Page images

264 BRITISH ACADEMY PROCEEDINGS, 279 BURNET (Bishop) History of his Own Vols. I.-XI., 1903/04-1924/25, 11 vols, Time, together with the Author's Life and roy. 8vo, publisher's half morocco binding, some explanatory Notes, 4 vols, 1818, 8vo, t.e.g. calf, rebacked


265 SCHOOL AT ATHENS (Annual of), Vols. I.-XXVI., 1894/5-1924/25, 26 vols, cr. 4to, Vols. 2 and 5 out of print and




SCHOOL AT ROME (Papers of). Vols. I.-IX., 1902-20, cr. 4to £10/10/267 BROWN (P. Hume) History of Scotland, with maps, 3 vols, Camb., 1909-11, cr. 8vo 18/

Cambridge Historical Series. 268 BROWNING (Oscar) The Flight to Varennes, and other historical Essays, 1892, cr. 8vo

3/6 With author's autograph presentation inscription on half title. The top margin of a few pages a little



269 BROWNING (Oscar) A General History of the World, with maps and genealogical tables, 1913, cr. 8vo 270 BRUCK (H.) Geschichte der katholischen Kirche in Deutschland im neunzehnten Jahrh., 3 vols, Mainz, 1887/1905, 8vo, two vols. in quarter calf, last vol. in orig. wrappers

7/6 271 BRUNN (H.) Griechische Kunstgeschichte, 2 vols, Munchen, 1893-97, roy. Svo, 1 vol. resewn 7/6 272 BRYCE (J.) The Relations of Political Science to History and to Practice, an Address, 1909, roy. 8vo, 19 pp., sewn 2/273 BUBNOV (N.) Sbornik pisem Gerberta kak istoritscheski istotschnik 983-997, krititscheskaja Monografia po rukopisjam, 2 vols in 1, S. Peterb., 1888, 8vo, hf. calf 12/6 A few neat ink annotations in margins.

274 BUCHON (JA. C.) Recherches et matérix pour servir à une hist. de la domination franç. aux XIIIe, XIVe et XVe siècles dans les provinces démembrées de l'empire grec à la suite de la quartrième croisade, 2 vols in 1, 1811, roy. 8vo, hf. crimson


7/6 275 BULLETTINO dell' istituto storico italiano, No. II., Roma, 1892, roy. 8vo 2/6 Contents: Ricerche intorno all "Anonimus Valesianus II." per C. Cipolla.-Il" De situ urbis Mediolanensis" e la chiesa Ambrosiana nel sec. x. per L. A. Ferrari.

[blocks in formation]




(John) Greek Philosophy, Part I., Thales to Plato, 1920, 8vo 281 BURNS (Robert) Complete Works, including his Correspondence, etc., with Memoir by W. Gunnyon, and Notes, illusts., Nimmo's Excelsior Edn., 1877, roy. 8vo 3/6 282 BURROWS (R. M.) The Discoveries of Crete and their Bearing on the History of Ancient Civilisation, with illusts., 1907, 8vo, scarce


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

3/6 Bound in with it is also the article on Roman Law. The Imperial Administrative System in the 9th Century, with a revised Text of Kletorologion of Philotheos, Brit. Academy, 1911, 8vo, sewn (Sold) Chronologitscheskiy Ziks Bolgar perewod s angeiiskago W. H. Slatarskago, Kasan, 1912, 8vo 2/6 287 BUSBEQUIUS (A. Gislenius) Omnia quae extant, Lugd. Bat., ex off. Elzeviriana, 1633, 24mo, vellum



288 BUSSELL (F. W.) The Roman Empire, Essays on the Constitutional History from 81 A.D. to 1081 A.D., 2 vols, 1910, 8vo. out of print 21

"Presentation Copy" embossed on title-page. 289 BUTCHER (S. H.) Harvard Lectures on Greek Subjects, 1904, cr. 8vo


290 BUSHE-FOX (J. P.) Reports on the, 299 BYZANTINISCHES ARCHIV als ErgåsExcavations on the Site of the Roman Town at Wroxeter, Shrops. in 1912 and 1913, with plates and plans, 2 parts, Oxf., 1913-4, roy. 8vo, sewed Soc. gantry 316

