TO THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS: IN THE INTEREST OF HIS CONSECRATED “SAINTS,” WAITING FOR THE ADOPTION, -AND OF "ALL THAT IN EVERY PLACE CALL UPON THE LORD," -AND OF THE GROANING CREATION, TRAVAILING AND WAITING FOR THE MANIFESTATION OF THE SONS OF GOD, THIS WORK IS DEDICATED. "To make all see what is the fellowship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God." "Wherein He hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He hath purposed in Himself; that in the dispensation of the fulness of the times He might gather together in one all things, under Christ." Eph. 3:4, 5, 9; 1:8-10. COPYRIGHT 1889. TOWER PUBLISHING CO., N. B. THIS WORK CAN BE SUPPLIED ALSO IN THE GERMAN LANGUAGE, AND FRENCH AND SCANDINAVIAN TRANSLATIONS ARE IN PROGRESS. PREFACE. We cannot too earnestly urge upon the reader that, before beginning the study of “The Time is at Hand," he should have clearly in mind "The Plan of the Ages." Tο study the time, without having previously a knowledge of the general character of the events to be expected, would be worse than useless. The Scripture quotations of this volume are not always those of the common version, which is not always the best. We have followed it in the main, however, departing only in cases where clearness of sense demanded. For the same reason we have not been able to adopt, entire, any one of the various translations, each of which, possessing some merits, possesses also some demerits. Translators who did not understand the subjects (whose due time to be understood had not yet come in their day) could not be expected to give more accurate translations than they have given. Their services to the Church, in this direction, though not faultless, have been of great value and should not be underestimated. We earnestly request all, who consider these subjects worthy of investigation, not to skim through this book ; but, beginning at the preface, to read it throughout in consecutive order. This is necessary, because the subjects and the manner in which they are treated are unusual; and in passing lightly over any portion, connecting links will be lost, and thus the force of the interwoven testimony of prophecy be lessened. Remember that the topic is one, and that every detail has its weight and influence. To appreciate the conclusions reached, the reader must give the subject the patient and careful study of which it is worthy. That the study of the truths herein presented may prove as great a blessing to the reader as their presentation has been to the writer and his helpmate; that all may appreciate the fact that the real author of these jewels of truth is God, who now makes them known to such as have "an ear to hear," through his willing servants, because the due time has come; and that each as he hears the good tidings that The Time is at Hand for the establishment of Messiah's Kingdom in the earth may thereby be strengthened and enabled to become a more faithful servant of the Lord, in heralding the truth, is the desire and prayer of Yours, in fellowship and service, CHARLES T. RUSSELL. |