Choice Thoughts FROM SHAKSPERE DLE BY THE AUTHOR OF 'The Book of Familiar Quotations.' LONDON: WHITTAKER & CO., AVE MARIA LANE. 1861. PREFACE. Whilst numerous selections from Shakspere have been published, it is to be feared that, for the most part, they contain many passages which it is scarcely expedient to place before youthful readers. One object of this compilation is to present a book specially adapted to the youth of both sexes, and for use in the family circle, which, whilst embodying the most prominent beauties, excludes everything which may be deemed objectionable by the most fastidious persons. Another aim of the Compiler has been to make the book one which it is believed cannot fail to impart to its readers some knowledge of Shakspere's works generally; thus, extracts from every play have been included, varying |