At what places offregistry to hours and cers making meet. eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, entitled "An act for ascertaining, by proper proofs, the citizens who shall be entitled to the right of suffrage, and to prevent fraudulent voting," so far as the provisions of the last named act are not affected by the provisions of said chapters seven hundred and forty and eight hundred and twelve, shall be observed in and as to the election herein provided for, except as limited or affected by this act. But the officers charged by said acts, chapters seven hundred and forty and eight hundred and twelve, with the making of the registry there provided for, shall meet on the nineteenth day of April next, at the hours of the day and at the places designated for holding the election aforesaid, for the purpose of revising and correcting said registers, and for this purpose in cities and districts, in or partly in incorporated villages, they shall meet at eight o'clock in the morning, and remain in session until nine o'clock in the evening of that day, and the day following; and in other districts they shall meet at nine o'clock in the morning, and remain in session until seven o'clock in the evening of that day. And they shall then revise, correct, add to and subtract from, and complete the said registers, and shall add to the said register the name of any person who would, on the said fourth Tuesday of April, be entitled to vote under the provisions of this act. But in making such addition, they shall not place on the said register the name of any person except in strict compliance with the provisions of the acts heretofore in this section referred to. In making up their regis- Registry of try, they shall take the registry made for the general election of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six, which shall be the registry for the election of delegates herein provided for, with such alterations, and no other, as shall be needed by the death or change of residence of any citizen, or by his loss of the right to vote for any reason. The electors of any district may elect as a delegate any citizen of this State, whether resident of said district or not. 33. The delegates so chosen shall meet in convention in the assembly chamber at the Capitol, in the city of Albany, on the first Tuesday in June Duty of sald addition of officers as to names. 1866, &c. Elections to district in not confined selecting delegates. Where and gates to when dele-, meet. President, secretary, &c. Adjournment to Librarian, &c. er, &c. next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. They shall by ballot, elect one of their number president, and may appoint in a manner as they see fit, one secretary, who may appoint three assistants. After the said convention has met and organized, it shall have other place. power to adjourn to and hold its meetings at any place other than the assembly chamber, at the Capitol. The president of the convention may appoint a librarian, not exceeding eight door-keepers and Stenograph fifteen messengers. The convention may elect a stenographer and fix the amount of his compensation, also a sergeant-at-arms and one assistant. Pay of dele- The delegates to the convention shall be entitled to the sum of six dollars per day, for every day, from the first day to the last day of the session thereof, and the same mileage as is now paid to the members of the legislature; but no pay shall be received for any recess longer than three days at Pay of secre- one time. The secretary shall receive fifteen dollars per day and assistants ten dollars per day and mileage, as aforesaid; and the door-keepers and messengers, sergeant-at-arms and assistant, shall receive the same compensation as provided by law for similar services and attendance upon the assembly. By whom to The amount of pay shall be certified by the presi gates. tary, &c. be certified and paid. Duty of sec retary of state to pre side at opening. dent of the convention, and shall be paid by the Treasurer of the State, on the warrant of the Comptroller, in the same manner as members of the legis lature are paid. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to attend said convention at the opening thereof, and to call the roll thereof, to administer the constitutional oath of office to the delegates, and to preside at all meetings thereof, until a president thereof has been elected and has taken his seat. But the Secretary of State shall have neither the casting vote nor any other vote therein, and all public officers, boards and commissions shall furnish such Convention with all such information, papers, statements, books or other public documents in their possession, as the said convention shall order or require for its use, from time to time, while in session; and Stationery, it shall be the duty of the Comptroller to furnish the members thereof with stationery to the amount pro Of public officers, &c., to give information. &c. vided by law for the legislature while in session, and to the Convention such stationery and file-boards, and other like things, as are furnished to the two houses of the legislature. And such Convention may adopt such rules and regulations for its own government as a majority of its members may determine; and said Convention shall be the judge of the election and qualification of its own members. And Manual for it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State, Attorney-General and Comptroller, to cause to be prepared and ready for said Convention, at the commencement of its session, a suitable manual, two copies of which shall be furnished to each member and officer of said Convention, and the expense of which shall be paid upon like order and in the same manner as the expense of stationery. convention. proceed tion, where corded. when sit from arrest. $4. A journal of the proceedings of the said Journal of Convention shall be kept, and shall, at the final Ings. adjournment