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thirteen thousand eight hundred and eighty three acres; subject, however, to the reservations expressed in an indenture, executed on the twenty-seventh day of October, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, between the then board of treasury, for the United States of America, of the one part, and Manasseh Cutler and Winthrop Sargent, as agents for the directors of the Ohio Company of associates, of the other part.

Second Tract. One tract of land, containing two hundred and fourteen thousand two hundred and eighty-five acres, to be located within the limits of the tract of one million five hundred thousand acres, described in an indenture, executed on the twenty-seventh day of October, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eightyseven, between the then board of treasury, for the United States of America, of the one part, and Manasseh Cutler and Winthrop Sargent, as agents for the directors of the Ohio Company of associates, of the other part, and adjoining to the tract of land, describ, ed in the first section of the above recited act, and in the form herein prescribed, as follows: Beginning on a line that has been surveyed, and marked by Israel Ludlow. (a plat or map whereof is filed in the office of the secretary of the treasury) as for the north boundary line of a tract of one million five hundred thousand acres, expressed in an indenture, executed on the twenty-seventh day of October, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, between the then board of treasury, for the United States of America, of the one part, and Manasseh Cutler and Winthrop Sargent, of the other part, at a point which is and shall be established, to be the north-west corner of a tract of one hundred thousand acres, granted to the said Rufus Putnam, Manasseh Cutler, Robert Oliver and Griffin Green, by letters patent, bearing even date with these presents; thence, running westerly on the said line, surveyed and marked as aforesaid, to a point where the said line would intersect the west boundary line of the eleventh range of townships, if laid out agreeably to the land ordinance, passed the twentieth day of May, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five; thence, running south, on the said western boundary, of the said eleventh range of townships, if laid out as aforesaid, till it would intersect a westerly continuation of the north boundary line of the third township of the seventh range of townships, surveyed by the authority of the United States of America, in Congress assembled; thence, running on a further westerly continuation of the said north boundary line of the said third township, to a point, station or place, where the western boundary line of the sixteenth range of townships would intersect or meet the same, if laid out agreeably to the land ordinance aforesaid; thence, running south, on the said western boundary line of the sixteenth range of townships, laid out as aforesaid, to a point, station or place, from which a line drawn due east, to the west boundary line of a tract of nine hundred and thirteen thousand eight hundred and eighty-three acres, granted to Rufus Putnam, Manasseh Cutler, Robert, liver, and Griffin Green, by letters patent, bearing even date with these pre sents, will, with the other lines of this tract, as herein specified and described, comprehend two hundred and fourteen thousand two hundred and eighty-five acres; thence, running due east to the western boundary line of the said tract of nine nundred and thirteen thousand eight hundred and eighty three acres; thence running northerly, on the said western boundary line to the northwest corner of the said last mentioned tract; thence, running easterly on the northern boundary of the said Jast mentioned tract, to the point where the same is touched or intersected by the western boundary of the aforesaid tract of one hundred thousand acres; thence, northerly, on the said western boundary of the said last mentioned tract, to the place of beginning.

Third Tract. One hundred thousand acres of land, to be located within the limits of the tract of one million five hundred thousand acres of land, described in an indenture, executed on the twentyseventh day of October, in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, between the then board of treasury, for the Uni ted States of America, of the one part, and Manasseh Cutler and Winthrop Sargent, as agents for the directors of the Ohio Compa ny of associates, of the other part, and adjoining to the tract of land, described in the first section of the above recited act. and in the form herein prescribed, as follows: Beginning on the western boundary line on the seventh range of townships, laid out by the authority of the United States, in Congress assembled, at a point, which is and shall be established to be the north east corner of a certain tract of land, containing, as computed, nine hundred and thirteen thousand eight hundred and eighty-three acres, by letters patent, bearing even date with these presents, granted to the said Rufus Putnam, Manasseh Cutler, Robert Oliver and Griffin Green; thence, running northerly, on the said western boundary of the said seventh range of townships, to a point or station, that has been fixed, pursuant to a survey, made by Israel Ludlow, a plat or map whereof is filed in the office of the secretary of the treasury, as the north-east corner of a tract of one million five hundred thousand acres, described in an indenture, executed on the twenty-seventh day of October, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, between the then board of treasury, for the United States of America, of the one part, and Manasseh Cutler and Winthrop Sargent, of the other part; thence, running westerly, on the northern boundary line of the said tract of one million five hundred thousand acres, as surveyed and marked by the said Israel Ludlow, to a point, from which a line drawn south to the northern boundary line of the said tract of nine hundred and thirteen thousand eight hundred and eighty-three acres, will, with the other lines of this tract, therein specified and described, comprehend one hundred thousand acres; thence, running south to the said northern boundary line, and thence due east on the said northern boundary line, to the place of beginning.

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JOHN C. SYMMES'S - Application for the purchase of a tract of land.

To his Excellency the President of Congress, the petition of John Cleves Symmes of New Jersey,


THAT your petitioner encouraged by the resolutions of Congress of the 23d and 27th of July last, stipulating the condition of a transfer of federal lands on the Sciota and Muskingum rivers, unto Winthrop Sargent and Manasseh Cutler Esqs. and their associates, of New England, is induced, on behalf of the citizens of the United States, westward of Connecticut, who also wish to become purchasers of federal lands, to pray that the honorable the Congress will be pleased to direct that a contract be made by the honorable the commissioners of the treasury board, with your petitioner, for himself and his associates, in all respects similar, in form and matter to the said grant made to Messrs. Sargent and Cutler, differing only in quantity and place where, and instead of two townships for the use of an university, that one only be assigned for the benefit of an academy.

