TITLE FIFTH. Of Certain Public Officers. : CHAPTER 6. OF THE AUDITOR OF ACCOUNTS. AN ACT to amend Chapter 30 of the Revised Code. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met : Revised Accounts. SECTION 1. That Chapter 30 of the Revised Code of the Chapter 30, State of Delaware be and the same is hereby amended as follows: Code Strike out Section 1 of said Chapter and insert in lieu there. amended. of the following: "There shall be in the treasury department an officer styled Auditor of Accounts, who shall be appointed Auditor of by the House of Representatives with the concurrence of the Senate and shall hold his office for the term of two years Term of from the fourth Tuesday of January in the year in which he office. shall be appointed. In case there shall be a vacancy in the Vacancy. office of Auditor of Accounts during the recess of the General Assembly, whether such vacancy be occasioned by the omission of the General Assembly to appoint, or by the death, removal out of the State, resignation, inability or his failure to give bond with sureties, the Governor shall fill the How filled. vacancy by appointment to continue until the fourth Tuesday of January of the next biennial session of the Legislature." Passed at Dover, April 19, 1895. 1 OF CONSTABLES. CHAPTER 7.、 OF CONSTABLES. AN ACT to repeal Chapter 45, Volume 19 of the Laws of Delaware. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: SECTION 1. That Chapter 45, Volume 19 of the Laws of Delaware, entitled "An Act providing additional Constables" be and the same is hereby repealed. Passed at Dover, February 27, 1895. Additional Wilming- CHAPTER 8. OF NOTARIES PUBLIC. AN ACT to enable the Governor to appoint an additional Notary Public for Wilmington Hundred, New Castle County. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: SECTION I. That the Governor of the State of Delaware Public for be and he is hereby authorized to appoint one additional OF NOTARIES PUBLIC. CHAPTER 9. OF NOTARIES PUBLIC. AN ACT authorizing the Appointment of a Notary Public for the firm of Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met : Public for de Nemours SECTION. Ι. That the Governor be and he is hereby au- Notary thorized to appoint a Notary Public for the firm of E. I. E.I.du Pont duPont de Nemours and Company, in Christiana hundred, deco New Castle county and State of Delaware, whose privileges and duties shall be confined, except as provided in Section 3 Powers of this act, to the business of the said firm and any firm and limited. firms bearing the same name, and immediately or mediately succeeding said first-named firm in the manufacture and sale of gunpowder and other explosives. SECTION 2. That the person so appointed Notary Public Qualificaunder and by authority of this act shall at the time of his tion. appointment be an officer or employe of the said first-named firm; and if at any time afterwards and during the period his commission as Notary Public would otherwise continue in force said appointee shall cease to be an officer or employe of said firm and shall not thereupon become an officer or employe of any succeeding firm bearing the same name and engaged in said business, and so with respect to any succeeding firm or firms bearing the same name and engaged in said business, his commission as Notary Public shall forthwith expire and be vacated, and the Governor shall appoint vacancy. another person in his stead as Notary Public, who shall be at the time of his appointment an officer or employe of the then existing firm of E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company. and duties. SECTION 3. That the privileges and duties of an any person Privileges appointed Notary Public under and by authority of this act shall extend to and include the business of the members of the said firm of E. I. duPont de Nemours and Company and of any firm and firms bearing the same name and immediately or mediately succeeding the said first-named firm in the manufacture and sale of gunpowder and other explosives. SECTION 4. That this act shall repeal all laws or parts of laws in so far as inconsistent herewith and be deemed a public act. Passed at Dover, May 6, 1895. 14 OF NOTARIES PUBLIC AND COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS. Section 6. Oaths of Commis CHAPTER 10. OF NOTARIES PUBLIC AND COMMISSIONERS OF DEEDS. AN ACT to amend Chapter 36 of the Revised Code, of Notaries Public and Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met: SECTION I. That Section 6 of Chapter 36 of the Revised Code, of Notaries Public and Commissioners of Deeds, be amended by adding after the word "dollars" at the end thereof, the words following, to-wit: "The oaths or affidavits of Notaries Public to perform the duties of their office with fidelity, duly signed and certified, and also the commisPublic and sions of such notaries, shall be recorded in the office of the sioners of Recorder of Deeds of the county for which they are apPreorded, be pointed, and the like oaths or affidavits and commissions of Where. Acts not invalidated all Commissioners of Deeds residing in other States shall be recorded in the offices of the Recorders of Deeds for the sevProviso. eral counties of this State. Provided, that this section shall not take effect until six months after the passage of this act. SECTION 2. That the official acts of any Notaries Public or by failure Commissioners of Deeds shall not be invalidated by reason herefore of such Notary or Commissioner having heretofore failed to official oath. be sworn to perform the duties of his office with fidelity, but such acts shall be as valid as though said officer had duly taken such oath. to take Passed at Dover, May 7, 1895. TITLE SIXΤΗ. Of Religion, Public Education and Health CHAPTER 11. OF RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met : trustees SECTION I. That any society or congregation of chris- Religious tians heretofore incorporated under the act to which this is a societies. supplement, or that may hereafter become incorporated under said act, may from time to time increase the number of trus- Number of tees not to exceed twelve, and may decrease the number to use not less than three by a vote of the society or congregation changed. at a public meeting called for that purpose in the same iman- Manner. ner as provided in Section 2 of the act to which this is a supplement, for the election of trustees, voting and counting the votes as provided therein. ings to be Recorder. SECTION 2. If the society or congregation shall by a plurality of votes of the members present determine to increase or diminish the number of trustees, such fact shall be certified to Certificate the Recorder of Deeds in and for the county in which such of proceedsociety or congregation shall have property, to be by him sent to recorded in the deed records thereof, which certificate shall set forth the number of trustees heretofore contained in the act of incorporation and the number fixed by the meeting provided for by this act, and shall be signed by a majority of the board of trustees. The recorder shall receive the same fees now provided by law for like services. Passed at Dover, March 13, 1895. |