First Report on the Excavation of
the Roman Fort at Richborough, Kent,
with large folding plan and 30 plates, Oxf
1926, roy. 8vo, orig. wrappers Rese es. 51-
292 BUSOLT (G.) Die griech. Staats- u.
Rechtsaltertümer, 2te Aufl., Müncheng
1892, 8vo, hf. cloth


Griechische Geschichte bis 2. † Schlacht bei Chaeroneia, 3 vols in 4, Gotha, 1893/1904, 8vo, hf. calf 32/6

Bd. 1. Bis. z. Begründung d. pelop. Bundes, 2 Aufl.; Bd. 2. D. ältere attische Gesch. u. d. Perserkiege, 2 Aufl.; Bd. 3 (1), Die Pentekontaetic; Bd. 3 (2), Der pelop. Krieg.

zung der byzant. Zeitschrift in zwangloses Heften, hrsg. v. K. Krumbacher, 5 parts in 2 vols, Leipz., 1898/1911, roy. Svo bound in cloth

[ocr errors]

1. Unters. z. Gesch. d. griech. Sprache v. d. bedes Zeit. b. z. 10 J. n. Chr. v. K. Dieterich. 11. De Bilderkreis des griech. Physiologus, bearb. v. J. Str ygowski. III. Samml. n. Catal. griech. Handschre bearb. v. V. Gardthausen, out of print. IV. I document gr. med. di diritto privato dell' Italia merid, per Ferrari. V. Das Drachenwunder des hig. Georg J. B. Aufhauser.


301A- Idem, Vols. III. and IV., both in two double-parts, 1922-23, 8vo

Each vol. 10

3/6300 BYZANTINISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT unter Mitwirkung v. C. de Boor, J. B. Bary C. Diehl, E. Legrand, S. Lambros, G Schlumberger, etc., etc., hrsg. v. K. Krum bacher, A. Heisenburg u. P. Marc, Vols. I.-XXVI. and Index I.-XII., 1892-1926, roy 8vo, Vols. 1-22 and Index hf. calf, 23 and 24 294 BUTLER (Joseph, Ld. Bp. of Durham) binder's cloth, 25 and 25 in parts as issued Works, New Edn., with Preface and Notes, by J. H. Bernard, 2 vols, 1900, 8vo, out of 301 BYZANTISCH-NEUGRIECHISCHE Jahrprint 7/6 bücher, Internat. Wissenschaftliches Organ, 295 BYZANTINE PAMPHLETS. Prof. J. B. unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachgenossen, Bury's Important Collection of Pamphlets hrsg. v. N. A. Bees, mit Abbildungre, and Dissertations, Off-Prints and Excerpts Bande I.-V.1.2, in 9 double-parts, 1920from various Journals, etc., 500 in number, 26, 8vo in several Languages :-German (176), English (113), French (74), Russian (61), Greek (31), Latin (27), Italian (11), and Hungarian, Spanish, etc. (7), all relating to the History, Topography, Religion, Architecture, etc., of Byzantium and of the Byzantine Empire, nearly all carrying his autograph and many his scorings and comparative annotations. Among the authors of items in this collection are: H, Leuthold, K. Leonhardt, E. Lentz, AL Vasilev, W. M. Ramsay, G. Schlumberger, C. Diehl, F. C. Conybeare, E.W. Brooks, C. Hopf, K. Krunbacher, J. Hawry, H. H. Howorth, H. Moritz, E. Patzig, W. Miller, W. Nissen, W. M. Petrie-Flinders, N. Izdanje, A. D. Xenopol, F. cumont, F. Bohl, K. Wolf, A. Andréadès, N. Iorga, A. Heisenberg and numerous other Scholars, VARIOUS DATES AND SIZES, all sewn, the dissertations and pamphlets in orig. wrappers and placed, unbound, in 35 portfolios TEXTS, ed. by J. B. Bury, 4 vols (as under), 1898/1904, 8vo :



(A) Chronicle of Morea, ed. in two parallel texts, by J. Schmidt 7/6 (B) Ecthesis chronica & chronicon athenarum, ed. 4/

