5. The said company shall have power to build branches or Branches lateral roads, not exceeding twenty miles in length, to connect with any mines, iron-works or other manufactures, or beds of deposit of other minerals, in said counties or adjacent counties. and make 6. It shall be lawful for said railroad company to borrow Lawful to bormoney for the construction or repair of the road, to issue row money bonds and secure the same by mortgage upon its property or mortgage franchises, or otherwise. 7. It shall be lawful for said company to lease its road or Authority to any part thereof to any railroad company chartered by the lease commonwealth. 8. This act shall be in force from its passage. Commencem't CHAP. 244.-An ACT to amend and re-enact section 60, chapter 101 of the Code of 1873, for the protection of terrapins. Approved March 9, 1880. act of March 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That § 60, ch. 101, as the sixtieth section of chapter one hundred and one, Code of amended by eighteen hundred and seventy-three, as amended by an act ap- 3, 1879 proved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows: within certain hibited § 60. If any person, after the first day of May and before Catching terthe first day of October of any year, shall take terrapins or take rapins, &c... or disturb terrapin eggs in the waters of the counties of Acco- periods promac and Northampton, or shall have terrapins in his possession, or shall buy or offer them for sale in said counties, he Penalty shall forfeit two hundred dollars and be confined in the county jail not exceeding thirty days. And if any person, after the Taking terrafirst day of May and before the first day of November of any May and Noyear, shall take terrapins with a seine, net or weir in the coun- vember proties aforesaid, he shall forfeit his boats, seines and nets, and Penalty pay a fine of two hundred and fifty dollars and be confined in the county jail not less than thirty days. pins between hibited how paid 2. All fines and forfeitures of money incurred under this act Fines, &c., shall, when collected, be paid to the clerk of the court, and by one-half to inhim paid one-half to the informer and the residue to the county former treasurer for the use of said county. 3. This act shall be in force from its passage. Commencem't Manufac file with clerk of court de scription of bottles, &c., and publish same in newspaper CHAP. 245.-An ACT to protect owners of trade-marks, and to prohibit the unauthorized use, sale or purchase of bottles upon which any manufacturer or vender of beer, mineral waters, and other beverages may have had his name or mark impressed. Approved March 9, 1880. 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That turers, &c., to all manufacturers and verders of beer, mineral waters and other beverages by law allowed to be sold in bottles, upon which their names or marks shall be respectively impressed, may file with the clerk of the corporation court of the city of Alexandria a description of such bottles and of the name or marks thereon, and shall cause the same to be published for not less than two weeks successively in a daily or weekly newspaper Duty of clerk published in said city. The clerk of said court shall copy such of court Unlawful for other persons to fill bottles so marked, &c Penalty Commencem't description in a book to be provided for that purpose, and index the same in the name of such manufacturer or vender, and for such service he shall be entitled to a fee of one dollar, to be paid by such manufacturer of vender. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person, without the permission of the owner thereof, to fill with beer, mineral waters or other beverages any such bottles so marked, for sale, or to buy or traffic in any such bottles so marked and not bought by him of such owner; and every person so offending shall be liable to a penalty of fifty cents for every bottle so filled or sold, or used, or disposed of, or bought, or trafficked in, for the first offence, and of five dollars per bottle for every subsequent offence, to be recovered as other fines are recovered. 3. This act shall be in force from its passage. Town incorporated Boundaries CHAP. 246.-An ACT to incorporate the town of Broadway, in Rockingham county. Approved March 9, 1880. 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, That the town of Broadway, in the county of Rockingham, shall be and the same is hereby made a town corporate by the name of the Town of Broadway. 2. The boundaries of said town shall be as follows: Beginning on the south bank of the north branch of the Shenandoah river where the public road crosses said river opposite the home farm of George Branner; thence with said road south to and embracing the residence of B. A. Myers; thence in a straight line east to the Harrisonburg and Timberville public road; thence with said road north to the residence of Henry Crist; thence in a direct line west to the north branch of the Shenandoah river; thence with the river to the beginning. 3. The officers of said town shall consist of five trustees, who officers shall compose the council, four of whom shall constitute a quorum to transact business, and a sergeant, who shall hold their offices for two years and until their successors are elected and qualified. The said council shall have power to pass all by-laws and ordinances necessary for the proper government of said town not in conflict with the laws or constitution of the state or of the United States. 4. The said council shall elect from their own number a pre- President sident, who shall preside at all of the meetings of the council, and when they are equally divided shall, in addition to his in- Casting vote dividual vote, give the casting vote; and he shall be invested with all the powers of a justice of the peace within the limits of said town. 5. Samuel C. Williams, P. W. Pugh, J. W. Basore, Michael Trustees Zigler, and Michael B. E. Cline are hereby appointed trustees of said town, and shall have and exercise all the powers herein granted to said officers, and shall remain in office until their Term successors shall be elected and qualified according to law. 6. The said council shall, when organized, and every two Sergeant years thereafter, appoint a sergeant, who shall be a conservator of the peace and have the full power of a constable within the limits of said town. 7. No license for the manufacture or sale of wine, ardent How license to sell liquor spirits or malt liquors within the limits of said town, as pre- obtained scribed in the second section of this act, shall be granted to any person, unless such person first obtain from the town council of said town a certificate of the council of said town of its consent to the granting of such license, and the party applying for such license shall present such certificate to the person or court having the authority to grant such license. 8. The said council shall have no power to levy or collect a Council fortax for any purpose whatever. bidden to levy tax 9. This act shall not be construed as exempting either per- Construction sons or property in the town of Broadway from service on of act roads, or from county or district or road levies, or taxes under existing laws, or laws that may hereafter be passed, unless such laws shall exempt the same by name. 10. This act shall be in force from its passage. Commencem't CHAP. 247.