Time of hearing appeal. Official bond of OF THE GENERAL ELECTION. such Judge of the Supreme Court as may sit for the purpose of receiving and hearing such appeal which time shall be one of the days hereinafter named for such resident Associate Judge or Judge of the Supreme Court to sit for the purpose of receiving and hearing appeals. SECTION 12. Each registrar shall, before entering upon registrar. the duties of his office give bond to the State of Delaware, with at least one or more sureties to be approved by the Clerk of the Peace of the county wherein such registrars reside, in a penalty to be determined by the said Clerk of the Peace, Amount. and to be, as nearly as can be ascertained, double the amount which such registrar is required to collect as registration fees, of and from all voters who may be registered in his election district, the form and condition whereof shall be as follows, viz. : Form of Bond. That we KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. of County and State of Delaware, are held and firmly bound unto the State of Delaware in the penal sum of lawful money of the United States of America, to be paid to the said State of Delaware or its certain attorney, or assigns, to which payment well and truly to be made we jointly and severally bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this day of in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety The condition of the above obligation is such, that if the above being Registrar of Election District in Representative District in County, shall faithfully and diligently collect and receive all registration fees which he shall as such registrar, be required to collect of and from all persons who may be registered as registered voters in his said election district, and shall pay over the amount so received to the Receiver of Taxes and County Treasurer, or County Treasurer of his county in the manner and within the times prescribed by law, then the above obligation shall be void and of no effect or else shall be and remain in full force and virtue. And further, we do hereby jointly and severally authorize OF THE GENERAL ELECTION. and empower any attorney of any Court of Record in the State of Delaware, or elsewhere, to appear for us, and each or either of us, at the suit of the said State of Delaware or its assigns, and thereupon to confess judgment for the above penalty to the said State of Delaware or its assigns, as of the last, next, or any other term or time after the date hereof. And further, we do hereby jointly and severally release all and all manner of error or errors in any such judgment and execution to be issued thereon. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of [SEAL.] [SEAL. [SEAL.] II. The surety or sureties required in the foregoing may who may be some trust company or surety company authorized to do on Bond. business in this State and to enter into suretyship. III. The said bond after being executed as hereinbefore Filing of provided, shall be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Peace, Bond. of the county by whom it was approved subject to the order of the Receiver of Taxes and County Treasurer or County Treasurer as the case may be. SECTION 13. It shall be the duty of the respective Regis- Registrar trars appointed under this act to pay over to the Receiver of over regisTaxes and County Treasurer, or County Treasurer of the tration county in which he is registrar, all moneys which shall have come to his hands as such registrar by the payment of regis-Time of tration fees, on the Thursday next succeeding the day of the payment. general election in the year in which he shall have received such fees, and in default thereof, it shall be the duty of the Failure, Receiver of Taxes and County Treasurer, or County Treasurer judgment as the case may be, to cause judgment to be entered on said bond in the Superior Court in and for the county, and to proceed to collect such suun as shall remain due and unpaid by Collection the said registrar, provided, nevertheless, that it shall be the duty of the said Receiver of Taxes and County Treasurer, or County Treasurer, upon the request of any surety or sureties in said bond or whenever in his judgment, the interest of the ord State demands, to cause judgment to be entered on said bond request of at any time after the execution thereof with power to enforce to pay on Bond, of fees. Bond at Alternate registrar, OF THE GENERAL ELECTION. collection of the same, if payment is not made as above provided for. SECTION 14. That whenever it shall become the duty of when act-any Alternate Registrar appointed under the provisions of ar, to this act, to discharge and perform the duties of the registrar pas other he shall on the evening of every day on which he shall act istrar. as such registrar pay over to the registrar of his election dis istrar, fees to reg Failure. trict and in whose place he shall have acted, or his legal authorized agent or attorney, all moneys which shall have come to his hands as registration fees, and such payment shall be his discharge from all liability for or on account of the moneys so received; and upon failure to pay over the whole or any part of the moneys received by him as registration fees while acting in the place of said registrar at any one sitting, on the evening of the day as herein required or within three days thereafter, he shall be deemed guilty of a midemeanor and Penalty. upon indictment and conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars to be determined by the Court and which shall not be more than double the amount that it shall appear to the said Court, that came into his hands as registration fees, or shall be imprisoned for a term not exceeding one year or both at the discretion of the Court. Duties of assistant SECTION 15. It shall be the duty of the assistant registrars registrars in this act provided for to make all the proper entries in the to make entries. "Registers" and "Books of Registered Voters" as the same are required by this act to be made, except such entries as are provided for in Section 16 of this act; and it shall be the Addition- duty of the