S. P. Lambros (c) Evagrius. Eccles. Hist. of, with the Scholia, ed. etc., by J. Bidez 4/(D) Syriac Chronicle known as that of Zachariah of Mitylene, transl, into English, by F. J. Hamilton and E. W. Brooks 6/297 BYZANTION, revue internationale des études byzantines, publ. par P. Graindor et H. Grégoire, Vols. I. and II., 2 vols, 1924/25, roy. Svo 298 Bugarric Ex Dewonais Twy Bugarriakwy σπουδων ἐκδιδομένη κατα τριμηνιαν ὑπο της ἐν ̓Αθήναις "Βυζαντιολογικής εταιρεtaç, Vol. I., A.B.г.D., in 3 pts., Athens, 1909, 8vo



302 Bužarriç (Σk. A.) ‘H KororasÀÆ ή περιγραφη τοπογραφική, ἀρχαιολογική και ioropin, with plates and maps, 2 vols. Athens, 1851-1862, roy. Svo, half caif, Lubbed


303 CAER LLUGWY. Excavations of the
Roman Fort between Capel Curig and
Bettws-y-Coed, by J. P. Hall, 25 plates,
Manchester, 1923, sm. 4to'


304 CAESARIS (C. J.) Commentari de belle Gallico, erkl. v. F. Kraner, 15te verb. Anti. v. W. Dittenberger, m. e. Karte . H. Kiepert, 1890, 8vo, cloth



5De bello civili, erkl. v. A, Doberenz, unveränderter Neudruck bea v. G. B. Dinter, 1913, Svo 306 HOLMES (T. Rice) Ancient Britam and the Invasions of Julius Caesar, with maps and numerous illusts., Oxf., 1907, 8vo, covers a little discoloured



MEYER (E.) Caesars Monarchie u. das Principat des Pompejus, 2 verbess Aufl., Stuttgart, 1910, 8vo, hf. cloth 96 308 CAETANI (L.) Annali dell' Islam 8 vols, Milano, U. Hoepli, 1905-18, folio, Vols. I.-V. (bound in 6) fine quarter dark Blue morocco, other three vols. t ong. wrappers as issued

Edizione di 250 esemplari.


309 CAHUN (L.) Introd. à l'histoire de l'Asie, † Turcs et Mongols des origines à 1405, 1896, 8vo 5 310 CALHOUN (G. Μ.) Athenian Clubs Politics and Litigation, Ustr. of Texas. Austin, 1913, 8vo, sewn 3,6

T. Mommsen, acc. I. epist. Theodericianae var., II. acta synhod. habit. Romae, III. Cassiodori orat. reliq., Monumenta Germania hist. XI I., 1894, roy. 8vo, blue cloth 25/328 CASTIGLIONE (B.) Il cortegiano, annot. e illust. da V. Cian, Firenze, 1908, 8vo, binder's cloth 5/

311 GALITZIN. GOETZE (P. v.) Fürst Alex. | 327 CASSIODORUS Senatoris Variae, rec. Nikol. Galitzin u. seine Zeit, Leipz., 1882, cr. 8vo, hf. sheep. rubbed 3/6 312 CALLIMACHI quae supersunt, rec. et c. not. del. ed. Č. J. Blomfield, 1815; Oppiani Cynegetica et Hallieutica, emend. J. G. Schneider, acc. vers. lat. metrica, 1813; 2 vols in 1, 8vo, hf. calf 7/6 313 HYMNI et epig. iterum ed, U. de Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, 1897, 8vo 2/314 CALLIMACHEA, edidit O. Schneider, 2 vols, Lips., 1870-73, thick 8vo £4/5/

Vol. 1. Hymni cum schol. vet. ad cod. fidem rec. et emend., epig. rec., excursus add.; Vol. 2, Fragm. a Bentleio coll, et explicata ab aliis aucta, acc. comm.

et indices tres.