-An ACT to incorporate the Southwest Virginia Improvement Company. Approved March 9, 1880. 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Virginia, That Corporators J. E. Eskridge, James L. Radford, George W. Palmer, Jolin F. Slaughter, Daniel P. Graham, Richard Wood, John Graham, Junior, and G. C. Wharton, or such of them as may accept the Corporate name Common seal, &c Capital stock provisions of this act, their associates and successors, be and they are hereby incorporated and made a body politic and corporate under the name and style of The Southwest Virginia Improvement Company. 2. The said company may, by or under its corporate title, make and use a corporate seal, which it may alter or renew at its pleasure, and may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, contract and be contracted with, and make by-laws, rules and regulations consistent with existing laws of the state, for the government of all under its authority, the management of its estates and properties, and the due and orderly conduct of its affairs. 3. The capital stock of said company shall not be less than three hundred thousand dollars, and may be increased to any amount not exceeding ten million dollars, by issue and sale of shares thereof, not less than ten dollars each, from time to time, under such regulations as the board of directors of said How subscrip- company shall, from time to time, prescribe; and the directors tions paid Power to pur- same may receive real or personal property in payment for subscriptions to the capital stock at such valuation as may be agreed upon between the directors and the subscriber. 4. The said company shall have power and may purchase, hold, grant, mortgage, or otherwise dispose of real and personal estate in this state or elsewhere; and the said company shall have power and may lay out said lands, or any part thereof, Lay out lands into parcels or lots of convenient size, with intervening roads, lanes, streets and alleys, and develop, work, improve, cultiDispose of the vate, sell, grant, mortgage, or otherwise dispose of in such manner and upon such terms as the said company may think Operate works proper; and may contract for, construct, operate and maintain of internal im- works of public or private improvement: provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed as exempting the said company from the provisions of chapter sixty-one of the Code of eighteen hundred and seventy-three, if they shall engage in constructing or operating any work of internal improvement in this state; nor shall the said section be construed so as to authorize the said company to construct any railroad or turnpike without a special act for that purpose. provement Proviso Power to loan May receive money on deposits Power to man chase, &c., 5. The said company shall have power and may loan money on mortgage or deed of trust conveying real or personal estate, or on other securities, and for such periods as the said company may think proper; may discount any bill of exchange, foreign or domestic, promissory note or other negotiable paper, and the interest may be received in advance. 6. The said company may receive money to keep for its depositors, either with or without interest payable thereon, and may buy or sell bullion, buy, sell, draw and negotiate bills of exchange. 7. The said company shall have power and may manufacufacture, pur- ture, purchase, sell, ship and deal in goods, wares and mergoods, wares, chandise, and may contract for, build and maintain pipe lines, .&c., build pipe lines, warewarehouses and elevators, and may store goods, wares and houses, &c merchandise, and grant certificates therefor, in such form and under such rules and regulations as the said company may, from time to time, by by-law prescribe, and to transport goods, To transport wares and merchandise, either by land or water, and may make, goods, &c grant and issue fire, marine and other protective policies of insurance, and may do and perform all things necessary to carry the provisions of this act into effect: provided, that if said Proviso company shall avail themselves of the power granted above as regards policies of insurance, they shall be considered to be a foreign insurance company, and subject to the general laws relating to foreign insurance companies. company, and 8. All drafts, orders, checks or other paper of the said com- Drafts, &c., pany, signed by the president and countersigned by the cashier, binding on promising or directing the payment of any money, or the deliv- transferable and negotiable. ery of any securities or other thing, shall be binding on said company; and any draft, order, check or other paper, issued and signed and countersigned as aforesaid, shall be transferable and negotiable—if payable to order, by endorsement, and, if payable to bearer, by delivery. direc directors how elected 9. The persons first named in this act shall constitute the First board of first board of directors of the said company, and shall continue in office until the first meeting of the stockholders thereof. At Directors, such first meeting, and at every annual meeting, so many tors shall be elected as may be prescribed by the by-laws and regulations of said company, who may be removed by the stock- How removed holders in general meeting; but, unless so removed, shall con- Tenure of tinue in office until their successors shall be elected and quali fied. office directors 10. The board of directors shall be stockholders of said com- Who may be pany. They shall appoint one of their number president, and President may fill any vacancy that may occur in said board, unless by removal; in which case the same shall be filled by the stockholders in general meeting. The board shall appoint, to hold Subordinate during its pleasure, the subordinate officers and agents of the officers said company, prescribe their compensations, and take from them such bonds with such security as they may deem fit. 11. The board of directors may establish offices and agencies offices at such places as they may deem proper; but the principal office Proviso of the company shall be located at some point within the limits of the state of Virginia. 12. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the said com- Place of anpany shall be held at New River depot, in Pulaski county, Vir- nual meetings ginia, on the first Wednesday of August of each year, or on such other day as the stockholders may, by resolution adopted in any annual meeting to take effect at the next annual meet ing, prescribe. A general meeting of the stockholders of said General meetcompany may be held at any time, as provided for by the eighth ings section of chapter fifty-seven of the Code of Virginia, edition of eighteen hundred and seventy-three. 13. The said company shall issue certificates of stock in said Certificates of company to the original subscribers thereof, in shares of not stock less than ten dollars each, signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary of said company. The said certifi- How transcates shall only be transferred by endorsement thereon, made ferable |