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Why should not divers studies, at divers hours, delight, when the
variety is able alone to refresh and repair us ?

[blocks in formation]




Asiatic Rhinoceros, 335.

Asonante Verse, 205.

Bacon, his observations on dramatic poe-

try, 630.

Balearic Islands, peculiar customs in, 509.
Banditti, Spanish, 613.
Barry Cornwall, 50-his

6: Flood of Thes-

Beddoes, Mr., his Brides' Tragedy re-
viewed, 169.

Births, 119, 239, 367, 487, 599.
Biographical Memoirs, &c.: Goethe, 68-
Dr. Jenkins, 93-Herder, 273-Cha-
racter of Burnet, 296-J. P. Kemble,

449-Earl St. Vincent, 537.

Biography, Remarks on, 450.

Bow-street, literary Police Office, 157.

Brantome, new Edition of, 471.

Brewster, Dr., Fluid in Crystals discovered

by, 585.

Brunswick, Duke of, his advance into

France, 68.

Bulbs of Thermometers, variations in, 585.

Buonaparte, Mad. Mère, death of, 111.
Burnet's Own Times, by Routh, reviewed,
290-his Character, 296.

Card-table, honesty of the, 154.

Caroline Islands, 314.

Cartoons of Raphael, 617.

Carey, Rev. Dr., Extract of a Letter from,


Cary, Mr., his Translation of Dante, 318.
Casuistry, 193.

Catholic Religion, its character, 510.
Caves, containing fossil bones, 466-Ice
Caves of the Alps, &c. 582.

Characters: Elia, 19-Messer Brunetto,

49-Christina Swayne, 74-Catrina

Snorro, 76-Wilfred Thorold, 77-Po-

polino, 97-Superior of the Convent at

Sorrento, 54, &c. -Allaverdi, 389-Old

Martin, 246-Cockney Huntsman, 252

-Sandie Roseboro, 411-Kate of Win-

diewa's, 412-Old Elspa, 413-W-

535-J. Billet, 536-Jayme Alfonso,

banditti chief, 601-the Dame of Elf-

knowe, 679-the Miller of Croga, 679.

Chartier, Alain, French poet, 552.
Child Angel, a dream, 677.
Children, their enjoyments, 13, 39.
Chinese Year, 340.
Chlorine, fluid, 5.
Choice of a Grave, 95.
Christina Swayne, an Icelandic Tale, 73.
Cicero's Dialogues on a Commonwealth,

Clare, J. 48, 158-" Poesy," 210-" An-
tiquity," 380.

Climate, a pleasant, 567.

Clissold, Mr., his Ascent of Mont-Blanc,

Blunders, 463-Literary, 330, note; of Cock Watt, 517.

Dictionaries, 442.

Clouds, Ascent of, 587.

Cockney Huntsman, 252.

Cold, Remarkable Degree of, 587.

Coleridge, Mr., 85, 158, 375.

Books, new, 118, 238, 365, 485, 597.

Reflections on the Multitude of, 327. Colours, prismatic, Goethe's Theory of, 69.


Bottioni, Italian Dramatist, 236.

Bouterwek, Blunder of, 330, note.

H. Sonnets by, 181.


Steel ornamented with,

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