7 ANONYMUS MILITARIS. Incerti somp 4 va Byzami saec. X. liber de re malan rec. R. Van Test 1901, cr. no ciste 388 ANTIGONOS GONATAS, by W. W. Tan Ozf 1913, STO 89 ANTIPHON. Apologie d'apres des frag- γιάς, το L. Περιέχων της κάσας και 15 105 ARISTAENETI Tes at eats 1. Men 107 ARISTIDES, ei B. Ke 91 ANTONINUS (M. Aurelius. Napp (E., 18 108 ARISTOPHANIS comment exeg, et schol Esra £2. cat. instr. F. W. Hall et W M. Gellar, Sonipt. Class. Biol. Or.. ¡d a Paper ein, (1909, cr. 8vo clara 94 APOLLONIUS RHODIUS. Argonautica, 95 £33 Text, with English Trans. by: R. C. Seaton, Loeb Library, 1921. 12mo 76 96 APPIANI historia romana, ed. L. Mendelssohn u. P. Viereck, 2 vols, Teub 1878-1905, cr. 8vo, cloth 97 APULEIUS. 15.Oeuvres complètes, texte, avec trad, en français par V. Bétolaud, Nouv. ed., 2 vols, 1891-83, cr. 8vo, binder's cloth 7-1 76 ACHARNENSES, Equites et Range, cam proieg et comment, ed. J. Vaz Leenwen. 3 vols in 1. Lugd. BE 186–1900. roy. 8vo binder's cloth 10:6 111 EQUITES, ed. by R. A. Ne, Camb, 1901, 8vo 76 112 -PAX, cum schol. ant. excerptis † passim emend., rec. et adnot. H Van Her werden. 2 vols in 1. Lugd. Bat. 1997, 8vo, doth 113 106 21 CROISET BL Aristophanes and the Political Parties at Athens, transl. by J. Loeb, 1909, 8vo, out of print and scarce 114 — SCHOLIA graeca in Aristophanem, c. proleg. grammat. var. lect, sel. annot. crit., cui sua quaedem inseruit F. Dubner, Didot, 1877, roy. 8vo binder's cloth, out of print 116 ▲ Vol. 46, 2 pts., 1880-Plan of the Forum at Cilur- Phocas, etc. 106 c Vol. 54, 2 pts., 1894-Excavations at, and iron tools found at, Silchester, On the camp at Ardoch, etc. 10,6 D Vol. 56, 2 pts., 1899-Roman-British Buildings at Clanville, Silchester excavations, etc. 10/6 E Vol. 57, 2 pts., 1900-Remains of Roman Silver Refinery, etc., at Silchester, Caerwent, Cardiff, Castle, etc. 10/6 21 115 ARISTOTELIS de Coelo et de generatione 120 ☛ Vol. 69. 1920-Roman Cirencester. by F. Haverfield, etc. 121 OECONOMICA rec. F. Susemihi, 10/6 Teub., 1887, cr. 8vo, cloth 2/6 tactica et Mauricii artis militaris, gr. primus ed., vers. lat. notis. illust. J. Schefferus, Upsaliae, 1664, 12mo, 122 ARISTOTELIS DE ARTE POETICA. Theory | 140 ARRIANI of Poetry and Fine Art, with a critical Text and Translation of the Poetics, by S. H. Butcher, 2nd Edn., 1898, 8vo 9/ 2/6 WILAMOWITZ-MOELLENDORFF (U. v.) Aristoteles und Athen, 2 vols, 1893, 8vo, neat cloth Not the anastatic reprint. 129 ARISTOXENUS. 17/6 Harmonics, ed. with Translation, Notes, etc., by H. S. Macran, Oxf., 1902, cr. 8vo, 7/6 130 ARLDT (T.) Germanische Völkerwellen u. i. Bedeutung in d. Bevölkerungsgesch. v. Europa, Leipz., 1917, cr. 8vo, orig. bds. 5/131 ARMENIA.-ADOUTZ (N.) Armenija w epochu Justiniana, S. Peterb., 1908, roy. 8vo 6/132 CHAMICH (M.) History of Armenia, from B.C. 2247 to A.D. 1780, transl. from the orig. Armenian, by J. Audall, with a Continuation by the Translator to the present Date, folding map and plates, 2 vols, Calcutta, 1827, 8vo, orig. wrappers, 30/ very scarce 133 DULAURIER (E.) Recherches sur la chronologie arménienne technique et historique, Tome I.