Ad fin. Ad finem. At or near the end. Addis. R. Addison's Reports. Ady. C. M. Adye on Courts Martial. Al. Alinéa. Al. et. Et alii, and others. Alc. Reg. Cas. Alcock's Registration Cases. Ald. & Van Hoes. Dig. A Digest of the laws of Mississippi, by T.J. Fox Alden and J. A. Van Hoesen. Aldr. Hist. Aldridge's History of the Courts of Law. Alis. Prin. Alison's Principles of the Criminal Law of Scotland. All. & Mor. Tr. Allen and Morris's Trial. Alley. L. D. of Mar. Alleyne's Legal Degrees of Marriage considered. Alln. Part. Allnat on Partition. Am. America, American, or Americana. Amb. Ambler's Reports. Reports of cases argued and determined in the High Court of Chancery, with some few in other courts. By Charles Ambler. 1 vol. fol. Am. & Fer. on Fixt. Amos and Ferard on Fixtures. Amer. America, American or Americana. AR. Anonymous. And. Anderson's Reports. Reports in the Common Pleas, chiefly in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, 2 parts. By Sir Edm. Anderson. Ander. Ch. War. Anderdon on Church Wardens. Andr. Andrews's Reports. Reports of cases argued and adjudged in the Court of King's Bench in the 11th and 12th years of the reign of King George II. By George Andrews. 1 vol. 8vo. Ang.on Adv. Enj. Angell's Inquiry into the rule of law which creates a right to an incorporeal hereditament, by an adverse enjoyment of twenty years. Ang. on Ass. Angell's Practical Summary of the Law of Assignments in trust for creditors. Ang, on B. T. Angell on Bank Tax. Ang. on Corp. Angell on the Law of Private Corporations. Ang. on Limit. Angell's Treatise on the Limitation of Actions at Law, and Suits in Equity. Ang.on Tide Wat. Angell on the right of property in Tide Waters. Ang. on Water Courses. Angell on the common law in relation to Water Courses. Ann. Anne; as 1 Ann. c. 7. Anna. Annaly's Reports. Cases during the time of Lord Hardwicke in the King's Bench, 7, 8, 9 and 10 K. George II. to which are added some determinations of the late Lord C. J. Lee; and also two equity cases by Lord Chancellor Hardwicke, 1 vol. This book is usually cited, Cas. Temp. Hardw. Annesl. on Ins. Annesley on Insurance. Anstr. Anstruther's Reports. Reports of cases argued and determined in the Court of Exchequer, from Easter Term, 32 Geo. III. 1792, to Trinity Term, 37 Geo. III. 1797. 3 vols. 8vo. By George Anstru ther. Ashmead's R. Ashmead's Reports. Aso & Man. Inst. Aso and Manuel's Institutes of the Laws of Spain. Ass. or Lib. Ass. Liber Assissarium, or Pleas of the Crown. Ast. Ent. Aston's Entries. Atherl. on Mar. Atherley on the Law of Marriage and other Family Settlements. Atk. Atkyn's Reports. Atk. P. T. Atkyn's Parliamentary Tracts. Atk. on Con. Atkinson on Conveyancing. Atk. on Tit. Atkinson on Marketable Titles. Ats. in practce, is an abbreviation for the words at suit of, and is used when the defendant files any pleadings: for example: when the defendant enters a plea he puts his name before that of the plaintiff, reversing the order in which they are on the record. C. D. (the defendant), ats. A. B. (the plaintiff.) Aust. on Jur. The Province of Juris- | prudence determined, by John Austin. Auth. Authentica, in the Authentic; that is the Summary of some of the Novels of the civil law inserted in the code under such a title. Ayl. Ayliffe's Pandect. New Pandect of the Roman Civil Law, with many useful observations thereon, showing wherein that law differs from the municipal law of Great Britain and from the Canon law in general, &c. 1 vol. fol. Ayl. Parerg. Ayliffe's Parergon juris canonici Anglicani. page and sometimes by the title. An edition of this work is in the press, with notes to American law and decisions, by the author of this work. Bac. Comp. Arb. Bacon's (M.) Complete Arbitrator. Bac. El. Bacon's Elements of the Com. mon Law. Bac. Gov. Bacon on Government. Bac. Lib. Reg. Bacon's (John) Liber Azun. Mar. Law. Azuni's Maritime carum. Law of Europe. B, b, is used to point out that a number used at the head of a page to denote the folio, is the second number of the same volume. B. B. Bail Bond. B. or Bk. Book. B. & A. Barnwall and Alderson's Reports. Reports of Cases argued and deter. mined in the Court of King's Bench. By R. V. Barnwall and E. H. Alderson. 