CONTENTS. (:0:) PART I. ACQUISITIVE PRESCRIPTION. CHAPTER I. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. SECTION I.-Meaning of the term prescription. دو دو ود PAGE. 111.-Definition of extinctive prescription ... 1. 1. 3. THE OBJECTS OF THIS PRESCRIPTION. PERSONS OF INHERENCE, AND PERSONS OF INCIDENCE. acquisitive prescription runs, IV. The meaning of the expression "abscence beyond the seas” دو 10. 11. 47. CHAPTER III. CONDITIONS. PAGE. SECTION I,--Three conditions necessary for acquisitive prescription, possession, 12. ... II.-Undisturbed and uninterrupted VII.-Natural interruption of possession against our consent, interrupted, XII. Results of the new interpretation on the words "adverse title," XIII.-Legal presumptions in regard to adverse possession XIV. Term of prescription for lands or immovable property, PART II. or limitation of actions, II.-History of the law, III. The effects of this prescription ... 42. 44. CHAPTER IH. PERSONS AND THEIR STATUS. SECTION I.-Persons against whom this prescription does or does not run CHAPTER III. CONDITIONS NECESSARY FOR THIS PRESCRIPTION. SECTION I.- Three conditions necessary for ۶۶ 49. 53. 53. III. In what length of time actions may be THE LAW OF PRESCRIPTION IN CEYLON. PART Ι. ACQUISITIVE PRESCRIPTION. CHAPTER I. GENERAL PRINCIPLES. SECTION I, MEANING OF THE TERM PRESCRIPTION. he term prescription in the law of Ceylon is Two fold meaning of the word prescrip fying a mode of acquisition of property, and the other tion. a limitation of actions.(a) SECTION II. PRESCRIPTION AS A MODE OF ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY. As a mode of acquisition of property it implies the Acquisitive undisturbed and uninterrupted possession of a thing prescription or usucapio. for a length of time, which is recognised by law as sufficient to invest the possesser with the ownership of it. This is sometimes called acquisitive prescription or usucapio. (a.) Ord. No. 22 of 1871 s. 3. |