-Chronologie technique, 1859, 4to, binder's cloth 15/ vellum 141 5/ SCRIPTA MINORA, R. Hercher iterum rec., edenda cur. A. Eberhard, Teub., 1885, cr. 8vo, cloth 3/6 142 ARTEMIDORI Dald. et Achmetis oneirocritica. Astrampsychi et Nicephori versum etiam oneirocritici, N. Rigalti ad Artemid. notae, Lutetiae, C. Morell, 1603, 8vo, old worn calf 6/ 143 ASCENSION OF ISAIAH, transl. from the Ethiopic Version, etc., ed. by R. H. Charles, 1900, cr. 8vo 3/6 "J. B. Bury from the editor" written on half title. 144 ASHBY (T.) The Via Flaminia, plates, Offprint from Journal of Roman Studies, 1921, roy. 8vo, sewn, 66 pp. 2/6 145 ATHEISM. Atheist Silenced (The), or, the Existence of a Deity and his Creation and Government of the World, demonstrated from Reason, etc., with an Appendix touching the most proper Method of Preaching the Gospel among Heathens, by J.M., M. A., Printed for D. Brown, 1672, 12mo, new binder's cloth 146 12/6 WOLSELEY (Sir Charles) The Unreasonableness of Atheism made manifest, in a Discourse, Third Edn., corrected, Printed for Nath. Ponder, 1675, sm. 8vo, old calf 149 10/147 ATHENAEUS, ex rec. G. Dindorfii, 3 vols, Lips., 1827, 8vo, boards 15/148 Rec. G. Kaibel, 3 vols, Teub., 1887, 12mo, neat binder's cloth (M. 46) 30/CASAUBONUS (Isaacus) Animadversionum in Athen. Dipnosophistas, 2. ed. postrema, auth. cura dilig. recog., Lugd., 1621, folio, old calf, torn and cracked at joints 7/6 150 ATKINSON (C.T.) A History of Germany, 1715-1815, with maps and plans, 1908, 8vo, out of print 15/ 151 ATLAS ANTIQUUS, Atlas zur Gesch. des Altertums, 34 kolozierte Karten in Kupferstich, enthaltend 19 Uebersichtsblätter, 94 hist. Karten u. 73 Nebenkarten, entworfen u. bearb. W. Sieglin, 6pts, Gotha, J. Perthes, 1893-1909; folio 152 9/ GARDINER (S. R.) School Atlas of English History, 1892, sm. 4to 153 3/6 HISTORICAL ATLAS of Modern Europe from the Decline of the Roman Empire, comprising also Maps of parts of Asia, Africa and the New World connected with European History, ed. by R. LanePoole, 90 coloured maps, with letterpress. Oxf., 1902, folio 85/5/MUIR (Ramsay) New Historical Atlas for Students, 1911, 8vo 154 6/ 155 ATTALIATA (Michael) Diataxis des von 1077, ein Beitrag z. Gesch. des Klosterwesens im byzantin. Reiche v. W. Nissen, Inaug.-Diss., 1894, 8vo 3/6 25 saec. VI. a. C.) adj. cet. testimoniis 500 a C. antiq. ed. A. Schulten, 1922, 8vo 175 AVITUS (Alcimus Ecdicius, Vienn Episc.) Opera quae supersunt, rec. R Peiper, Monumenta Germaniae hist, vi. ii 1883, 4to 84 156 AUDOLLENT (A.) Defixionum tabellae, 174 AVIENI ora Maritima (Periplus Mas quotquot innotuerunt tam in graecis orientis quam in totius occidentis partibus praeter atticus in Corpore inscript. atticarum | editas, 1904, roy. 8vo 10/6 157 AUGUSTAE historiae scriptores, iterum † rec. adparat. crit. add. H. Peter, 2 vols in 1, Teub., 1884, cr. 8vo, half calf 10/6 158 AUGUSTINUS (S. Aurel.) De civitate Dei, ed. stereotypa Tauchnitii, 2 vols in 1, Lips., 1877, 8vo, cloth 7/6 Confessiones, ex rec. P. Knöll, Teub., 1898, cr. 8vo, cloth 4/6 ANGUS (S.) The Sources of the first Ten Books of Augustine's De civitate Dei, Thesis, Princeton, 1906, 8vo, orig. wrappers 2/6 161 AUGUSTINE (St.) of Canterbury, by Sir H. H. Howorth, with illusts., maps, etc., 1913, 8vo 159 160 10/6 Carries author's presentation inscription. 