 666 Title of act to revive, re-enact, &c., ACTS PRIVATE. (See Private Acts.) Chapter 6, current vol. repealed, ... Delaware, in city of Wilmington.. 361 Chapter 390, vol. 13, except certain the Phenix Fire Company in the city of Wilmington...... Title of act to re-incorporate the 13 ..... 370 Section 19, chapter 12, Revised 36 the act entitled an act to incorpor- Chapter 544, volume 12, repealed, 161 .. 3, 1873..... Chapter 552, vol. 14, repealed, (Pot- ter Charity Estate). 292 Delta Phi Literary Society of Del- Title of act to revive and re-enact INDEX. Who deemed an Insurance.........303 AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION. penalty for injuring property of cor- poration.... double damages. Fine 497 ib. ib. Misdemeanor. ib. minutes of board; how kept........ ib. annual statement of assets and liabil- ities... 498 annual reports of receipts and expen- ib. minutes of stockholders' meetings... ib. Revocation..... ib 209 ALLABAND, RICHBELL. (See Peninsula Agricultural and ..... 221 ib. Capital stock; shares; incorpora- tion; name... ib. corporate powers. ib. hold real estate not exceeding 150 i Title of act incorporating.......... 669 acres ib. • proviso; restrictions. ... 496 meeting for organization; notice... ib. must be stockholders... nine directors; when and how elec- President and other officers; how ib. Title of act incorporating- ib. elected; term.. ib. APPOQUINIMINK HUNDRED. refusal to give bond. ib. quorum; President pro tem....... ib. Each for what purposes divided.... ib. ib. share to have one vote........ 497 Name of hundreds when divided-... ib. other meetings.... ib. Appoquinimink and Blackbird hun- meetings of directors; where held. dreds... ib. Powers. ib. elections, where held.... ib. |