Bank of the United States ...: Report[s, and Documents

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Page 100 - Representatives passed a resolution, by a vote of 144 yeas to 6 nays, concurring "in the views of the Secretary of the Treasury in relation to the necessity of a contraction of the currency, with a view to as early a resumption of specie payments as the business interests of the country will permit," and pledging "cooperative action to this end as speedily as possible.
Page 326 - States, to be collected and paid in the legal currency of the United States, or treasury notes, or notes of the bank of the United States as by law provided and declared, or in notes of banks which are payable and paid on demand in the said legal currency of the United States...
Page 49 - And bills or notes, which may be issued by order of the said corporation, signed by the president, and countersigned by the principal cashier...
Page 323 - Authorized to issue notes, which will be received in all payments to the United States, the circulation of its issues will be coextensive with the Union ; and there will exist a constant demand, bearing a just proportion to the annual amount of the duties and taxes to be collected...
Page 91 - His health is good, except as to the stone, which does not grow worse. I thank you for your attention to my request about the books, which Mr. Barclay writes me he has forwarded from Cadiz. I have the honor to be, with great respect, Dear Sir, your most obedient humble servant, TH: JEFFERSON.
Page 396 - That a select committee be appointed to inspect the books, and examine into the proceedings of the Bank of the United States, to report thereon, and to report whether the provisions of its charter have been violated or not...
Page 20 - It is the preservation of a good currency that can alone impart stability to property, and prevent those fluctuations in its value, hurtful alike to individual and to national wealth. This advantage the bank has secured to the community, by confining within prudent limits its issues of paper...
Page 374 - ... to the legislative and documentary history of the Bank of the United States, compiled by the indefatigable research and industry of the Clerk of the House of Representatives and his associate. But a large portion of the questions might, with more propriety, be addressed in a circular to the presidents of all tin: banks in the four quarters of the globe, than to the president of the Bank of the United States.
Page 52 - Cope offered the following resolution, which was, on motion, adopted: Resolved, That the...
Page 1 - ... a select committee be appointed to inspect the books and examine into the proceedings of the said Bank, who shall report whether the provisions of the charter have been violated or not...

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