RESOLUTIONS. Thomas B. Giles, appointed State Treasurer. CHAPTER 498. Joint Resolution appointing State Treasurer. Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Delaware, by and with the concurrence of the Senate, That Thomas B. Giles be and he is hereby appointed State Trea surer. Adopted at Dover, January 18, 1877. Dr. Nathan tor CHAPTER 499. Joint Resolution appointing Doctor Nathan Pratt auditor of accounts. Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Delaware, by and with the concurrence of the Senate, That Doctor Nathan Pratt be and he is hereby appointed auditor of accounts. Adopted at Dover, January 18, 1877. CHAPTER 500. Joint Resolution directing the publication, in pamphlet form, of the Auditor's report for the year 1876. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the House phlet copies committee on printing be and the same is hereby directed to have printed, in pamphlet form, six hundred copies of the State Auditor's Report for the year 1876, and to distribute the 600 pam of Auditor's Report for 1876 to be printed. RESOLUTIONS. uted. same as follows, to wit: Two hundred and sixty (260) copies How distribto the House of Representatives, one hundred and twenty (120) copies to the Senate, seventy (70) copies to the State auditor, and fifty copies to each of the prothonotaries of the several counties. the two Resolved, That the clerks of the two Houses of this General Clerks of Assembly, be and they are hereby directed to omit the said houses to State Auditor's Report from publication in connection with exclude said their journals. Adopted at Dover, January 19, 1877. Report from publication in journals. CHAPTER 501. Joint Resolution for the appointment of a joint committee to which shall be referred the report of the Delaware State Centennial Commission. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Joint comState of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the report mittee on of "The Delaware State Centennial Commission" be referred "The Delto a joint committee of three on the part of the House, and Centennial two on the part of the Senate. Adopted at Dover, January 23, 1877. Report of aware State Commis sion." CHAPTER 502. Joint Resolution directing the State Treasurer to pay to Joseph P. Comegys and Leander F. Riddle, the sum of eleven hundred and fifty-one dollars and nine cents. ($1,151 09.) Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the State i urer to pay RESOLUTIONS. State Treas- treasurer be and he is hereby directed to pay to Joseph P. $1151, as ad- Comegys and Leander F. Riddle, the sum of eleven hundred propriation. and fifty-one dollars and nine cents, ($1,151 09,) balance due for expenses from the State, as an additional appropriation to defray the* ditional ap of Centennial Centennial Commission of this State. Commission. Adopted at Dover, January 24, 1877. Preamble. The congres appointing a CHAPTER 503. Joint Resolutions on Federal relations. WHEREAS, the unsettled and threatening attitude of public opinion upon the Presidential contest, has made it expedient and in comity with the harmony of an American citizenship, and the tranquility of political loyalty to the Constitution of these United States, to adopt measures for the preservation of those vital qualities in good government, therefore, Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of sional bill the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That they do Joint com approve and cordially endorse the bill, reported as the fruit the decision of the deliberation of the joint committee of the National idetheal elec-Congress, for the peaceful settlement of the existing Presition, appro- dential difficulties, as a fair course of equal law. of ved. The Senators sentatives Resolved, That the representatives from this State in the and Repre- Congress of the United States be, and they hereby are, refrom Dela- spectfully and earnestly requested to give a cordial and united esupues support to this broad and liberal measure, to the end that the ted to port it. Copy of res great and absorbing question of Presidential succession may be decided in the interests of justice, liberty and peace. And be it further resolved, That a copy of the foregoing olution to be preamble and resolutions be transmitted to our Senators and sent them. Representative in Congress, with a request that they be presented to the Senate and House of Representatives. Adopted at Dover, January 25, 1877. * So enrolled. RESOLUTIONS. CHAPTER 504. Joint Resolutions relative to the rights of the State of Delaware, in a certain. part of the Delaware river which runs between the States of Delaware and New Jersey. WHEREAS, The State of Delaware claims to own the bed Preamble. and to have exclusive jurisdiction (subject to the constitution of the United States and the acts of Congress made in pursuance thereof) over that portion of the Delaware river which is included within a circle of twelve miles radius, taking the court house in the city of New Castle as a central pointand WHEREAS, The State of New Jersey disputes the validity of such claim, and asserts, upon her part, jurisdiction and ownership over that part of the same area on the east side of the channel of said river-and WHEREAS, Legally authorized commissioners have heretofore held frequent conferences and consultations which have failed to result in any satisfactory determination of the points in dispute-and WHEREAS, It has officially come to the knowledge of this General Assembly, through a properly certified copy of a joint resolution, adopted by "the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey," March 30th, 1876, that the Governor of said State is authorized to cause to be instituted and prosecuted, in the Supreme Court of the United States, a suit in equity or an action at law, by the State of New Jersey against the State of Delaware, to ascertain, determine, and settle the true territorial boundary line between said States, and the extent of the jurisdiction of each of said States in and on said river, and WHEREAS, As the State of Delaware was the first to give her assent to the Constitution of the United States which provides the arbiter* of the Supreme Court for the decision of controversies between States, so she will promptly accept the gage of contest in that august tribunal tendered her by her sister State; Therefore, Attorney General to appear for whenever Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of Delaware, the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the suit shall be Attorney General be,and he is, hereby, authorized and directed, by commenced *So enrolled. Jersey in U. : Governor RESOLUTIONS. to cause his appearance, in behalf of this State, to be promptly entered upon the record of the said suit in the Supreme Court of the United States, whenever the same shall be com mdditionploy menced by the State of New Jersey. And be it further resolved, counsel to that the Governor be, and he is, hereby, authorized to employ, ney General. in behalf of the State, additional counsel to assist the Attorney assist Attor Governor to New Jersey. General in the defence of the said suit. Resolved, That the Governor of this State be, and he is, hereby, requested to transmit to the Governor of New Jersey, a certified copy of the foregoing preamble and resolutions. Adopted at Dover, January 26, 1877. : Invitation CHAPTER 505. Joint Resolution inviting Rev. J. H. Caldwell to preach a sermon before the Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the That Rev. J. H. Caldwell be, and he is, hereby, invited to H. Caldwell. preach a sermon in the M. E. church, before the members of this General Assembly, at such time as he may designate,and as shall suit their convenience. Adopted at Dover, February 6, 1877. CHAPTER 506. Joint Resolution to pay William Reynolds four hundred dollars in full, for services as Adjutant General of the State. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the State Treasurer be, and he is, hereby, directed to pay William Reynolds the sum of four hundred dollars in full for services to the State as Adjutant General. State Treas urer to pay $400 to the Adjutant General. Adopted at Dover, February 7, 1877. |