315 CALLINICUS. De vita S. Hypatii liber, † ed. Seminarii philol. Bonn. Sodales, Teub., 2/6

1895, cr. 8vo

316 CAMBRIDGE. List of the Incunabula in the Library of King's College, Cambridge,

Camb., 1908, roy. 8vo 5/317 - MIDDLETON (J. H.) The Lewis Collection of Gems and Rings in the possession of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, with introd. Essay on Ancient Gems, 1892, 8vo 3/6 318

MULLINGER (J. B.) University of Cambridge, from the earliest Times to the Accession of Charles I., 2 vols, Camb., 1873-84, 8vo, a nice copy


Author's presentation inscription on half-title. 319 CAMBRIDGE ANCIENT HISTORY, ed. by J. B. Bury, S. A. Cook, F. E. Adcock, roy. 8vo, as below: Each 27/6

Vol. I. Egypt and Babylonia, to 1580 B.C., 1923
Vol. II. The Egyptian and Hittite Empires to c. 1000
B.C., 1924


Vol. III. The Assyrian Empire, 1925 320 CAMBRIDGE MEDIEVAL HISTORY, planned by J. B. Bury, ed. by J. P. Whitney and H. M. Gwatkin, Vols. I.-V., with portfolio of illustrative maps to each volume, 1911-26, roy. 8vo, a nice set, as new Vol. I. The Christian Roman Empire Vol. II. The Foundation of the Western Empire Vol. III. Germany and the Western Empire Vol. IV. The Eastern Roman Empire, 717-1453 Vol. V. Contest of Empire and Papacy. 321 CAMBRIDGE MODERN HISTORY (The), planned by Lord Acton, ed, by A. W. Ward, G. W. Prothero, and S. Leathes,

14 vols, 1902-11, roy. 8vo, publisher's £14

buckram, a nice clean set 322 CAMBRIDGESHIRE. CONYBEARE (E.) A History of Cambridgeshire, Popular County Histories, 1897, 8vo, Roxburghe style binding 5/823 CARETTE (E.) Les assemblées provinciales de la Gaule romaine, 1895, roy. 8vo,

329 CASTLE (E. J.) Proceedings against the Templars in France and England for Heresy, etc., 1307-11, 3 pts. in 1, [1907], roy. 8vo, cloth


7/6 Extracted from the Trans. Quatuor Coronati Lodge. 330 CATULLUS Carmina rec. L. Mueller, † Teub., 1871, cr. 8vo, cloth 2/6 † Leipz., 1884, 8vo Hrsg. u. erkl. v. A. Riese, 5/332 CAVAIGNAC (E.) Histoire de l'antiquité, II.-Athènes, (480-330), 1913, roy. 8vo 5/Idem, III.-La Macédoine, Carthage et Rome (330-107), 1914, roy. 8vo 5/334 CAVOUR. BIANCHI (N.) La Politique du comte Camille de Cavour, 1852-61, lettres inédites, avec notes, 1885, 8vo




RUFFINI (F.) La giovinezza del Conte di Cavour, 2 vols, Torino, 1912 5/Autograph presentation inscription from the author on half title of Vol. 1.

336 CEBUSKIJ (A.) Kurzgefasste Grammatik d. böhmischen Sprache, Wien, 1877, cr. 8vo


[blocks in formation]

341 CHADWICK (H. M.) The Heroic Age, Camb., 1912, 8vo

14/342 CHALANDON (F.) Histoire de la domination normande en Italie et en Sicile, 2 vols, 1907, roy. 8vo, very scarce (Sold) 343 CHALCOCONDYLAS (Laonicus) Hist. demonstrationes, emend. annot. crit. instr. E. Darkó, Tom. I., Praef. Cod. catalogum et l. I.-IV., 1922, 8vo 3/6 344 CHANDLER (H. W.) Practical Introd. to 324 CARMINA graeca medii aevi, ed. G.† Greek Accentuation, 2nd Edn., revd., Wagner, Lips., 1874, 8vo, cloth, neat 7/6 325 CARR-GOMM (F. C.) Handbook of the Administrations of Great Britain during the 19th Century, Revised and enlarged Edn., 1901, cr. 8vo


326 CASTEL DE ST. PIERRE (C. I.). under SAINT PIERRE (l'abbé de).

[blocks in formation]