4 vols. 8vo. These reports commence Michaelmas Term, 58 Geo. III. (1817) and end with Trinity Term, 2 Geo. IV. (1821.) In E. C. L. R. B. & B. Ball and Beatty's Reports. B. Just. Burn's Justice. 4 vol. 8vo. B. P. C. or Bro. Parl. Cas. Brown's Parliamentary Cases. B. & P. or Bos. & Pull. Bosanquet and Puller's Reports. Reports in the Courts of Common Pleas and Exchequer Chamber, and in the House of Lords, from Easter Term, 36 Geo. III. 1796, to Hilary Term, 44 Geo. III. 1804. By J. B. Bosanquet and Chr. Puller. 5 vols. 8vo. The last two volumes form a new series and come down to 1807, and are cited 1 and 2 New Reports, more frequently than 4 and 5 B. & P. These reports are continued by W. P. Taunton, Esq. B. R. or K. B. King's Bench. Bab. on Auct. Babington on the Law of Bab. Set off. Babington on Set off and mutual credit. Bac. Abr. Bacon's Abridgment. A new Abridgment of the Law. By Matthew Bacon. With considerable additions by Henry Gwillim; and with the additions of the later English and the American decisions. This book is generally cited by the Bac. Uses. tute of Uses. Tracts. Bach. Man. Bache's Manual of a Penn sylvania Justice of the Peace. Baldw. R. Baldwin's Circuit Court Reports. Ball & Beat. Ball and Beatty's Reports. Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland during the time of Lord Manners, from 1807 to 1815. 1 vol. 8vo. Ballan. Lim. Ballantine on Limitations. Banc. Sup. Upper Bench. Barb. Eq. Dig. Barbour's Equity Digest. Barb. Cr. Pl. Barbour's Criminal Pleading. Barb. Grot. Grotius on War and Peace, with notes by Barbeyrac. Barb. Puff. Puffendorf's Law of Nature and Nations, with notes by M. Barbeyrac. Barb. on Set off. Barbour on the law of Set-off, with an appendix of precedents. Barn. C. Barnardiston's Chancery Reports. Reports of Cases in Chancery. By Thomas Barnardiston. 1 vol. Lord Mansfield absolutely forbid the citing of this book, for it would be only misleading students to put them upon reading it. 2 Burr. 1142, in margin. Barn. Barnardiston's K. B. Reports. Reports of Cases in the King's Bench, from 12 George 1, to Trinity term 7 George 2, 2 vols. This book is said to be "not of much authority," Dougl. 333, n.; "of still less authority than 10 Mod." Doug. 689, n.; a bad reporter." 1 East, 642, n. 66 Barn. & Ald. Barnewall & Alderson's Reports, vide B. & A. In E. C. L. R. Barn. & Adolp. Barnwall & Adolphus's Reports. In E. C. L. R. Barn. & Cress. Barnewall & Cresswell's Reports. In E. C. L. R. Barn. Sher. Barnes's Sheriff. Barnes. Barnes's Notes of Practice. Notes of Cases of Practice taken in Common Pleas, from Michaelmas, 1732, to Hilary, 1756, inclusive, to which is added a continuation of cases to the end of the reign of George II. 1 vol. 8vo. Barr. Obs. Stat. Barrington's Observations on the more ancient statutes. Barr. Ten. Barry's Tenures. Bart. El. Conv. Barton's Elements of termined in the K. B. Ireland. tice. Bayley's Chamber Prac Beam. Ne Exeat. Brief view of the writ of Ne Exeat Regno, as an equitable process, by J. Beames. Beam. Eq. Beames on Equity Pleading. Beam. Ord. Chan. Beames's General Orders of the High Court of Chancery, from 1600 to 1815. Beat. R. Beatty's Reports determined in the High Court of Chancery in