RESOLUTIONS. CHAPTER 489. Joint resolution appointing a joint committee to wait upon his Excellency, the mittee to in Governor of Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Joint comState of Delaware in General Assembly met, That a committee form the of two on the part of the Senate, and three on the part of the the organizaHouse, be appointed to wait on his Excellency, the Governor, tion of Legislature, and inform him that both Houses are convened and ready to receive any communication that he may have to make. Adopted at Dover, January 2, 1877. the CHAPTER 490. Joint resolution appointing a joint committee to prepare joint rules for the government of intercourse between the two Houses. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That there be ap Joint committee to prepare rules for the govern RESOLUTIONS. pointed a joint committee of two on the part of the Senate, and two on the part of the House, to prepare joint rules for the ment of the government of intercourse between the two Houses. two Houses. Adopted at Dover, January 3, 1877. Joint com CHAPTER 491. Joint resolution appointing a joint committee to take action and make report upon the report of the Adjutant General. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the mittee on ad- State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That a committee repener of two on the part of the Senate, and three on the part of the House, be appointed on the Adjutant General's report, and take action and make report thereon, as the case demands. al's report. Adopted at Dover, January 3, 1877. Adjournment of the Legislature. CHAPTER 492. Joint resolution of Adjournment. Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That when the two Houses adjourn, this morning, they adjourn to meet on Monday next, at 3 o'clock, P. M. Adopted at Dover, January 4, 1877. SOLUTIONS. CHAPTER 493. Joint resolution appointing a joint committee to examine the accounts of the State Treasurer. mittee to ex counts of the Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Joint comState of Delaware in General Assembly met, That there be ap- amine the acpointed a joint committee of two on the part of the Senate, and State Treathe three on the part of the House, to examine the accounts of the urer. State treasurer. Adopted at Dover, January 10, 1877. CHAPTER 494. Joint resolution in relation to the Boundary Question, referred to in the Governor's message. Joint com Resolved, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware [in General Assembly met,] That so much of his Excellency, the Governor's message, as refers to the boun-mittee on so dary question, be and the same is hereby referred to a joint Governor's committee of two on part of the Senate, and three on part of Message as. the House, Adopted at Dover, January 11, 1877. much of the relates to the boundary question. CHAPTER 495. A joint resolution authorizing and directing the State Treasurer to pay a cer tain claim. WHEREAS, by a joint resolution, adopted February 25, 1875, the clerk of the House was directed to have printed, one Preamble. Current volume, 347. RESOLUTIONS. thousand copies of an historical paper, read before the General Assembly, by Col. Wm. G. Whiteley, and WHEREAS, the clerk, in obedience to said joint resolution, employed Messrs. James & Webb, of Wilmington, to print said paper, but the said firm neglected to present their bill at the last session of the General Assembly, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED*, That the State Treasurer be and he is State Treas. hereby authorized and directed, to pay to James & Webb the urer to pay sum of one hundred and seventy-two dollars and forty-eight Webb$172.48 cents, ($172.48) being the amount of their bill for printing the ing a certain aforesaid historical paper. James & for print historical pa Preamble. Current vol ume, 340. CHAPTER 496. Preamble and Joint Resolution for the publication and payment of Equity cases. WHEREAS, By a joint resolution of the General Assembly of the State of Delaware, adopted on the 2d of February, A. D. 1875, Daniel M. Bates was authorized and requested to complete the collection and publication of equity cases, pursuant to the provisions of a joint resolution adopted on the Vol. 14, 285. 29th of March, A. D. 1871, and WHEREAS, all the provisions of the last mentioned joint resolution were expressly extended to such collection and publication to be made by him, as well since as before the expiration of his office of chancellor, the provisions so extended being intended to include an allowance made in the joint resolution of 1871 of two hundred dollars per annum in consideration of the services requested and authorized; and, WHEREAS, notwithstanding the expiration of his said office, the said Daniel M. Bates continued, and still continues, the prosecution of the said work, and *So enrolled. RESOLUTIONS. WHEREAS, for the want of an express direction in said joint resolution of 1875, for the payment of said allowance,, the State Treasurer has not felt himself authorized to pay the same since the expiration of the said Daniel M. Bates' term of office as chancellor; now, therefore, urer to pay annual sum Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of State Treasthe State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the State Her Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the said Bates, the Daniel M. Bates, out of any moneys in the treasury of the of $200, for State, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of two hundred publication of equity dollars for each year which has elapsed since the expiration cases. of his said office as chancellor, and to continue to pay to him, in like manner the said sum of two hundred dollars, annually, for the services requested and authorized by the joint resolution adopted at Dover, March 29, 1871, volume 14, chapter 223, and to be completed in a third volume in the year 1878, and delivered according to the provisions in said resolution. Adopted at Dover, January 18, 1877. CHAPTER 497. Joint Resolution appropriating seven hundred dollars to pay the contingent expenses of the office of Secretary of State. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the sum of Contingent seven hundred dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated the Secretary and made payable to Ignatius C. Grubb, Secretary of State, to defray the contingent expenses of his office for the present and ensuing year, and that he be required to present his accounts and vouchers to the General Assembly of this State at its next session, for settlement. expenses of of State. Adopted at Dover January 18, 1877. |