and consent of the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows:
1. It shall be lawful for the bar of the province of mitted to the Quebec, section of the district of Quebec, and the examiners thereof, at their next meeting or at any time thereafter, to admit the said Alfred Duclos DeCelles as an attorney and advocate, and to practice the law as such without it being necessary for him to pass any further examination.
G. A Hughes may be ad
mitted as a notary after examination.
An Act to authorize the Provincial Board of Notaries, to admit, after examination, George A. Hughes, to practise as a Notary.
[Assented to 24th December, 1872.]
WHEREAS George A. Hughes, of the city of Montreal,
in this Province, law-student, has, by petition, represented that he was admitted to the study of the notarial profession on the fifteenth day of January, 1866, that he was duly bound by indentures unto Mtre. J. A. Blondin, notary, on the thirteenth day of February, 1866, that he has studied the said notarial profession regularly and without interruption from the thirteenth day of February, 1866, to the fifteenth day of May, 1868, under the said J. A. Blondin, that he was under the necessity of interrupting his regular studies of the notarial profession, from the fifteenth day of May, 1868, until the first day of February, 1870, that from the first day of February, 1870, to the first day of November, 1872, he has studied the said notarial profession regularly and without interruption under Mtre. Théo. Doucet, notary, although he has neglected to cause his indentures to be transferred by said Blondin to said Doucet; and whereas, by the said petition, he hath prayed that the provincial board of notaries, upon due and satisfactory examination, be authorized to admit him to practise as a notary; Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislature of Quebec, enacts as follows;
1. The provincial board of notaries, upon due proof to their satisfaction, after he shall have undergone the examination required from candidates for admission to the said profession, that the said George A. Hughes has a sufficient knowledge of law and of the practice of the notarial profession, may admit the said George A. Hughes to practise as a notary, any law or usage to the contrary not withstanding.