Ireland. Bear. R. Beavan's Chancery Reports. Beawes. Beawes's Lex Mercatoria. Beck's Med. Jur. Beck's Medical Jurisprudence. Bee's R. Bee's Reports. Bell's Comm. Bell's Commentaries on the Laws of Scotland, and on the Principles of Mercantile Jurisprudence. Bell. Del. U. L. of Universal Law. Beller's Delineation Bell's Dict. Dictionary of the Law of Scotland. By Robert Bell. Bell's Med. Jur. Bell's Medical Jurisprudence, 2 vols. Bellew. Bellewe's Cases in the time of K. Richard II. Bellewe's cases in the time of Henry VIII., Edw. VI., and Q. Mary, collected out of Brooke's Abridgment, and arranged under years, with a table, are cited Brooke's New Cases. Bellingh. Tr. Bellingham's Trial. Belt's Sup. Belt's Supplement. Supplement to the Reports in Chancery of Francis Vesey, Senior, Esq. during the time of Lord Ch. J. Hardwicke. Belt's Ves. sen. Belt's edition of Vesey Senior's Reports. Benl. Benloe & Dalison's Reports. Reports and Pleadings in Common Pleas, in the reigns of K. Henry VII. Henry VIII. Edward VI. and Queens Mary and Elizabeth. By William Benloe and William Dalison. See New Benl. Ben, on Av. Benecke on Average. Benn. Diss. Bennet's Short Dissertation on the nature and various proceedings in the Master's Office, in the Court of Chancery. Sometimes this book is cited Benn. Pract. Benn. Pract. See Benn. Diss. Benth. Ev. Bentham's Treatise on Judicial Evidence. Bett's Adm. Pr. Bett's Admiralty Practice. Bev. on Hom. Bevil on Homicide. Bing. Bingham. Bing. Inf. Bingham on Infancy. Bing. on Judg. Bingham on Judgments and Executions. Bing. L. & T. Bingham on the Law of Landlord and Tenant. Bing. R. Bingham's Reports. In E.C. L. R. Bing. N. Č. Bingham's New Cases. Binn. Reports of Cases adjudged in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. By Horace Binney. 6 vols. 8 vo. Bird on Conv. Bird on Conveyancing. Bird L. & T. Bird on the Laws respecting landlords, tenants, and lodgers. Bird's Sol. Pr. Bird's Solution of Precedents of Settlements. Biret, De l'Abs. Traité de l'Absence et de ses effects, par M. Biret. Biss. on Life Est. Estates for Life. Bissett on the Law of Bl. Blount's Law Dictionary and Glos sary. Bl. Com. or Comm. Commentaries on the Laws of England, by Sir William Blackstone, 4 vols. Lord Redesdale said he was sorry to hear this book cited as an authority; the author would have been sorry to have heard the book so cited; Lord Redesdale did not consider it such. 1 Sch. & Lef. 327. 2 Bl. Rep. Sir Wm. Blackstone's Reports. Reports of cases determined in the several courts of Westminster Hall, from 1746 to 1779. By Sir William Blackstone. vols. 8vo. These reports are said not to be very accurate. Per Ld. Mansfield, Doug. 92, n. Bl. H. Henry Blackstone's Reports, sometimes cited H. Bl. Black. L. T. Blackstone's Law Tracts. Blak. Ch. Pr. Blake's Practice of the Court of Chancery of the state of New York. Blan. on Ann. Blaney on Life Annuities. Bland's Ch. R. Bland's Chancery Reports. Blansh. Lim. Blanshard on Limitations, Bligh. R. Bligh's Reports of cases decided in the House of Lords. There are two series of these reports, the first contains three volumes, and the last, ten; and is still continued. Blount. Glossary. Blount's Law Dictionary and Reports in Chancery from 18 Geo. III. Bo. R. Act. Booth on Real Actions. Boote. Boote's Ch. Pr. Boote's Chancery Booth's R. A. Booth on Real Actions. 