Chez Soi: The Aesthetic Self in Arthur Schopenhauer, Walter Pater and T.S. Eliot : a Study in the Aesthetic Theories of Schopenhauer, Pater and Eliot, with Special Regard to Notions of Selfhood, Time and InfluenceKönigshausen & Neumann, 2001 - 306 pages |
Common terms and phrases
Accordingly aesthetic contemplation aesthetic critic aesthetic experience aesthetic subject appears Arthur Schopenhauer artist asceticism aspect Ästhetik beautiful body Bryan Magee Carolyn Williams concepts consciousness death denial Denys Duke Carl Eigentliche Metaphysische Tätigkeit Eliot essay essence eternal existence expression fact form of knowledge Gerald Cornelius Giorgione Goethe Harold Bloom Ideen Imaginary Portraits impersonal individual influence intellect italics Jenseits des Willens Joachim Jung Korfmacher Leonardo da Vinci Maia Malter Meisel merely mind Monsman Muriel Wanessa Torres nature notion objectification objective correlative Partly quoted passage Pater's Portraits Paterian perceive the Idea Perry person of genius Pothast present pure subject Renaissance says Schopen Schopenhauer's aesthetic theory Schopenhauer's philosophy Schulz Sebastian self-consciousness sense soul speak subject of knowledge T. S. Eliot t]he texts Theunissen thing-in-itself things tion Transfigured World true Vorstellung Walter Pater Walter Schulz Watteau Welt whereas will-to-live Willens zum Leben Winckelmann Wolfgang Wollheim world as representation Zeit