registrar, in addition to the other duties required registrars. of him, to fill up, prepare and deliver all certificates of registration that may be required by registered voters, and to receive and file all affidavits which may be filed. al duty of Sittings of SECTION 16. It shall be the duty of the resident Associate hear ap- Judge of New Castle county to sit at the Levy Court room of peals. New Castle county, and the resident Associate Judge of Kent county to sit at the Levy Court of Kent county, and the resident Associate Judge of Sussex county to sit at the office of the Clerk of the Peace for Sussex county, or if said places cannot conveniently be had, then at such proper and suitable places in the county seat of the respective counties of this OF THE GENERAL ELECTION. State as shall be designated by notice signed by the said resident Associate Judge of his county, and posted on the door of the respective places aforesaid, stating where he will sit for the purpose of hearing appeals from the decision of the Registrars in the respective election districts in his county on Thursday next following the third Saturday of August, in the Time of year in which registration is required by law to be made, at August. 10 o'clock in the morning of said day, on which day he shall Hour. receive appeals from such persons as shall have appealed from Hearing the decision of the registration officers of the respective elec-appeals. tion districts in his county, which shall be presented on said day, and he shall proceed to hear all appeals which shall have been filed as aforesaid on said day, and may continue the hearing of any such appeal or appeals from day to day during the remainder of the week, and shall sit again on the Tuesday next following for the purpose aforesaid, to hear and determine such appeals as shall not have been acted upon the previous week, and also such as may be presented and filed on said last mentioned day, and may continue the hearing of any appeal or appeals then unheard from day to day during the remainder of the week, and until all appeals which shall have been filed shall have been heard and decided. The said resident Associate Judge shall again sit for the purpose of Sitting in hearing appeals as aforesaid on the Tuesday next following ber. the last day of registration as provided for in this act, to receive appeals from such persons as shall have appealed from the decision of the registration officers of the respective election district in his county as aforesaid, made on the said last day of registration, and any other appeal or appeals which for any cause he may have continued from a preceding sitting, and shall proceed to hear all appeals which shall have been filed as aforesaid, and may continue the hearing of any such appeal or appeals from day to day during the remainder of the week, and shall sit again on the Tuesday next following, for the purpose aforesaid, to hear and determine such appeals as shall not have been acted upon the previous week, and also such as may be presented and filed on said last mentioned day, and may continue the hearing of any appeal or appeals then unheard from day to day during the remainder of the week, and until the close of the day next preceding the day of the election; provided, that all appeals which shall have Oath that been taken from the decision of the registration officers made present sitting in Septem delay in was not to OF THE GENERAL ELECTION. ing appeal at their sittings in August and September, and which shall hinder or be presented to the resident Associate Judge at his sitting on delay. Affidavit the Tuesday next after the last day of registration as aforesaid to hear appeals, shall not be received and acted on unless the appellant shall make oath before the said resident Associate Judge that the delay in presenting his said appeal was not for the purpose of hindering or delaying the said resident Associate Judge or the officer of registration in his election district in the discharge of the duties imposed upon them respectively under the provisions of this act. II. No appeal shall be received and acted upon by the appetice of resident Associate Judge unless the appellant shall, at the time of presenting his appeal make an affidavit, that notice of his intention to present his appeal on this day was served upon the Registrar of his election district; any person applying to the said resident Associate Judge to have any name appearing on the register and books of registered voters in his election disNotice to trict in any manner incorrect to be corrected shall notify the of applica registrar of the election district on whose books such name is Registrar tion for corrections. incorrectly entered of his intention to make application for the correction thereof, so that the said registrar shall and may be present with his register and books of registered voters to make such corrections therein as the said resident Associate Judge shall order and direct; provided, that no correction shall be ordered to be made by the said resident Associate Judge unless he shall be satisfied by the oath of the applicant or otherwise that notice of the intended application for correction shall have been given to or served upon the registrar of the appellant's election district of his intention to make Serving of said application. All notices required to be given or served by the provisions of this section upon any registrar shall be so given or served personally at least three days before the application is made, or by leaving, in the presence of an adult Applica- male person, a written copy of such notice at the usual place correction of abode of such registrar, at least three days before the applinoteals cation shall be made, and no application for correction or for dearofre the hearing of an appeal shall be heard upon any day which istration. is set apart by this act as a day for the registration of voters. notice. tion for be on Order of Judge for making entries. III. Upon the decision of the respective resident Associate Judges on each and every appeal, the resident Associate Judge making the decision shall order and direct the Registrar of |