347 CHARLES V. of Spain. Annals of Em- | 362 CHRIST (W.) Gesch. der griech. Littera peror Charles V. by F. Lopez de Gomara, Spanish Text and Engl. Translation, ed. with Introd. and Notes, by R. B. Merriman, Oxf., 1912, 8vo

9/348 CHARLES XII., King of Sweden. Voltaire. Hist. de Charles XII. et hist. de Russie sous Pierre le grand, 1865, cr. 8vo, hf. calf, back faded 2/6 349 CHARRIÈRE (E.) Négociations de la France dans le Levant, Tome I., Histoire politique, 1848, 4to, sewing loose 6/350 CHARRON (Peter) Of Wisdome, transl. [from the French] by Samson Lennard, Printed for Luke Fawne at the Parrot in Paules churchyard, 1651, fore-edge of the interesting title-page engraved by W. Hole a little torn, sm. 4to, old panelled calf, rebacked £2/10/This copy has engraved title only. 351 [CHASTELLUX (Marq. F. Jean de)] De la félicité publique, ou, considérations sur le sort des hommes dans les différentes époques de l'histoire, nouv. ed., 2 vols, Bouillon, 1776, 8vo, nice contemporary calf gilt 6/352 CHATEAUBRIAND (Vic. de) Congrès de Vérone, guerre d'Espagne, négociations, "colonies espag. suivie de la vie de Rancé, N.D., la. 8vo, half calf


3/6 Études historiques, nouv. ed., 2/

N.D., cr. 8vo


Génie du christianisme et défense du génie du christianisme, Nouv. ed. revue, 2 vols, N.D., cr. 8vo, binder's cloth 5355 CHAUCER (Geoffrey) Poetical Works, with an Essay on his Language and Versification, etc., Notes and a Glossary, by T. Tyrwhitt, N.D., roy. 8vo 51356 CHEESMAN (G. L.) The Auxilia of the Roman Imperial Army, Oxf., 1914, 8vo 3/6 357 CHÉRADAME (A.) Le plan pangermaniste démasqué, 31 cartes, 1916, cr. Svo 2/6 358 CHILDERICH. JUNGHANS (W.) Histoire † critique des règnes de Childerich et de Chlodovech, trad. par G. Monod, 1879, 8vo 6/

tur bis auf die Zeit Justinians, 2te Aufl. mit 24 Abbild., München, 1890, roy. 8vo, hf. calf

[ocr errors]

363 CHRISTINE DE SUÈDE et le conclave de Clément X., 1669-70, par le baron de Bildt, 3 gravures, 1906, 8vo


364 BILDT (Baron de) Les médailles romaines de Christine de Suede, with 20 plates, Rome, 1908, 4to


365 CHRONICA MINORA, coll. et emend. C. Frick, Vol. I., acc. Hippolyti romani praeter canonem Paschalem frag. chronol Teub., 1892, cr. 8vo, hf. morocco, t.e.g. 126 366 Saec. IV., V., VI., VII, ed. I. Mommsen, acc. tabulae, 3 vols, MonumLONIA Germaniae hist. IX., XI. et XIII, 1892-98, 4to, hf. calf, rubbed

£2,126 367 CHRONICON PASCHALE, rec. L. Dindorfius, acc. Georgii Pisidae opera omma, acc. et denuo rec. J. P. Migne, 1865, roy. 8vo, cloth


368 CHRONIQUES étrangères relatives aux expéditions françaises pendant le XIIIe siècle, publ. pour la première fois, élucidées et trad. par J. A. C. Buchon, 1860, roy. 8vo, cloth


Anonyme grec. Ramon Muntaner. Bernat DEAL Anonyme sicilien.

369 CHRYSOSTOMUS (S. P. N., Archiep. Constant) Opera omnia quae exstant, opera et studio D. Bernardi de Montfaucon. 13 vols, Paris, 1834-39, la. 8vo. hf. vellum, sound un 3750 de son A £66.-. cher les mon temps par " Puech, 1891, 8vo, cloth, out of print 371 CHUBB (Thomas, the noted dristuval writer) A Collection of Six of his Pamphlets, bound in 1 vol, 1732-37, 8vo, contemporary talf



1. Enquiry concerning the grounds and Reasers, etc. 2. Discourse concerning reason with regard to Religion, etc. 3. Four Tracts. 4. Some observations offered to publick condiseration occasioned by the opposition made to Dr. Rundle's election to the See of Gloucester. 5. Two Letters. 6. Equity and Reaso ableness of the Divine Conduct.

