Commodity rates between Chicago, Ill. (except as noted), and Kansas City, Mo., and Omaha, Nebr.-Continued. Eastbound: Various; not 216 17 15 Ore, spodumene (minimum weight 30,000 Not classified pounds). Ore, ore products, viz: Anodes, bullion, base bullion, copper, copper (blister), copper bars, copper matte (pig or ingots), copper residue, sulphate of copper, iron sulphides, lead, lead bars, lead (pigs), antimony ore, copper ore, lead ore, silver ore, zinc ore, spelter. Invoice valuation not to exceed $100 per ton of 2,000 pounds. NOTE.-Minimum weight 40,000 pounds, except where for carrier's convenience a car of less capacity is furnished, in which event the marked capacity of the car, but not less than actual weight, will govern. Westbound: Base bullion, copper plates, copper cakes, copper residue; also copper matte in mixed carload with above articles, invoice valuation not to exceed $100 per ton of 2,000 pounds. Lead; also pig lead in mixed carload with above articles. Paint (dry earth), barytes, ground iron ore, ground clay, mortar color, whiting, vellow ocher (minimum weight, 40,000 pounds). Eastbound: Not all clas- Not all clas- 15 15 15 20 20 17.5 17.5 17.5 Various... Commodity rates between Chicago, Ill. (except as noted), and Kansas City, Mo., and Omaha, Nebr.-Continued. Various.... Eastbound-Continued. Paper, viz: Lining (building, plain or prepared), roofing (plain or prepared), asphalt gravel roofing, asbestos building, asbestos roofing, pitch gravel roofing, chip board, roofing felt, saturated felt, strawboard, tarred felt, tarred paper, roof coating (exclusive of earth paint) having the following for base, pitch (including petroleum pitch), rosin, asphalt, tar (including petroleum tar), 3 tar (asphaltic, pitch or petroleum), roofing cement or pitch, including petroleum pitch, may be shipped in mixed carloads with the articles and at the rates named in this item (minimum weight 40,000 pounds). Box board (paper), wood-pulp board (mini- 5. mum weight 40,000 pounds). Westbound: Paper labels, printed wrappers. strawboard 3, 4, 5. boxes or cartons (plain, printed or paraf fined), knocked down flat; in mixed car loads only (minimum weight 36,000 pounds). 4.48 51.5 1900, D: 22 4.20 4.20 45 18 Paper (scrap), rags, rope (old), in pieces not exceeding 30 feet in length (minimum weight 30,000 pounds). Phosphate, tri-sodium (minimum weight 40,000 pounds). Pintsch or gas-house tar, in tank cars(mini- 1 Fifth class. 1900 and 2.. 32 1905, not classified; 1910, A. ཚ་་ྲ་ ཚེ་་ With shipments of prepared roofing paper, in rolls, it will be permissible to include liquid cement, also tin roofing caps and nails, sufficient to lay the rolls, at the rates provided for in this item. 3 Where roof coating is shipped in mixed carloads with paper, loading to be restricted to 33 per cent of total weight of carloads. Commodity rates between Chicago, Ill. (except as noted), and Kansas City, Mo., and Omaha, Nebr.-Continued." Eastbound-Continued. Passenger equipment (moving on Own wheels), in dollars per car. Freight equipment (moving on Own wheels), in dollars per car. Locomotives, snow plows, cranes (locomo- E. tive), cranes (wrecking), moving on own wheels, in dollars and cents per ton of 2,000 pounds. Rails, new, and crossties, steel; also secondhand rails, mixed with foregoing articles, in dollars and cents per ton of 2,240 pounds (minimum weight, 44,800 pounds). NOTE.-On mixed carloads of rails and crossties, steel, and railroad-track fastenings, the same rates will apply on the fastenings, per net ton of 2,000 pounds, as on the rails per gross ton of 2,240 pounds, subject to a minimum weight of 44,800 pounds. 5.. Rails, second-hand, in dollars and cents per 5. Railroad-track fastenings, viz: Angle bars, 5. NOTE.-On mixed carloads of rails and crossties, steel, and railroad-track fastenings, the same rates will apply on the fastenings, per net ton of 2,000 pounds, as on the rails per gross ton of 2,240 pounds, subject to a minimum weight of 44,800 pounds. Westbound: Roof coating, asphaltic, entirely free of 5. Salt cake (minimum weight 40,000 pounds). 