Chap. 441. AN ACT to amend chapter four hundred and fifty-two of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-one, entitled "An act to incorporate the Union Wharf Company at Greenport." PASSED June 9, 1885; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The two sections hereinafter specified of chapter four hundred and fifty-two of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-one, entitled "An act to incorporate the Union Wharf Company of Greenport," are hereby amended as follows: § 2. Section two of said act is amended so as to read as follows: etc., of § 2. Said corporation shall have power to maintain and keep in re- Repair, pair their wharf, now located at the foot of Amity street in Greenport, wharf. in the town of Southold and the county of Suffolk, and shall have power to extend said wharf from the shore three hundred and fifty feet into the bay or harbor. § 3. Section three of said act is amended so as to read as follows: § 3. The capital stock of said company shall consist of six thousand Capital dollars, and be divided into shares of twenty dollars each, which shall stock. be deemed personal property and transferable in such manner as said company shall by its by-laws direct. § 4. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 442. AN ACT to release all the right, title and interest of the state of New York in certain lands located in the city of Syracuse, New York, to James Phalen. PASSED June 9, 1885, by a two-thirds vote. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: leased. SECTION 1. All the estate, right, title and interest of the people of Interest of the state of New York in and to the following described real estate, state renamely: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the fifth ward of the city of Syracuse, county of Onondaga and state of New York, known and distinguished on a map of said city, made by Borden & Griffin, as being a part of lot number six in block one hundred and eighty-one in said fifth ward, bounded and described as follows, namely: Beginning on the east side of Niagara street, at the north-west corner of said lot; thence south on the east line of said street, forty-six feet; thence east and parallel to the north line of said lot, sixty-six feet to the east line of the same; thence north on said east line, forty-six feet o the north-east corner of said lot, and thence west on the north line of said lot, sixty-six feet to the place of beginning, the same being forty-six feet front and rear and sixty-six feet deep, whereof Mary Not to impair vested rights. Interest of state released. Not to im ed rights. O'Keefe died seized, is hereby released unto James Phalen of Garry Doff, Parish Grange, Hoclar county, Tipperary, Ireland, the father of said Mary O'Keefe. § 2. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to impair, release or discharge any right, claim or interest of any purchaser, heir at law or devisee, or of any creditor by mortgage, judgment or otherwise in the said real estate. § 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 443. AN ACT to release the right, title and interest of the people of the state of New York in and to certain real estate situate in the city of Buffalo, county of Erie, and state of New York, to John Engel. PASSED June 9, 1885; by a two-thirds vote. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. All the right, title and interest of the people of the state of New York in and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situate in said city of Buffalo, Erie county, New York, being the north onehalf of subdivision lot two hundred and fifteen, of the south-west part of lot twenty-two, township eleven, range eight, of the Holland Land Company's survey, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the west line of Adams street, seven and eighty-seven onehundredths feet north of the northerly line of Sycamore street (as extended); running thence northerly on the westerly line of Adams street, twenty-five feet; thence westerly at right angles with Adams street, one hundred and nine feet; thence southerly, parallel with Adams street, twenty-five feet; thence easterly, one hundred and nine feet to the westerly line of Adams street at the place of beginning, is hereby released to John Engel, his heirs and assigns forever. § 2. Nothing in this act contained shall be construed to impair or pair vest affect the right to said real estate of any heir at law, devisee, grantee or of any creditor by mortgage, judgment or otherwise. §3. This act shall take effect immediately. Unlawful to sell or Chap. 444. AN ACT to regulate skating rinks and prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors therein. PASSED June 9, 1885; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. It shall not be lawful in any city or town of six thousand furnish inhabitants, or more, to sell or furnish any wine, beer, or strong or spirituous liquor, to any person in any building used as a skating rink, wine, etc., in rink. or in any apartment connected therewith by any door, window or other aperture. § 2. Any person violating any provision of this act shall be guilty Penalty. of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred and fifty dollars, or imprisonment of not less than one month or more than three months, or both. § 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 445. AN ACT to amend chapter seventy-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five, entitled "An act to revise and amend chapter one hundred and ten of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-four, entitled 'An act to amend the charter of the village of Newark,' and the several acts amendatory thereof." PASSED June 9, 1885; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Section five of title seven of section one of chapter seventy-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five is hereby amended so as to read as follows: ment of, § 5. The firemen of said village shall be appointed by the board of Firemen, trustees on the nomination of some company and assigned to duty in appoint the company nominating them, and they may be removed by said and exboard. They shall be entitled to such exemptions and privileges as emptions. are or may be given to firemen by the general statutes of the state, and, in addition, exemption from poll-taxes while they continue active. members of the fire department of said village. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Chap. 446. AN ACT to amend chapter one hundred and thirty of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-two, entitled "An act respecting elections, other than for militia and town officers." PASSED June 9, 1885; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Section five of article second, title sixth of chapter one hundred and thirty of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-two is amended to read as follows: § 5. One of the certified copies of such statement of votes given in when cer each of the several counties of the state shall be delivered by the tified AL state clerks of such counties, respectively, or by their respective deputy menti clerks, as herein directed, on or before the second day succeeding that on which the canvass shall have been made, to the secretary of state. § 2. Sections six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen and eighteen of said article second, title sixth of chapter one hundred and repealed. thirty of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-two are hereby to ered to the secretary of state. Sections amended. repealed. Section §3. Section nineteen of article second, title sixth of chapter one hundred and thirty of laws of eighteen hundred and forty-two is amended to read as follows: Penalty for willful neglect, etc. § 19. If any county clerk or deputy county clerk, or other officer, on whom any duty is enjoined in this act, shall be guilty of any willful neglect of such duty or of any corrupt conduct in the execution of the same, and be thereof convicted, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or imIbid. for prisonment not exceeding one year, or both; and if any person shall away by be found guilty of taking away from any of the said county clerks or force from deputy county clerks, either by force or in any other manner, any such certificate intrusted to his care, or of willfully doing any act that shall defeat the due delivery thereof, as directed by this act, he shall be punished by imprisonment in the state's prison at hard labor for not less than two nor exceeding four years. taking clerk, etc. Compensation. § 4. Section twenty of article second, title sixth of chapter one hundred and thirty of the laws of eighteen hundred and forty-two is amended to read as follows: § 20. The said county clerks shall receive for their compensation, respectively, five cents per mile for each mile traveled by the usual route going and returning, to be audited by the comptroller, upon the certificate of the secretary of state. § 5. This act shall take effect immediately. Corpora tors. Chap. 447. AN ACT for the incorporation of the Department of New PASSED June 9, 1885; three-fifths being present. SECTION 1. John J. Dowling of Albany, department commander; senior vice-department commander; Michael J. Colligan of Brooklyn, junior vice-department commander; Edmund A. Andrews of Albany, adjutant-general; Frank E. Mitchell of Ballston, quartermaster-general; Charles G. Kneisel of New York, injudge-advocate; spector-general; Beekman H. Searing of Saratoga, chief mustering officer; , medical director; Frederick Frey of New York, chaplain, being the officers of, and James J. Farrell of , Lewis A Bowers of New York, David E. Dean of Corinth, John Extein of Mathias J. Severance of Albany, being the elected members of the council of administration of and their associates, the delegates from subordinate posts, to the department encamp powers. ment of the voluntary association known as the Sons of Veterans within the limits of the state of New York, and their successors as such officers and delegates are hereby created a body politic and corporate, in fact and in name, by the name of "The Department of New York Name and Sons of Veterans," and as such shall have the right to sue and be sued, to purchase and hold and to take by gift, devise and bequest, real and personal estate not to exceed in the aggregate in value the sum of fifty thousand dollars, and to sell and dispose of the same as occasion may require, to have a corporate seal, and at pleasure to alter or change the same, and to have succession; that is, this charter shall not determine nor said corporate existence cease, except by act of legislature, so long as there shall be one hundred or more members of said Sons of Veterans in good standing under its rules residing within the limits of the state of New York who shall desire the continuance of the same. § 2. The objects of said corporation shall be, 1. to preserve and objects. strengthen those kind of fraternal feelings which should bind together the sons of soldiers and sailors and marines who suppressed the late rebellion and to perpetuate the memory and history of the dead; 2. to assist such soldiers as need help and protection and to extend needful aid to the widows and orphans of fallen heroes; 3. to maintain true allegiance to the United States of America, based upon a paramount respect for, and fidelity to the national constitution and laws, to discountenance whatever tends to weaken loyalty, incites to insurrection, treason or rebellion, or in any manner impairs the efficiency and permanency of our free institutions, and to encourage the spread of universal liberty, equal rights and justice to all men. ment of trustees, § 3. The management and disposition of the property of said cor- Manageporation shall be vested in a board of fifteen trustees, to be composed property of the fifteen persons first named in section one of this act, and their to be in successors in office, who shall be annually selected in the manner pro- etc. vided for by the rules and regulations of the Sons of Veterans; said trustees shall severally hold office till their respective successors shall have duly qualified in accordance with said rules and regulations; they shall constitute and be known also as the "department council of Departadministration," and shall have all the powers vested in department ment councils of administration by said rules and regulations, except for the adminis defrayment of the necessary and current expenses of said corporation and for salaries; the appropriation of funds by said trustees shall be by and with the consent of a majority of the members of said corporation who shall be present at regular called meetings or department encampments. Vacancies in the board of trustees shall be filled in Vacan the manner provided in rules and regulations aforesaid for filling vacancies in department councils of administration. council of tration. cies. § 4. The corporation hereby created shall have the powers of and be General subject to the restrictions prescribed in title three, chapter eighteen, powers. part one of the Revised Statutes of the state of New York. § 5. When said corporation shall be finally dissolved, its property Disposi remaining after payment of all its debts, shall be disposed of in tion of such manner as the surviving members thereof shall determine. § 6. This act shall take effect immediately. property on dissolution. |