162 AUGUSTUS (C. J. Caesar Octav.) Res gestae divi Augusti, ex monumentis Ancyrano et Apolloniensi ed. T. Mommsen, acc. tabulae 3, 1865, roy. 8vo, wrappers, repaired 163 7/6 Res gestae divi Augusti, d'après la dernière recension, etc., par C. Peltier, 1886, 8vo, cloth 3/6 164 GARDTHAUSEN (V.) Augustus und seine Zeit, 2 vols, Leipz., 1891, 8vo, binder's cloth, partly out of print and very scarce 165 £5 10/6 176 BABUT (E. C.) Le concile de Turis 148 Interleaved copy, carrying much pencil annotate 178A- 2 NEUGEFUNDENEN LIEDER. Text, Uebersetzung u. Commentar v. H. Jurenka. 180 10% British Museum, ed. by F. G. Kenyon, POEMS, from a Papyrus in the 1897, 8vo 3 181 BACON (Lord) Physical and Metaphysical Works, ed. by J. Devey. Boks, 1879, cr. 8vo 26 Including Advancement of Learning and Nov. Organum. VOGL (S.) Die Physik Roger Bacos (13 Jahr.), Inaug.-Diss., Erlangen, 1906, 8vo, 106 pp., sewn 182 2 183 BAEDAE hist. eccles. gentis Anglorum, 184 28 - SHUCKBURGH (E. S.) Augustus, Life and Times of the Founder of the Roman Empire, B.C. 63-A.D. 14, illusts., Library Edn., 1903, 8vo, out of print 166 AULARD (A.) Etudes et leçons sur la† Notes, by C. Plummer, 2 vols, Oxf., 1996 révolution française, le et 2e series, 2 vols, 1909/1906, cr. 8vo 185 BALKANS (The), a History, by Nevill 167 AULULARIA sive Querolus, Theodosiani Forbes, A. J. Toynbee, D. Mitrany and D. Aevi comoedia Rutilio dedicata ed. R. G. Hogarth, Oxf., 1915, cr. 8vo Peiper, Teub., 1875, cr. 8vo, cloth 186 BALZAC. Contes drolatiques, illustr 168 AURELIANUS, Emperor of Rome. Hoмot de 425 dessins par G. Dore, N.D., 8vo, (L.) Essai sur le règne de l'empereur Aurélien, 270-275, with map, and two plans and numerous illusts. in text, 1904, 8vo 9/169 AURELIUS (S. Vict.) Hist. rom. breviarium, c. notis var., 1670; De vita et moribus Imperatorum rom. excerpta S. Aur. Vict., 1669; 2 vols in 1, with medallion portraits, 8vo, vellum 3/6 170- Scripta historica, ed. F. Schroeter, 2 vols in 1, Lips., 1829, 8vo, boards 6/Carries the bookplates of Otto Jahn and J. E. B. Mayor. 171 ARRIANI Anabasis, rec. C. Abicht, † Teub., 1879, cr. 8vo, cloth 2/6 172 AUSONIUS (D. Magnus) Opuscula, rec. C. Schenkl, adj. est tabula, Monumenta Germaniae hist., v.i., 1883, 4to, cloth 10/173 AUSSARESSES (F.) L'armée byzantine à la fin du VIe siècle, Bordeaux, 1909, roy. 8vo 3/ D'après le Strategicon de l'empereur Maurice. 