5. Shade cloth, plain, uncut and undecorated Shot (minimum weight 40,000 pounds).... Omaha.. 3.. 45 4. 32 5. 27 Fསེསྶ སོ 27 FNE 8མ 157 15 20 Kansas City.. 3 28 5 27 27 27 27 Soda, silicate of, soda caustic, calcium 5. chloride (liquid), in tank cars (minimum weight, 60,000 pounds). 1 Cents per mile. 2 Cents per 100 pounds. St. Paul Group only. Commodity rates between Chicago, Ill. (except as noted), and Kansas City, Mo., and Omaha, Nebr.-Continued." Westbound-Continued. Soda, silicate of, soda ash, soda caustic, 5.. Soda, sulphate of (Glauber's salts) (mini- Starch (minimum weight, 36,000 pounds)...' Stone, rough, building, curbing, and paving (applies only on shipments originating east of the Illinois-Indiana State line). NOTE.-Minimum weight 90 per cent of the marked capacity of the car, but not less than 40,000 pounds, except where for carrier's convenience a car of less capacity is furnished, in which event the marked capacity of the car, but not less than actual weight, will govern. 5.. [1900, corn 216 rates; 1905, 318 17 Tile, roofing (minimum weight, 30,000 D. pounds). 18.5 16 14 18.5 18.5 5.. 27 26 22.5 80 88 20 80 27 80 52 45 Vinegar (minimum weight, 30.000 pounds). Wood pulp (minimum weight, 40,000 C. 22 27 27 1 Will not apply on washing, scouring, and cleaning compounds or preparations. Acid, sulphuric, in tank cars (minimum weight, 50,000 pounds). Acid, sulphuric, in other than tank cars (minimum weight, 30,000 pounds). Apples, car load (minimum weight, 24,000 pounds), from Missouri River points to La Crosse, Wis.; Minneapolis, Minn.; Minnesota Transfer, Minn.; St. Paul, Minn.; South St. Paul, Minn.; Winona, Minn. Buttermilk, in tank cars (minimum weight, ca- 4. pacity of tank), from Omaha, Nebr., to Davenport, Iowa. 1910, 5. 22 2 27 9.5 27 10 7.5 27 22 117 From St. Louis, Mo., and East St. Louis, Ill., to Missouri River points: Cotton, straight carloads or in mixed carloads with cotton linters. Cotton, cotton linters, less carloads.. Lead tailings, carbonate of, carloads (minimum Between Chicago, Ill., and Omaha, Nebr... Ill., and Omaha, Nebr. Acid, viz.: Sulphuric, mixed, muriatic (mini- Machines, washing (hand), including tub bot- Niter cake, carload, (minimum weight 60,000 pounds), from La Salle, Ill., and Peru, Ill., to Missouri River stations. Sheepskins, clipped (minimum weight 12,000 pounds), from Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minn., to Omaha, Nebr. Soap, invoice valuation not to exceed 10 cents per pound, and so receipted for: Soappowder, Scouring compounds, washing compounds (exclusive of bluing), washing powders, washing soda (powdered), straight or mixed carloads, also borax, in mixed carloads with the foregoing articles (minimum weight 36,000 pounds): 4.. 4. Comparison of commodity rates between Chicago, Ill., and St. Paul, Minn., showing (1) classification; (2) class rates, August 1, 1910; (3) proposed advanced commodity rates; (4) present commodity rates, August 1, 1910; (5) rates effective August 1, 1905; (6) rates effective August 1, 1910. Chicago-St. Paul charges are given as illustrations; corresponding rates are proposed and in effect at the different dates to and from Duluth, Minn., and to and from St. Louis and St. Paul and Duluth. Explanations: Rates are given in cents per 100 pounds except as otherwise designated. Figures and letters designating classes in column headed "Classification" appear opposite the commodity classified, as described in the commodity column, and representing classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, A, B, C, D, and E as per western classification. Reference marks as appearing in connection with rate figures in rate columns are explained (after corresponding reference marks) in the commodity column. Where classification of different articles in one commodity description is not uniform, the class rate most nearly representing character of the articles included is given in class rate column. |