3 vols. 8vo. Bosc. on Conv. Boscowen on Convictions. Cours de Droit Paty. Brac. Bracton's Treatise on the Laws Bradb. Bradby on Distresses. Bran. Prin. or Bran. Max. Branche's Brid. Bridgman's Reports. Reports from Bridg. O. Orlando Bridgman's Reports. Bro. or Brownl. Brownlow's Reports. Re- Bro. Ab. Brooke's Abridgment. Bro. C. C. Brown's Chancery Cases. Bro. Off. Not. A Treatise on the office Bro. P. C. Brown's Parliamentary Cases. Bro. on Sales. Brown on Sales. Bro. V. M. Brown's Vade Mecum. Brod. & Bing. Broderip & Bingham's Brownl. Rediv. or Brownl. Ent. Brown- Bruce M. L. Bruce's Military Law. Bull. or Bull. N. P. Buller's Nisi Prius. Bulst. Bulstrode's Reports. Reports in strode. C. C. or Ch. Cas. Cases in Chancery in three parts. Most of these cases, in 2 C. C. are grossly misreported, said per Lord Loughborough, 1 H. Bl. 332. C. C. C. or Cr. Cir. Com. Crown Circuit Companion. C. C. E. or Cain. Cas. Caines's Cases in Error. C. D. or Com. Dig. Comyn's Digest. This book is cited in this manner. Com. Dig. Arbitrament, (A. 2,) which signifies Comyn's Digest, title Arbitrament, division (A. 2). Sometimes the volume and page are cited as follows; 2 Com. Dig. 100. C. & D. C. C. Crawford and Dix's Criminal Cases. C. & D. Ab. C. Crawford and Dix's Abridged Cases. Chief Justice. Crompton & Jervis's Exchequer C. J. C. J. C. P. mon Pleas. Calth. R. Calthorp's Reports of special cases touching several customs and liberties of the city of London. Calv. on Part. Calvert on parties to suits in equity. Cam. & Norw. Cameron and Norwood's Reports. Campb. Campbell's Reports. Reports of cases argued and ruled at Nisi Prius in the courts of K. B. and C. P. from 1807 to 1816. By John Campbell. 4 vols. 8vo. Can. Canon. Cap. Capitulo, chapter. Car. Carolus; as 13 Car. 2, st. 2, c. 1. Carr. Cr. L. Carrington's Criminal Law. Carr. & Marsh. Carrington and Marshman's Reports. Cart. Carter's Reports. Reports in C. P. in 16, 17, 18 and 19, Charles II. Carta de For. Carta de Foresta. Carth. Carthew's Reports. Reports in K. B. from 3 James II. 1688, to 12 Wm. Clark & Findley's Reports. III. 1700. By Thomas Carthew.-CarChief Justice of the Com-thew and Comberbach are said by Ld. Thurlow to be equally bad authority, Í Bro. C. C. 97; but Ld. Kenyon says Carthew is, in general, a good reporter. C. J. K. B. Chief Justice of the King's Chief Justice of the Queen's C. J. U. B. Chief Justice of the Upper Bench. During the time of the commonwealth, the English Court of the King's Bench was called the Upper Bench. C. & M. Crompton & Meeson's Reports. C. & M. Carrington & Marsham's Reports. C. M. & R. Crompton, Meeson and C. N. P. C. Campbell's Nisi Prius Cases. C. & P. or Car. & Pain. Carrington & C. & P. Craig & Phillips's Reports. Ca. Case or placitum. Ca. T. K. Select cases tempore King. Caines's R. Caines's Term Reports. Cald. S. C. Caldecott's Settlement cases; sometimes cited Cald. R. Caldw. Arbit. Caldwell on Arbitration. Call. on Sew. Callis on the Law relating to Sewers. Call's R. Call's Reports. Cary. Cary's Reports. Reports in Chancery, whereunto is anexed the King's Or. der and Decree in Chancery for a rule to be observed in that Court. Cary on Partn. Cary on the law of partnership. Cas. of App. Cases of Appeals to the H. of L. Cas. L. Eq. Cases and opinions in Law, Equity and Conveyancing. 2 vols. 8vo. Cas. of Pr. Cases of Practice in the Court of the King's Bench, from the reign of Eliz. to the 14 Geo. 3. Cas. of Sett. Cases of Settlement. Cas. Temp. Hardw. Cases during the time of Lord Hardwicke. Cas. Temp. Talb. Cases during the time of Lord Talbot. Ch. Chancellor. Ch. Cas. Cases in Chancery. The two parts or volumes of these reports are commonly cited 1 or 2 Ch. Cas. It is proper to observe that the work entitled "Reports of Cases in Chancery," is a distinct collection of cases. The three volumes are usually cited as 1, 2, or 3 Ch. Rep. Ch. Pr. Precedents in Chancery. Chamb. on Jur. of Chan. Chambers on the Jurisdiction of the High Court of Chancery, over the persons and property of infants. Chamb. L. & T. Chambers on the law of Landlord and Tenant. |