Maj. D. B. Lang, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixty-second Virginia Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Doyle, resigned, to rank from November 10, 1863. Maj. George K. Griggs, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Thirty-eighth Virginia Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Cabell, promoted, to rank from November 15, 1863. Maj. James Dickey, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Fifty-first Georgia Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony, resigned, to rank from January 14, 1864. Maj. C. H. Lynch, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixty-third Virginia Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel French, promoted, to rank from April 4, 1864. Maj. George Huston, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Thirty-third Virginia Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Spengler, promoted, to rank from March 21, 1864. Majors. Capt. B. F. Winfield, of Virginia, to be major Thirteenth Virginia Cavalry Regiment, vice Major Upshaw, promoted, to rank from December 19, 1863. Capt. Houston Hall, of Virginia, to be major Sixty-second Virginia Regiment, vice Major Lang, promoted, to rank from November 10, 1863. Capt. H. L. Lee, of Virginia, to be major Thirty-eighth Virginia Regiment, vice Major Griggs, promoted, to rank from November 15, 1863. Capt. J. B. Golladay, of Virginia, to be major Thirty-third Virginia Regiment, vice Major Huston, promoted, to rank from March 21, 1864. I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant, J. A. SEDDON, Secretary of War. Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Richmond, May 25, 1864. To the Senate of the Confederate States: Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate Bennett Clark, of Missouri, to be military storekeeper of ordnance, with rank, etc., of first lieutenant of infantry in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America. JEFFERSON DAVIS. WAR DEPARTMENT, Richmond, May 24, 1864. SIR: I have the honor to recommend the nomination of Bennett Clark, of Missouri, to be military storekeeper of ordnance, with the rank, etc., of first lieutenant of infantry in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States, vice Lieut. F. P. Buckner, resigned, to date from March 2, 1864. I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant, To His Excellency JEFFERSON DAVIS, The message was read. President, etc. J. A. SEDDON, Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Richmond, May 25, 1864. To the Senate of the Confederate States: Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively. No. 18.] JEFFERSON DAVIS. WAR DEPARTMENT, Richmond, May 24, 1864. SIR: I have the honor to recommend the following nominations for appointment in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America: Brigadier-general. Col. Stephen Elliott, jr., of South Carolina, to take rank from May 24, 1864. Aids-de-camp-first lieutenants. Edward J. Black, of South Carolina, to take rank from April 28, 1864. To His Excellency JEFFERSON DAVIS, The message was read. President, etc. J. A. SEDDON, Secretary of War. Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. The Senate proceeded to consider the motion submitted by Mr. Mitchel on yesterday, to reconsider the vote on agreeing to the resolutions submitted by Mr. Hill, from the Committee on the Judiciary (on the 23d instant), in relation to nominations continued or postponed from one session of the Senate to another; and On the question to agree thereto, It was decided in the affirmative, (Yeas On motion by Mr. Orr, Nays 9 The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present, Those who voted in the affirmative are, Messrs. Brown, Caperton, Graham, Hill, Hunter, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Missouri, Maxwell, and Mitchel. Those who voted in the negative are, Messrs. Barnwell, Burnett, Jemison, Orr, Semmes, Sparrow, Walker, and Watson. So the resolutions were reconsidered. On motion by Mr. Graham, that the resolutions be laid upon the table, On motion by Mr. Sparrow, The Senate resolved into open legislative session. THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1864. OPEN SESSION. The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 43) to regulate the pay of a general assigned to duty at the seat of government under the provisions of the act approved March 25, 1862; and no amendment being proposed, it was reported to the Senate. Ordered, That it be engrossed and read a third time. The said bill was read the third time. Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. On motion by Mr. Sparrow, that the vote on passing the bill (S. 43) last mentioned be reconsidered, It was determined in the negative. The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 44) to authorize certificates of indebtedness to be given for property purchased or impressed and for transportation, and to provide for payment of the interest on said certificates in specie; and no amendment being proposed, it was reported to the Senate. Ordered, That it be engrossed and read a third time. Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House of Representatives therein. Mr. Johnson of Missouri submitted the following resolution for consideration: Resolved (the House of Representatives concurring), That the resolution passed by the two Houses fixing Tuesday, the thirty-first instant, as the day for the adjournment of the present session of Congress, be, and the same is hereby, rescinded. On motion by Mr. Sparrow, The Senate resolved into executive session. The doors having been opened, On motion by Mr. Mitchel, The Senate adjourned. EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom were referred the nominations of A. S. Norwood, G. McD. Miller, J. M. French, John C. Fiser, J. A. Minter, J. R. Cabell, A. Spengler, to be colonels; W. M. Hadden, T. E. Upshaw, D. B. Lang, George K. Griggs, James Dickey, C. H. Lynch, George Huston, to be lieutenantcolonels; B. F. Winfield, Houston Hall, H. L. Lee, J. B. Golladay, to be majors, reported, with the recommendation that all of said nominations be confirmed. The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence therewith, it was Resolved, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment, agreeably to the nominations of the President. Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom were referred the nominations of B. R. Johnson, to be major-general; W. B. Goodlett, T. W. Alexander, E. H. McCaleb, J. M. Browne, Charles A. Webb, William A. S. Taylor, L. Flournoy, A. C. Hill, C. N. Welshaus, A. M. Barnes, George A. Blain, R. M. Harkness, Charles P. Roberts, G. C. Greenway, Virgil V. Moore, W. J. Sparks, J. P. Butler, Thomas Barrow, William P. Pillans, William K. Davis, James D. Easley, W. R. Garrett, M. D. Smallman, J. C. Judkins, Daniel E. Brown, Charles R. Harris, Robert L. Parrish, Edw. H. Davis, John A. Lewis, V. Hewitt, George W. Hunt, Thomas D. Gregory, Alex. B. Moore, R. S. Harrison, W. T. Walke, P. W. Arrington, W. L. McGaughy, Alfred Holmes, Albert B. Allen, McH. Whitaker, E. J. Darby, George Connar, J. T. Tannehill, F. Philips, T. Reynolds, C. H. Gordon, A. McGlashan, James W. Mitchell, S. G. Turner, Frank Jones, J. R. McIntosh, W. P. McGowen, Robert E. Garnier, Thomas H. Gibson, D. R. W. McIver, to be adjutants, with the rank of first lieutenants; J. H. French, Thomas N. Minter, to be assistant commissaries, with the rank of captains, reported, with the recommendation that all of said nominations be confirmed. The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence therewith, it was Resolved, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment, agreeably to the nominations of the President. Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom were referred the nominations of W. G. Calahan, to be major; Virgil Weaver, Stark A. Sutton, W. E. Stitt, A. E. Richards, H. B. Bicksler, John M. Robinson, Lewis Harman, William Dunovant, Fred W. Airey, R. L. Keen, to be captains; John W. Carter, Adolph P. Webre, to be first lieutenants; H. D. Thompson, Ed. M. Poe, Jesse W. Avant, James W. Jordan, W. W. Kirkland, K. Taylor, R. A. Shotwell, Ind. C. Francis, Festus King, Charles J. Harper, and Andrew Kreutz, to be second lieutenants, reported, with the recommendation that all of said nominations be confirmed. The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence therewith, it was Resolved, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment agreeably to the nominations of the President. Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was referred the nomination of B. L. Braselman, to be second lieutenant in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States, reported, with the recommendation that said nomination be confirmed. The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and On motion by Mr. Sparrow, that the further consideration be postponed until to-morrow, On motion by Mr. Mitchel, The Senate resolved into open legislative session. FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1864. OPEN SESSION. Mr. Jemison (by leave) introduced A bill (S. 47) to facilitate the settlement of the claims of deceased soldiers; which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. Walker submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to: Resolved, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of so amending the act to organize forces to serve during the war, approved February seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, as to provide for the exemption from military service of the necessary officers of steamboats engaged in transportation for the Government. Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported A bill (S. 48) to amend the act to provide an invalid corps, approved February 17, 1864; which was read the first and second times and ordered to be placed upon the Calendar. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton: Mr. President: The House of Representatives have passed bills and a joint resolution of the following titles; in which they request the concurrence of the Senate: H. R. 12. An act to provide for the enrollment and conscription of certain noncommissioned officers and privates in the Trans-Mississippi Department; H. R. 119. An act to amend so much of an act entitled “An act to organize forces to serve during the war," approved 17th February, 1864, as relates to the exemption of certain religious denominations; and H. R. 9. Joint resolution responsive to the resolutions of the general assembly of Virginia "asserting the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the State of Virginia over her ancient boundaries." They have passed bills and a joint resolution of the Senate of the following titles: S. 10. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to aid any State in communicating with and perfecting records concerning its troops," approved 16th February, 1864; S. 28. An act to amend an act entitled "An act creating the office of ensign in the Army of the Confederate States;" S. 41. An act to provide for the appointment of a disbursing clerk in the War Department; and S. 7. Joint resolution in regard to the exemption of editors and employees of newspapers. And they have passed the following bills of the Senate, with amendments; in which they request the concurrence of the Senate: S. 4. An act to provide means of transit across the Mississippi River for members of Congress residing west of said river in going to and returning from the Confederate States Congress; and S. 39. An act to amend the several acts in regard to chaplains. The President of the Confederate States has notified the House of Representatives that on the 24th instant he approved and signed an act (H. R. 2) to provide for the redemption of the old issue of Treasury notes held by certain Indian tribes. The following bills were severally read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs: H. R. 12. An act to provide for the enrollment and conscription of certain noncommissioned officers and privates in the Trans-Mississippi Department; and H. R. 119. An act to amend so much of an act entitled "An act to organize forces to serve during the war," approved 17th February, 1864, as relates to the exemption of certain religious denominations. The joint resolution (H. R. 9) responsive to the resolutions of the general assembly of Virginia "asserting the jurisdiction and sovereignty of the State of Virginia over her ancient boundaries," was read the first and second times and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and no amendment being proposed, it was reported to the Senate. Ordered, That it pass to a third reading. The said resolution was read the third time. Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives thereof. The Senate proceeded to consider the amendments of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. 4) to provide means of transit across the Mississippi River for members of Congress residing west of said river in going to and returning from the Confederate States Congress; and Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. The Senate proceeded to consider the amendment of the House of Representatives to the bill (S. 39) to amend the several acts in regard to chaplains; and Resolved, That they concur therein. Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives thereof. The Senate proceeded to consider the resolution submitted by Mr. Johnson of Missouri yesterday, to rescind the resolution passed by the two Houses fixing Tuesday, the 31st instant, as the day for the adjournment of the present session of Congress; and On motion by Mr. Johnson of Missouri, Ordered, That the further consideration of the resolution be postponed until to-morrow. On motion by Mr. Burnett, The Senate adjourned. C J-VOL 4-04-7 |