7/6 Prusse, 1871, 8vo 211 3/6 5/Priloschenia k izsliedowaniju Kanonitscheskij Sbornik XIV. titulor so wtoroi tschetwerti VII. w. do 883 g., St. Petersburg, 1905, 8vo 2/ 192 BARRUEL (l'Abbé) Mémoires pour servir | 208 BENEDETTI (Comte) Ma Mission en a l'histoire du Jacobinisme, 4 vols, Ham31bourg, 1798-99, 8vo, old paper boards 7/6 209 BENEDICTI regula Monachorum, rec. 193 BASILE I., Empereur de Byzance, E. Woelfflin, Teub., 1895, cr. 8vo † 867-886, et la civilisation byzantine à la 210 BENESCHEWITSCH (W. N.) Kanonitsfin du IXe siècle, par A. Vogt, 1908, la. cheskij Sbornik XIV., Titulor so wtoroi 8vo, red cloth tschetwerti VII. wieka do 883 g., St. 194 BASILICORUM libri LX., post Annibalis Petersburg, 1905, roy. 8vo Fabroti curas ope codd. MSS. a G. E. Heimbachio aliisque collat. integ. cum scholiis ed, editos denuo rec., deperd. restituit, translat. lat. et adnot. crit. adj. C. G. E. Heimbach, 7 vols, including Supplementum ed. Ferrini et Mercati, Lips., 1833-97, 4to, quarter cloth 195 BASILIUS (S. P. N., Caes. Capp. Archiep.) Opera omnia, gr. et lat., opera et studio J. Garnier, ed. Paris. altera, emend. et aucta, 3 vols, Paris, Gaume, 1839, roy. 8vo, hf. calf, rubbed, red edges 30/196 BATESON (Mary) Origin and Early History of Double Monasteries, [1902], Svo, sewn £5 2/6 212 Drewne-Slawjanskaja Kormtschaja XIV. titulov bez Tolkowanii, Tom I., byp. I. i. III., 2 pts., St. Peterb., 1906-07, 4to 213 5/ 4/6 Opisanie gretscheskich Rukopisei Monastyrija sw. Ekateriny na Sinaie, Tom. I., S. Peterb., 1911, roy. 8vo 214 BENN (A. W.) The History of English Rationalism in the 19th Century, 2 vols, 1906, 8vo 215 Revaluations, historical and ideal, 1909, cr. 8vo 16/6 3/6 216 BENTHAM (J.) Introd. to the Principles of Morals and Legislation, Oxf., 1879, cr. 8vo 51 217 BENTLEY (R.) Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, with Answer to the Objections of C. Boyle, etc., New Edn., 1817, 8vo, calf, joints weak 4/6 218 BEOWULF, an Anglo-Saxon Poem and, the Fight at Finnsburg, transl. by J. M. Garnett, Boston, U.S. A., 1882, 8vo, hf. calf, rubbed 3/6 unam 198 BAX (E. B.) The Real and Rational and the Alogical, being Suggestions for a Philosophical Reconstruction, 1920, 8vo 5/199 BAYLE (P.) Dictionnaire historique et critique, 3me. [and Best] Edition, revue, corrigée et augm. par l'auteur, 4 vols, Rotterdam, 1720, folio, old calf, joints cracked and lettering-pieces of three Vols. lost 35/200 BEARE (J. I.) Greek Theories of Elementary Cognition from Alcmaeon to Aris- 219 BERCHTOLD (J.) Die Bulle totle, Oxf., 1906, 8vo 10/6 Sanctam; ihre wahre Bedeutung u. Trag201 BEATTY (H. M.) A Brief History of weite f. Staat u. Kirche, 1887, roy. 8vo 2/6 Education, 1922, cr. 8vo 3/220 BERGSON (H.) Essai sur les données With author's presentation inscription and A.L.S. † immédiates de la Conscience, 6e edn., 202 [BECCARIA (Marquis)] An Essay on 1908, 8vo 21Crimes and Punishments, transl. from the Matière et mémoire, essai sur la Italian, with a Commentary attributed to † relation du corps à l'esprit, 5e edn., 1908, Voltaire, 2nd Edn., 1769, 8vo, contemporary 8vo 31calf 10/6 222 L'évolution créatice, 5me edn., 203 BEITRAGE ZUR GESCHICHTE des † 1909, 8vo christlichen Altertums u. d. byzantinischen 223 BERKELEY. Literatur, Festgabe A. Ehrhard darg. v. † Introd. and Notes, by A. C. Fraser, 2nd Freunden, etc., hrsg. v. A. M. Koeniger,† Edn., enlarged, Oxf., 1879, cr. 8vo 4/6 