thereof, be filed in the office of the Secretary of State, and the amendments to the pre- constitu sent constitution, or the constitution agreed to to be reby the said Convention, shall be recorded in his office. A majority of the Convention shall consti- Quorum; tute a quorum to do business. The doors of the tings to be public. Convention shall be kept open, except when the publie welfare shall require secrecy. Every delegate to Privileged the Convention shall be privileged from arrest on civil process during his attendance at the session of the Convention, except on process issued in any suit brought against him for any forfeiture, misdemeanor or breach of trust in any office or place of public trust held by him. Each delegate shall enjoy the like privilege for the space of fourteen days previous to any such session, and also while going to or returning from such session; provided, the time of such going or returning do not exceed fourteen days. Each delegate shall enjoy the like privilege, after any adjournment of the Convention, until its next meeting, when such adjournment shall not exceed fourteen days. Each delegate shall enjoy the like privilege, while absent with leave of the Convention. No officer of the Convention, whilst in actual attendance upon the same, shall be liable to arrest on civil pro Expulsion and punishment of members, &c. Punishment for contempt. What constitutes contempt. Limit of im prisonment. For any speech or debate, in the Convention, the members shall not be questioned in any other place. The Convention shall have the power to expel any of its members, and to punish its members and officers for disorderly behavior, by imprisonment or otherwise; but no member shall be expelled until the report of a committee, appointed to inquire into the facts alleged as the ground of his expulsion, shall have been made. The Convention shall have the power to punish as a contempt, and by imprisonment or otherwise, a breach of its privileges, or of the privileges of its members; but such power shall not be exercised, except against persons guilty of one or more of the following offenses: 1. The offense of arresting a member or officer of the Convention, in violation of his privilege from arrest, as herein before declared. 2. That of disorderly conduct in the immediate view and presence of the Convention, and directly tending to interrupt its proceedings. 3. That of publishing any false and malicious report of the proceedings of the Convention, or of the conduct of a member in his delegated capacity. 4. That of refusing to attend or be examined as a witness, either before the Convention or a committee, or before any person authorized by the Convention or by a committee, to take testimony in the proceedings of the Convention. 5. That of giving or offering a bribe to a member, or of attempting by menace, or any other corrupt means or device, directly or indirectly, to control or influence a member in giving his vote, or to prevent him from giving the same. In all cases in which the Convention shall punish any of its members or officers, or any other person, by imprisonment, such imprisonment shall not extend Becretary to beyond the session of the Convention. Every person give secu rity. appointed to the office of secretary of the Convention, shall, before he enters on the duties of his office, execute a bond to the people of this State, with such security as the Comptroller shall approve, in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, conditioned that he shall faithfully perform the duties of his office, and account for all moneys which may come to his hands by virtue thereof. of constitu vote upon tion: how to constitu be taken. Convention to prescribe form of bal lot, &c. $5. The said amendments or constitution shall be Submission submitted by the Convention to the people, for tion. their adoption or rejection, at the next general election, to be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday of November next, and every person hereby entitled to vote for delegates may, at that election, vote on such adoption or rejection, in the election district in which he shall then reside, and not elsewhere. The said amendments or the said constitution shall be voted upon as a whole, or in such separate propositions as the Convention shall deem practicable, and as the Convention shall by resolution declare. In either case the Convention shall prescribe the form of the ballot, the publication of the amendments or of the constitution, and the notice to be given of the election. In case the said amendment or parts of the said constitution shall be voted upon separately, every person entitled to vote thereon may vote for or against any one or more of them. At the election mentioned in this section, the inspectors in every election district shall provide a suitable box or boxes, to receive the ballots given upon the said amendments, which ballots shall have the word "Constitution," written or printed, or Indorsepartly written or partly printed upon them, so that ballot. when they are folded, that word will appear upon. the outside of the ballot; and all the provisions Application of the laws of this State, in relation to the election of erning genofficers at a general election not inconsistent here- tions, &c. with, shall apply to the voting thereon, so far as the same can be made applicable thereto; and the votes 80 given, shall be given and canvassed, and all the proceedings shall be had in regard to them, as nearly as practicable, in the manner prescribed by law in respect to the votes given for Governor. And when when proit shall be ascertained by the board of State canvas- be declared sers, under the foregoing provisions, that any proposition submitted as aforesaid has received more votes in its favor than have been cast against the same, then that proposition shall be declared to be adopted, either as the constitution, a part of the constitution, ment of of laws gov eral elec adopted. |