372 CHWOSTOV (M.) Izsliedovanija po Istorit obmiena w epochu ellinistitscheskich monarchii i Rimskoi Imperii, Tom. I Istorija Vostotschnoi Torgowli GrekoRimskago Egipta, Kazan, 1907, 8vo

Bibl. de l'école des hautes études. 359 CHINESE. Yu-Yen Tzu-erh Chi. A Progressive Course designed to assist the Student of Colloquial Chinese as spoken in the Capital and the Metropolitan Department, with Key, Syllabary, and Writing Exercises, by T. F. Wade, 3 vols, 1867, 4to, quarter morocco, slightly rubbed 374


373 CICERONIS academica rec., var, nots suas immiscuit et H. Turnebi, Petrique, Fabri comment. adj. J. Davisius, ed. 2, Cantab., 1736, 8vo, calf 2,6

DE OFFICIIS, rec. R. Klotz, Teub., 21EPISTOLAE, with a Revision of the

£2/5/-† 1872, cr. 8vo, cloth

360 CHORICIUS GAZAEUS. Orationes, 375 declamationes, fragmenta, insunt ined. Text, a Commentary and Introd. Essays, by R. Y. Tyrrell and L. C. Purser, with Index, 7 vols, complete, 1890-1918, 8vo

orat. duae, cur. J. F. Boissonade, 1846, Svo, hf. morocco 12/6 361 CHRAPOURITZK (A. W.) Pamjatnyja Zapiski, izdanie polnoe G. N. Gennadi, Moskwa, 1862, roy. 8vo



Vol. 1 third ed., Vols. 2, 4 and 5 second edas Carries presentation inscription from R. Y. Tyrell on half title of Vol. 1.

376 CICERONIS IN Q. CAECILIUM actio in C. Verrem, rec. C. F. W. Müller, 2 vols in 1, Teub., 1881, cr. 8vo, binder's cloth 2/377 TUSC. DISPUT., de natura Deorum, de Divinatione-libri de fato quae manserunt, rec. C. F. W. Müller, 3 vols in 1, Teub., 1880-1903, cr. 8vo, binder's cloth 3378

THE VETUS CLUNIACENSIS of Poggio, being a Contribution to the Textual Criticism of Cicero pro Sex. Roscio, pro Cluentio, pro Murena, etc., by A. C. Clark, Anecdota Oxon., 1905, sm. 4to


4/6 BOISSIER (G.) Cicero and his Friends, a Study of Roman Society in the Time of Caesar, 1897, cr. 8vo 3/6 380 CLARK (A. C.) Collations from the Harleian MS. of Cicero, 2682, with a facsimile, Anecdota Oxon., 1892, 4to, sewn 381 CIRENCESTER. BEECHAM (K?^j.)

tory of Cirencester and the Roman City of Corinium, folding plans, illusts. of tesselated pavements, etc., (1886), 8volence 5/382 CLARENDON (Edward, Earl of) History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, New Edn., Oxf., 1839, roy. 8vo, morocco, broken at joints, but sides attached by strings 6/383 Idem, Oxf., 1843, roy. 8vo, tree

calf, newly rebacked 10/6 384 CLASSICAL REVIEW, Vols. I.-XXXII., 1887-1918, Vols. 1-4 in 2 vols, hf. morocco, rest in parts as issued £3/10/385 CLAUDIANUS. Opera, quae exstant, omnia, c. notis integ. var. auct. N. Heinsii et ined. P. Burmanni, etc., Amstelodami, 1760, 4to, vellum, gilt arms on sides 10/6 386 Rec. J. Koch, Teub., 1893, cr.