That by such transfer to your petitioner and his associates, on their complying with the terms of sale, the fee may pass of all the lands, lying within the following limits, viz. Beginning at the mouth of the Great Miami river; thence, running up the Ohio, to the mouth of the Little Miami river; thence, up the main stream of the Little Miami river, to the place where a due west line, to be continued from the western termination of the northern boundary line, of the grant to Messrs. Sargent Cutler and company, shall intersect the said Little Miami river; thence, due west, continuing the said western line to the place where the said line shall intersect the main branch or stream of the Great Miami river; thence, down the Great Miami, to the place of beginning.

John. C. Symmes.

New York, 29th August, 1787.

No. 8.

JOHN C. SYMMES'S-Application for an alteration in the boundaries of his first contract, and releasing all claims beyond the altered boundaries.

BE it known unto all men by these presents, that whereas, in pursuance of certain resolutions, of the United States in Congress assembled, bearing date respectively the twenty-third, and twenty-seventh days of July, and the twenty third day of October, one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, or some of them, a contract was duly made and executed between Samuel Osgood, Walter Livingston and Arthur Lee, Esqs. commissioners of the board of treasury of the United States of the first part, Jonathan Dayton and Daniel Marsh, Esqs. of the second part, and John C. Symmes, Esq. for the third part, for the purchase and grant of a certain tract of land in the western country, adjoining the river Ohio, beginning on the bank of the same river, at a spot exactly twenty miles distant along the several courses of the same, from the place where the Great Miami empties itself into the said river Ohio, from thence extending down the said river Ohio, along the several courses thereof to the Great Miami river; thence, up the said river Miami, along the several courses thereof, to a place whence a line drawn due east, will intersect a line drawn from the place of beginning aforesaid, parallel with the general course of the great Miami river, so as to include one million of acres with. in these lines and the said rivers; and from that place upon the said Great river Miami, extending along such lines to the place of beginning, containing, as aforesaid, one million of acres to be granted to the said John Cleves Symmes and his associates, their heirs and assigns upon certain terms and conditions, as in and by the said contract, bearing date the fifteenth day of May, one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight, reference being thereunto had, will fully appear.

And whereas, by an act of the Congress of the United States, bearing date the twelfth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, entitled "An act for ascertaining the bounds of a tract of land, purchased by John Cleves Symmes," the President of the United States was authorized, at the request of the said John C. Symmes, to alter the said contract, made between the said late board of treasury, and the said John C. Symmes, in such manner that the said tract may extend from the mouth of the Great Miami, to the mouth of the Little Miami, and be bounded by the river Ohio on the south, by the Great Miami on the west, by the Little Miami on the east, and by a parallel of latitude on the north, extending from the Great Miami to the Little Miami,

so as to comprehend the proposed quantity of one million of acres; Provided, that the northern limits of the said tract shall not interfere with the boundary line, established by the treaty of Fort Harmar, between the United States and the Indian nations; and provided also, that the President reserve to the United States such lands at and near Fort Washington, as he may think necessary for the accommodation of a garrison at that Fort, as in and by the said act, reference thereunto had, will fully appear. Now these presents witness that I the, said John C. Symmes have requested and hereby do request the President of the United States, that the said contract so as aforesaid made by the said commissioners of the late board of treasury, on behalf of the said United States, on the one part, and of the said John C. Symmes, by my said agents Jonathan Dayton and Daniel Marsh on behalf of myself, and my -associates, of the other part be altered so as to include only the last mentioned tract, butted, bounded, and described as in the said act of the Congress aforesaid, subject to the same conditions and with the same limitations as in the said contract and act of Congress are expressed, is set forth; and also, subject to the reservation of the quantity of fifteen acres, being for the accommodation of Fort Washington, and the garrison thereof, and including the said Fort in such part of the said tract, as the President of the United States shall find convenient and suitable for military purposes, and shall cause to be located therefor, and further subject to the reservation of one mile square, at or within four miles of the mouth of the Great Miami, to be located by such person as the President of the United States shall appoint for that purpose; provided, that a law be passed within the space of two years from the date of these presents to authorize the last mentioned reservation and location; and that the President of the United States shall appoint a person to make such location within the space of one year after such law shall be passed; and provided also, that the same law shall autho rize the President to make, and the President shall make aud execute to the said John C. Symmes and his associates, his and their heirs, within the said last mentioned term of one year, a grant and release of the aforesaid fifteen acres reserved for the use and accommodation of Fort Washington and the garrison thereof: and I do hereby, for myself and my associates, and our heirs, remise, remit and quit claim unto the said United States, all right, title, interest, claim and demand whatever, in and to so much of the lands contained and included within the bounds and limits described in the said first mentioned contract, as is not contained,, meant and intended to be contained and included within the bounds and limits, secondly abovementioned.*



* The act of the President of the United States, assenting to the alteration of boundaries is omitted. Mr. Symmes having made no payment for lands beyond

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