1922, roy. 8vo 224 BERNARD (J. H.) On the Domnach Airgid MS.; On the Stowe St. John; On the Citations from Scripture in the Leabhar Breac, with plate; Royal Irish Acad. Trans., Vol XXX., pts. vii. and viii., 1893, 4to, 22 pp. 2/6 6/ 204 BELISARIUS. MAHON (Lord) The Life of Belisarius, with the folding coloured map, 1829, 8vo, calf gilt 7/6 205 BELLAMY (Edward) Looking Backward, 2000-1887, N.D., cr. 8vo, new binder's cloth 221 225 3/ 3/6 Selections from, with On some fragments of an Uncial MS. of S. Cyril of Alexandria, written on Papyrus, with 4 facsimile plates, Royal Irish Acad. Trans., Vol. XXIX., pt. xviii., 4to, 18 pp. 4/6 226 BERNHEIM (E.) Lehrbuch d. hist. Methode u. d. Geschichtsphilosophie, 3 u 4 Aufl., Leipz., 1903, 8vo, publisher's hf. binding 10/6 LIBRARY EDITION, 1898, 8vo, out of print 15 246 BOECKH (A.) Public Economy of Athens, with a Dissertation on the Stiver Mines of Laurion, transl. by G. C. Lewis, 2nd Edn., 1842, 8vo, calf gilt 5 227 BERTAUX (E.) L'art dans l'Italie 245 BODLEY (J. E. C.) France, 2 vols, méridionale, Tome I.-De la fin de l'empire romain à les conquête de Charles d'Anjou, ouvrage acc. de 404 figures dans le texte, 38 planches hors texte en phototypie et deux tableaux synoptiques, dessins et photogs. de l'auteur, Paris, 1904, 4to, newly and finely bound in hf. crimson levant morocco, orig. parchment wrappers bound in 228 BESCHEWLIEW (W.) Die griechische Sprache in den urbulgarischen Inschriften, 1926, 4to, 48 pp., sewn £2 3/6 229 BESSE (J. M.) Les moines d'Orient 247 BOETHIUS. Theological Tractates, with 249 BOHTLINGK (Otto) Sanskrit-Wörter- Not the anastatic reprint 250 BOIARDO (M. M.) LO'rlando innamorato, c. pref. di P. Rajna, 2 vols. Class. Ital not. Bibl., Milano, N.D., 8vo, cloth 4.6 251 BOLINGBROKE (Rt. Hon. H. St. John. Ld. Visc.) Philosophical Works, published by David Mallet, 5 vols. 1754, 8vo, con30temporary calf Worm-hole in bottom margin of vol i 252 BONIFATIUS (St., Archiep. Morunt) Vitae, ed. P. Jaffé, 1866, 8vo. quarter cloth 253 36 KUHLMANN (B.) Der hl. Bonifatius, Apostel der Deutschen, Paderborn, 1895, cr. 8vo 46 6/236 BIRCH (F.) Mountebanks, a Play, 1925, 8vo 31237 BIRT (T.) Aus dem Leben der Antike,† 2. Aufl., Leipz., 1919, 8vo, paper boards 3/6 238 BISMARCK, the Man and the Statesman, being his Reflections and Reminiscences, written and dictated by himself, transl. under the supervision of A. J. Butler, with 2 portraits and a facsimile, 2 vols, 1898, 8vo 239 21/ BUSCH (M.) Bismarck, some Secret Pages of his History, 3 vols, 1898, 8vo, small damp-stain on back cover of Vol. one 6/ 241 BLANC (L.) Geschichte der zehn Jahre, 24 256 BOOK OF GOVERNORS. The Historia Monastica of Thomas, Bishop of Marga, A.D. 840, ed. by E. A. Wallis Budge, 2 vols, 1893, 8vo, out of print 30. Vol. 1 Syriac Text, Introd., etc.. Vol. 2 Englas Translation. 257 BORGHESI (Bartolomeo) Les préfets da Prétoire, 2 vols, 1897, 4to, orig. wrappers, 262 BREYSIG (K.) Aufgaben und Maszstäbe. einer allgemeinen Geschichtsschreibung. 1900, 8vo 263 7/6 8vo (T.) Die Zeit Karl Martells, 1869 |