8vo, cloth


395 CLINTON (H. F.) Fasti Hellenici, the Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece from LVth to CXXIVth Olympiad, 3 vols, Oxf., 1834, 4to, calf, rubbed, and Vol. I. rejointed, arms of Christ's Coll., Camb., in gilt on sides 30/

396 Fasti Romani, the Civil and Literary Chronology of Rome and Constantinople from the Death of Augustus to the Death of Justin II., Oxf., 1845, 4to, a nice copy in orig. cloth 30/397 COBET (C. G.) Miscellanea critica quibus continentur observationes crit. in script., gr. praes. Homerum et Demosthenem, Lugd. Bat., 1876, 8vo, resewn 3/6 398 CODEX DIPLOMATICUS, regni Croatiae, Dalmatiae et Slavoniae, izdaje I. K. Sakcinski, Dio I., Od Godine 503-1102, U. Zagrebu, 1874, 4to, wrappers a little torn 5SINAITICUS Gr. 508 (976). Die Inschriftenaufzeichnung des, u. d. MariaSpiläotissa-Klosterkirche bei Sille, mit Exkursen, v. N. A. Bees, 1922, 8vo




THEODOSIANUS, cum perpetuis comm. Iacobi Gothofredi, recog. opera Antonii Marvillii, ed. nova recog. obs. aucta, quibus adi. suas J. D. Ritter, 6 vols in 7, 1736-45, folio, orig. boards £2/15/401 CODICES Gregorianus Hermogenianus Theodosianus, ed. G. Haenel; Nov. Constitutiones Theodosii II., Valentiniani III., Maximi, Maioriani, Severi, Anthemii XVIII. constitutiones, quas I. Sirmondus, rec. et annot. crit. instr. G. Haenel, 2 vols in 1, 1842-45, 4to, hf. calf £2/10/

402 CODRINGTON (J.) Roman Roads in 5/- Britain, with large chart of the Roman roads and small maps in text, 1919, cr. 8vo 6/Reprint of 3rd edition.


CARMINA, rec. T. Birt, acc. appendix vel spuria vel suspecta continens, Monumenta Germaniae hist. X., 1892, 4to, binder's cloth 27/6 388 CLAUDIAN. CREES (J. H. E.) Claudian as an historical Authority, Camb. Hist. Essays, No. 17, 1908, cr. 8vo 3/6 389 CLAUDIUS I., Emperor of Rome. LEHMANN (H.) Claudius u. seine Zeit (38 v. Chr.-45 n. Chr.), 2te Ausg., Leipz., 1877, 8vo 390 CLEMENS ALEXANDRINUS, Bd. II. et III.-Stromata Buch I.-VIII., Excerpta ex Theodoto, Eclogae propheticae, quis dives salvetur, fragmente, hrsg. v. O. Stählin, 2 vols, Leipz., 1906-9, roy. 8vo 21/391 CLERGÉ ROMAIN (Les mystères du), ou, révélations et mémoires au sujet de la théocratie catholique sous les pontificals de Grégoire XVI. et de Pie IX., Lausanne, 1852, 12mo, quarter calf 5/392 CLODD (E.) Magic in Names and in other Things, 1920, 8vo, out of print 7/6 Occultism, Two Lectures, 1922, 2/

403 COLBERT. CLÉMENT (P.) Hist. de Colbert et de son administration, 3me. ed., 2 vols in 1, 1892, thick 12mo, cloth 5/404 COLET (John, D.D., Dean of St. Paul's) Life of, with an Appendix of some of his English Writings, by J. H. Lupton, New Edn., 1909, 8vo


6/405 COLLEONI (Bartolomeo, of Anjou and Burgundy) His Life, by Oscar Browning, with plates and portraits, Printed for the Arundel Soc., 1891, imp. 8vo, full roan, g.e. 406 [COLLINS (Anthony)] A Discourse of Free-Thinking occasion'd by the Rise and Growth of a Sect call'd Free-Thinkers, FIRST EDITION, 1713, 8vo, old calf, rebacked 10/407 COLOCOTRONIS (V.) La Macédoine et l'Hellénisme, avec 24 planches ou cartes hors text, 1919, 8vo 4/6

Etude hist, et ethnologique.



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