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" Subject to the foregoing provisions the ancillary receiver and his deputies shall have the same powers and be subject to the same duties with respect to the administration of such assets, as a receiver of an insurer domiciled in this state. "
Official Papers, Printed for the Common Council of the City of Boston ... - Page 121
by Boston (Mass.). Common Council - 1822 - 138 pages
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Laws of the State of New York, Volume 1; Volume 70, Part 1

New York (State) - 1847 - 472 pages
...commissioners. fo°Sor.°f § 8. The said collector shall proceed to collect the same, and for such purpose shall have the same powers, and be subject to the same duties, as in the collection of taxes in said village, and shall pay the money when collected, to the trustees of said village. Payment...
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Laws of the State of New York, Volume 2; Volume 90, Part 2

New York (State) - 1867 - 1404 pages
...ditch, and if they shall determine that the same needs cleaning, they .shall proceed to clean it; and shall have the same powers and be subject to the same duties in proceeding with the same, and in assessing and collecting the expenses thereof, and in all matters...
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A Compendium and Digest of the Laws of Massachusetts, Volume 1, Part 2

Massachusetts, William Charles White - 1811 - 214 pages
...said doings of said town, selectmen or assessors, or to JJJJ^uJj^"1i. to alter the same in such manner as the said court shall judge proper ; and in either...shall be committed to collect, shall have the same power, and be subject to the ' J Power of collectors. same duties as in the collection of other town...
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The Maine Register and United States' Almanac for the Year of Our Lord 1820 ...

1819 - 296 pages
...otherwise provided, and the Counsellors, Secretary and Treasurer, shall also be elected nn said day, and have the same powers, and be subject to the same duties, as is provided in this Constitution ; and in case of the dea.tb or other disqualification of the President...
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Niles' National Register, Volume 19

1821 - 454 pages
...1, in 7th range, and plantation No. 3, in 7th range, one. And the secretary of state, pro tcmpore, shall have the same powers, and be subject to the same duties, in relation to the votes for governor, as the secretary of state has, and is subject to, by this constitmion:...
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The Revised Statutes of the State of New-York: Passed During the ..., Volume 1

New York (State) - 1829 - 826 pages
...appointed shall hold their respective offices until others are chosen or appointed in their places, and shall have the same powers and be subject to the same duties and penalties, as if they had been duly chosen by the electors.81 TITLE 4. . v ; j . The justices making...
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Remarks on the Constitution of Maine, by an Elector

1834 - 46 pages
..."otherwise provided"!] and the Counsellors, Secretary and Treasurer shall also be elected on said day, and have the same powers, and be subject to the same duties, as is provided in this Constitution; and incase of the death or other disqualification [?] of the President...
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The Act for the Regulation of Municipal Corporations in England and Wales ...

Great Britain - 1835 - 316 pages
...several powers and provisions of any such act or acts of parliament, and the members of the council shall have the same powers and be subject to the same duties as if their names had been originally inserted in such act or acts, or as if they had been elected under...
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Speech ... delivered in the House of commons, 5th June, on corporation ...

John Russell (1st earl.) - 1835 - 68 pages
...trustees for executing the several powers and provisions of any such Act or Acts of Parliament, and shall have the same powers and be subject to the same duties as it their names had been originally inserted in such Act or Acts as such trustees respectively. And...
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Statutes at Large ...: (37 v.) A collection of the public general statutes ...

Great Britain - 1835 - 642 pages
...several Powers and Provisions of any such Act or Acts of Parliament, and the Members of the Council shall have the same Powers and be subject to the same Duties as if their Names had been originally inserted in such Act or Acts, or as if they had been elected under...
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