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Joint Resolution authorizing the State Treasurer to pay the members of this General Assembly, their per diem and mileage in gold coin, or its equivalent in currency.

WHEREAS, the fact set forth in the preamble of the Joint Preamble Resolution, adopted at Dover, March 21, 1867, still holds true in every respect, therefore,

be paid in

Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives Members to of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the gold coin or State Treasurer, be and he is hereby directed to pay to the its equivamembers of this General Assembly, their per diem and mileage in gold coin, or its equivalent in currency.

Adopted at Dover, March 25, 1875.



Joint Resolutions in relation to the Centennial Celebration of the Declaration of Independence.

missioners to


the Declara

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State com State of Delaware in General Assembly met; First, that Dr. attend the Allen V. Lesley, Charles Beaston, Esq., Hon. L. F. Riddle, celebration of Dr. Charles H. Richards, Hon. John W. Causey, Hon. Paynter the ende Frame, John H. Bewley, Esq., Hon. Joseph P. Comegys, Hon. pendence. Henry B. Fiddeman, be and they are hereby appointed to attend the Centennial Celebration of the Declaration of Independence, to be held in the city of Philadelphia, as commissioners on the part of the State of Delaware, whose duty it Duties. shall be to take all measures necessary to secure the proper exhibition of all products of the citizens of this State, which shall be sent to the said Centennial Celebration.

SECOND, That whatever expenses may be incurred under State Treas the above resolution, shall be paid by the State Treasurer, expe upon the warrant of the commissioners : provided, said ex- Proviso. penses shall not exceed the sum of two thousand dollars.

urer to pay

Not to exceed $2000.


The Gover-
nor to


THIRD, That the Governor of this State, be and he is hereby directed to subscribe for stock of the said Centennial, to the $10,000 for amount of ten thousand dollars, and that the State Treasurer, shall pay the said amount upon the warrant of the Governor. FOURTH, That the joint resolution adopted March 29th, 1871, be and the same is hereby rescinded.


Joint resolu-
tion of March
29, 1871,


Adopted at Dover, March 25, 1875.



Joint Resolution authorizing the State Treasurer to sue certain parties. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives, That urer author- the report of the committee who settled with the late treas

State Treas

ized to sue
for certain

urer and auditor, and who subsequently examined each of them
under a resolution touching the indebtedness or arrearages of
any corporation, company, person or persons, shall be com-
mitted to the charge of the State Treasurer, who is hereby
authorized and required to demand, sue for in his discretion,
and recover any sum or sums of money which he may discover
to be due, from the said report, and report the same in his
first settlement.

Adopted at Dover, March, 26, 1875.



Joint Resolution relieving Joseph P. Comegys, William G. Whiteley and
Edward L. Martin, of further services.

WHEREAS, by joint resolution adopted by the General As-
sembly of this State at Dover, January 30th, 1873. appointing



the Hon. Joseph P. Comegys, of Kent county, William G.
Whiteley, of New Castle county, and Edward L. Martin, of
Sussex county, as commissioners with respect to the subject of
differences between the State of New Jersey and this State,
the said commissioners having fully performed their duty, and
reported the result of their labors to the General Assembly,

Be it


resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of Commissionthe State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the said the fishery Joseph P. Comegys, William G. Whiteley and Edward L. between Martin, are hereby relieved of further duties as commissioners and New of this State.

Adopted at Dover, March 26, 1875.


Jersey, relieved of further duty.


Joint Resolution providing for the repair of the portrait of the late Commo-
dore Jones.

WHEREAS, it is reported that the oil portrait of the late Preamble.
Commodore Jones, one of our naval heroes, has become so dam-
aged by neglect and abuse that it was deemed inexpedient by
the building commission to repair the same,as was done in the



of the other portraits belonging to the State, and, preamble.

whereas, the relics and mementoes of the early and proud his-
tory of our State are so few, we feel that they should be cher-
ished and preserved, therefore,

restore the


Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives in Committee to General Assembly met, That a committee of two be appointed, portrait of one on the part of the Senate and one on the part of the Jones. House, with instructions to have the portrait of the late Commodore Jones repaired and placed in a proper position in the Capitol.

Adopted at Dover, March 26, 1875.



Joint resolution compensating William S. McCaulley, Chancellor, ad litem. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the McCaulley State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the sum of

Compensation of W. S.

as Chancellor ad litem.

$500 00

five hundred dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the treasury of the State, as a compensation of William S. McCaulley for his services as Chancellor, ad litem, in the case of Benjamin Burton vs. George W. Willin, and that the State Treasurer be and he is directed to pay to the said William S. McCaulley, the said sum of five hundred

When to be dollars, when and as soon as he shall have rendered his decision in said case and not before.


Adopted at Dover, March 26, 1875.

Secretary of

certain act


Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of State to have published the "Act in relation to free schools."

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State to have State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the Secretapublished. ry of State be and he is hereby directed, as soon after the adoption of this joint resolution as possible, to have the act entitled, "An act in relation to free schools of this State," published three times in one weekly newspaper, in each of the counties of this State.

Adopted at Dover, March 26, 1875.



Joint resolution appointing James H. Todd, Esquire, to purchase coal, wood, and stationery, &c.

Todd to purto &c., for stationery, and present


Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the James H. State of Delaware in General Assembly met, That James H. chase fuel, Todd, Esq., be and he is hereby appointed and authorized purchase the necessary coal, wood, lights, and stationery for Legislature, the next session of the Legislature, and the said James H. accounts and Todd, Esq., is hereby directed to present his accounts and vouchers. vouchers to the Legislature at its next session, for allowance.

Adopted at Dover, March 26, 1875.


missioners to

Joint resolution in reference to [the] State Flag at the Centennial. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State comState of Delaware in General Assembly met, That the Centen-place State nial commissioners of the State of Delaware, hereafter to be flag in the named by the Legislature of this State, are tendered the use Exhibition. of the State flag of Delaware, to be placed in a proper position at the Centennial exhibition to be held in Philadelphia in 1876, and after said exhibition is over, to be returned to the custody of the State Librarian.

Adopted at Dover, March 26, 1875.

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